Tuesday 4 August 2020

WWE Raw Underground Volume 1 by AverageMansReviews

WWE Raw Underground Volume 1 by AverageMansReviews

Just a quick heads-up: I have only seen bits and pieces of this from someone else's material and I have entitled this blog Volume 1, just in case if I want to do a follow-up but it is not necessarily a guaranteed thing.

It just depends on how serious they want to take this?: Because there is potential here; but it needs time, a long-term plan with imagination behind it and treated seriously [basically everything that you don't associate with the Main Rosters.]

Give it to me and I will sort it out: first things I would change Bye Shane and those half naked women dancer. Hello The Gatekeeper [underground businessman type; he was known as The Bogeyman;] yes you can still have Lashley, Benjamin and MVP as his Generals on the ground.

But The Gatekeeper has links/dealings with the other Brands so for example he could say to MVP "Find me three fighters that want to fight tonight and the winner will receive the opportunity to be in the first match of SummerSlam." or something a little bit more grander like set up a 16-man tournament to crown the first-ever King of the Underground; winner to receive the number 30 in the Men's Royal Rumble [a yearly tournament.]

Another occasion it could be Lashley and The Gatekeeper "We have some new meat tonight, they have been sent to us because they have been irritating people over there on SmackDown and I have them for three matches down here under the specific instructions to make them feel right at home down here, do you understand me?" Lashley nods with a smile on his face The Gatekeeper says "I will leave that in your capable hands then."

Rename the 24/7 Championship the Underground Championship which can only be defended on at pay-per-views and one of her occasion but for now let's just stick with the pay-per-views [hijack a match slot from the pay-per-view in question take control of the live feed for a match;] so basically the WWE could falsely advertise something as they do, but there is now a positive purpose for them to falsely advertise a match or something to cover up this; so at least when they falsely advertise something your Universe will now get something in return or have some interrupt an ongoing match to bring you this Championship match instead [which could build a. feud between a character/performer and the Underground or something like that On a quick side note I really, really want to incorporate a woman's version and a tornado tag team versions of Championships, but for now let's just stick with the men's.

So I will now bring up that one of other occasion I want the third hour of Raw to be Raw Underground where anyone could show up there are no Brand restrictions, if a feud anywhere in the WWE Universe needs an hard-core match or an unsanctioned match or anything like this it takes place down here or if it is a street fight match they begin here and this is where the Underground Championship will be defended [with one technicality you are stuck here until you have lost the Championship or any other future Championships.]

Yes what I am suggesting here is Raw to go back to two hours long, which would stop the back to Raw, they were cheap and tacky I would get Foley to try and keep up with the action [setting up somewhere high with a headset on] or other hard-core ex-wrestlers; in reality you are still using the third hour but just for a different kind of Raw.

I mean in theory in this blog I have built up this Brand it has its own identity but also integrates with the other Brands within this Universe. But now I have to leave this blog on a sour note; it is all good and well me put in these good ideas down [I mean this Brand could make their own characters/performers or rebuild other characters/performers as well.] But I digress this blog could be a complete waste of time if the WWE has this similar outlook to mine [they don't have to use any of my ideas.]

But I am simply talking about long-term vision, long-term backing, long-term anything, yes for those wrestling fans out there in Internet land that are of a certain age, I know this company doesn't do long-term I mean the longest they could do is roughly the same time as it takes for Mr. McMahon to go and come back from the bathroom that is their version of long-term planning or booking [minus NXT because he isn't in control of that.] But in all seriousness I know I am negative about the majority of this company, but I will go on record now and say "I really, really, really, really don't want to be back here in roughly under or over a month’s time saying at least one of these two things "Well they are screwing up this golden opportunity! Or well they screwed up that golden opportunity didn't they!"

I honestly want the WWE to prove me wrong, I mean deep down generally speaking the only reason I am highly critical of this company is because everybody knows they have ridiculous money and resources to put on a much, much, much, much, much [I think you get the point] superior product than what we have been for roughly the past two decades plus 7 months roughly, but they have just been lazy and short-sighted which leads me to think this golden opportunity could just be another short-term fix to get the TV ratings up if it works, but if it doesn't back to the drawing board they will go.

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