Sunday 25 October 2020

Wasted: WWE Raw Underground 2020 - 2020 by AverageMansReviews

Wasted: WWE Raw Underground 2020 - 2020 by AverageMansReviews

Just a heads up: as everyone should know by now I don't use adult language in my material, but I do use softer versions of what I mean. To begin if you want to hear/read any of my positive ideas about WWE Raw Underground I will leave a link down below to WWE Raw Underground Volume 1, this is where you will find I had a much better vision for this concept known as WWE Raw Underground them the hierarchy of this company ever did and at the time it only took me a short amount of time to develop their idea, so even though I am not going to be positive in this blog there; in WWE Raw Underground Volume 1 I am more positive.

Let's get down to business: well this was of what I've seen and heard a complete train wreck, but then again what does the hierarchy of this company expect with coming up with an idea without a concrete plan to execute it properly, I mean you know what we get; we get RETRIBUTION and that is a separate subject altogether really.

What this company needs to do is stop, just stop coming up with these stupid short-term fix problem solvers and really, I mean really looking into investing into here and now and the future, the only reason that this company should be looking at short-term fixes is when something unforeseen happens and that is it. So when I say investing now and the future this requires you to have a fully functional and in-depth Mid-Card with an United States Championship being highly sought after, including both Men's and Women's Tag Team Divisions in-depth and their respective Championships being highly sought after as well, so what I'm saying here is if these Divisions were put back on the map it would easily fill up three hours of TV programming, consequently the hierarchy wouldn't have to resort to ideas like WWE Raw Underground.

But until this company gets a grip and real vision and stops going from one problem or unthought-through situation to the next; these patch up ideas will become more and more frequent [I call them patch-up ideas, because that is what they basically are; they are patching up a bigger problem or problems underneath.]

I wonder what is next for the third hour of RAW? I have no idea, under its current leadership of Mr. McMahon and his hierarchy, I really have no idea, because to be fair it isn't just the third hour, as I have already referenced to in this blog it really needs investing in and establishing parts of its Card which isn't going to be a quick fix and like it or not the third hour of what I remember back in 2012 from day one [off the top my head I can't remember when I stopped watching RAW full-time; you know must see every week; nope I can't remember, but never mind. The third hour was slowly becoming more and more and more problematic as it was and by the sounds and looks of it; it is still very much dying on its posterior.

But they won't get rid of it because of the money aspect, so they have very much backed themselves into a corner, well the only things I have left to say is; this is a cautionary tale of what happens when you don't move with the times and keep looking at yesterday and today, instead of glancing back at yesterday, but focus on today and work hard for tomorrow, I am so happy I don’t have to clear up this complete shower of diarrhea and please remember to check out the link just below if you wanted me to be positive/it had potential only if they took it seriously and got behind this experiment known as WWE Raw Underground.]

WWE Raw Underground Volume 1 Link


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