Friday 22 January 2021

DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 4: Who Are You? by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 4: Who Are You? by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing effects/other effects/medical procedure/cutting off of finger

Storyline/Sorry if being Batwoman is disturbing your life: be it the storyline or character developments these two components go hand-in-hand and not for good reasons. Generally speaking the storyline is okay, now it is very true I don't know anything about Kate Kane/Batwoman, but is it me or has this live-action TV program been badly written.

I have come to this conclusion based on the facts that every episode so far just seems to drop massive things, so eventually they are just going to run out of things to massively drop which in turn is going to leave the future episodes potentially going through the motions just to get to this season conclusion.

Now Kate Kane is very much coming over as a really unlikable character and this is the nicest way I could put it; let me use all this equipment for my personal use and when Gotham City needs me, I am going to be spending time with my girlfriend. That is another thing her being lesbian feels and looks like it is outdated it isn't funny; look it is now 2019 [when this TV program came out] and newsflash I mean this respectfully no one cares; we don't care if you are lesbian or bisexual or others; you see in 2019 or 2020 it should be a case of person mixed with sexuality and transgender as it has been done with Sarah Lance/Black Canary with her being bisexual [DC's Legends of Tomorrow 2016/Arrowverse] or Alex Danvers being lesbian [DC's Supergirl 2015/Arrowverse] or Nia Nal/Dreamer being transgender [DC's Supergirl 2015/Arrowverse]

Yes just to cover my back I don't care about somebody's sexuality or others; yes that is a part of who they are; but it shouldn't be the only thing that defines her, it makes Kate Kane look and feel like a two dimensional character [if or when you come to watch this TV program; you will at the very least identify with what I am trying to say here, okay you may not agree with it but at minimum you can identify with it and I want to make this crystal clear if it just so happens someone out there in Internet land thinks this; I am not against anyone's sexuality or others, I'm just saying this version of Kate Kane is so outdated and as I have already referenced in this review two examples of how modern sexuality or others should be shown and developed to make three-dimensional characters.]

Magpie Heist: this is what is beginning to irritate me [I mean this in a positive sense,] when this TV program wants to put some effort into things it can be good viewing, good action and good art going hand-in-hand; we have this Margaret Pye/Magpie dropping in from the ceiling on this harness stealing this diamond from this upmarket jewellery shop at the very beginning of this episode.

This episode receives: 4/10, this episode is mixed; Beth Kane/Alice continues to be the ever present [whenever she is seen or heard or anything else on screen] to why you should want to watch this TV program, but I can take or leave everything else.

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