Monday 26 October 2020

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures [Season 1,] Episode 7: A Black Night in San Dimas by AverageMansReviews

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures [Season 1,] Episode 7: A Black Night in San Dimas by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing effects/other effects

Telephone Booth tracker: the Telephone Booth tracker, some of these journeys we don't see and an educated guess; so let's begin San Dimas, California, USA The Present to Palestina, Israel -1129 The Crusades to Duke's Castle, Medieval England - Unknown year, yes we have The Black Knight from The Crusades but it is going to take him some time to get from The Crusades on horseback/other means so more than likely it could have been a different year on his return to England especially with what I have just found out so I went with Unknown to San Dimas, California, USA The Present we don't see this we are there to Tombstone, Arizona -1881 to San Dimas, California, USA The Present to Duke's Castle, Medieval England - Unknown to San Dimas, California, USA.

Princess Joanna and Princess Elizabeth: these two ladies are Bill & Ted's long-term girlfriends; you will meet these women in the live-action film trilogy; it was good to see them in this animated TV program; so I couldn't leave them out of at least a review [just in case we don't see them again and yes for the second and third instalment they just use their first names minus the Princess or Princesses titles.

Jesters: Bill & Ted dress up as these two jesters they perform these tricks for this Duke in his Castle as entertainment whilst he is eating in this Great Hall but throughout their performance Bill & Ted screwed things up which eventually irritates this Black Knight; but at least the Duke finds it funny even when three-tier cake lands on his head [over him to be more precise;] this is a good sequence of comedy.

Bloopers: Bill's voice comes out of Ted's mouth in  Palestina, Israel -1129 when the Black Knight steals this silver chalice and heads out of this hole which he made coming in Saladin the Sultan of Egypt's big tent and then Medieval England the Duke's Castle, but this Duke is not a Duke he is a King, because he wears a crown and has two Princesses  Daughters and yes I did think that the King  and his Princess Daughters could have came for a visit which could make the Black Knight the Duke may be, I should point out I do feel like I am stretching here and I could be completely wrong here I knew very little about this kind of thing, I even had to go and do some research if Duke's wore crowns and with a drop of research I am leaning towards a no, so I'm just going to go with what I originally said about this blooper [I know I think too much, but I do try to make sure at the time of the blog/review going up is correct to the best of my abilities, it is slightly different when it is a developing situation, because the circumstances may have changed but that is enough of me talking.]

This episode receives: 7/10, this episode is good; our time with Bill and Ted in this episode, there is something around each corner to entertain the viewers.

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