Saturday 8 August 2020

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 23 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 23 by AverageMansReview

Just a heads up: as usual there is no adult language in this blog, but I have my ways around that.

WWE: you released all those people from all those contracts to save money, which you didn't need to do in the first place especially in this economical situation, but then you go and hire a new President & Chief Revenue Officer in Nick Khan; which in simple terminology his contract is dollar signs in the eyes pretty, this is just another example of why I have grown to strongly despise this company.

So that was a waste of a repackaging for Liv Morgan now most of The Riot Squad are reunited minus Sarah Logan [retired now] and Morgan looks out of place with her current persona [which I have no idea what it is meant to be.] Yes I know why they probably reunited The Riot Squad in the first place; well it is down to two reasons really; they didn't have anything for Riot or Morgan separately to do and they needed a tag team to feud with The IIconics so there we go.

I have this great idea to rectify Raw's poor TV ratings, forget the wrestling product and just do the behind the scenes madness of putting Raw and SmackDown together, because as I have just highlighted of what I've heard it is just becoming more and more madness which could translate into massive TV ratings and these are my opinions of WWE Raw Underground; WWE Raw Underground Volume 1 Link

All Elite Wrestling: I am not going to lie there will be something somewhere in this section that will irritate someone somewhere; I will not be as laid back as I usually am; you have been warned.

So let me get this right this company offer something new, something fresh, something modern and something inclusive to all and the first major signs of somethings you don't like; some of you out there take your AJ Style crying tablets! Question; how the hell are AEW going to do what the WWE has done in about less than two years [when this was being first dictated,] short answer they have no chance in hell!

So why are a section of the wrestling universe fan base getting on either Cody or Brandi Rhodes' back so what AEW have been around over one year in wrestling time that is absolutely nothing! No disrespect intended to this company but it is nothing when the WWE has been around for decades upon decades, upon decades! In fact the Rhodes family have done so much for the WWE that is how long the WWE has been around the Rhodes family name [and many other family names in the world of professional wrestling] are intertwined at the roots of the WWE.

So what; so far we haven't seen a females match headlining! Really so what as far as I can tell this is just speculation, but based on my viewing experience they are trying to build the men and women rosters with depth, talent, hunger and many other positives. The best analogy I could give you is this is what we do in soccer [if you want to run a club properly;] get young talent with these positives which I have just discussed and build them up with a few established or veterans, hopefully if this is done correctly it should keep the outgoing finance manageable and as long as you keep now and again getting young or established or veterans that want to come for a decent contract, you can establish the next generations so when it comes to changing of the guard, it should be a gradual rotation down the line, so on hand we don't get another WCW situation and on the other hand we don't have the everlasting WWE situation where we have someone mentioning no names [coughing Mr. Vincent Kennedy .......... Kennedy! McMahon] reluctance to establish a consistent conveyor belt of talent, which he could very easily do this with NXT, but what AEW are trying to achieve at first it requires a lot of time and effort to put this into place.

May I just remind you short minded people out there that so far AEW has never ever put a woman in a sexual match [for an example a bra and panties match] or if you find that example a little bit dated how about quite recently selling out their women's female roster on SmackDown with the Karaoke Showdown and I get this feeling they never will because it is all about wrestling, these women are seen as wrestlers for their they wrestle.

Moving on so what they want to do this Heel thing online, I will not be purchasing it; because of little I know about it; it doesn't interest me or if it did I am very tight with my money [in the world of professional wrestling you can never say never, just in case I change my mind at some point in the future,] but you don't see me acting like Styles every time he thinks about Paul Heyman [Styles bills for the amount of tissues he is/ has been going through lately must be astronomical by now.]

So as it relates to this entire situation with Brandi and Cody Rhodes what do people want? This company are inclusive they make their fans feel wanted and apart of their family; so we should give them the same in return, unlike the WWE which actively does the opposite continuously; If you're not going to be grown-up and realize that AEW have the best intentions of doing these things, but at the moment as it relates to this global situation or if the global situation wasn't here meaning it is just going to take time, you're just going to hold them to account every step of the way and be a complete massive donkey diarrhea pile about it here is a suggestion you can go back to the WWE and join Styles' crying circle I am sure there are plenty of spaces to go around the world hold on don't tell Styles the world is round he may start crying again, but at least it won't be over Heyman this time; for me we can only know about AEW in roughly 12 years time as it relates to being stable and progressive, but from my perspective as long as they keep moving forward at any speed, I will be at minimum okay with that, I may get a little bit funny around the decade mark if there isn't much progression on the women's front, I still wouldn't act it out towards Brandi or Cody Rhodes or anyone else connected to AEW, I may just be more critical; this is not a deadline I'm just saying we will see how it is at that point.

I mean I've heard they are holding back on some things, because of this global situation and to give these moments a reaction which they deserve in front of a live crowd, so you cannot blame them for that and speaking from a TV ratings perspective/common sense because I know nothing about TV ratings it would be a wise move to wait for a live crowd to get a pay-off in these situations.

Now it is very true I haven't seen any of the abuse as it relates to Brandi Rhodes on Twitter, I have seen a smidgen whilst watching someone else's material as it relates to Cody Rhodes and somebody else, but Pipe Bomb [I mean this in a wrestling sense.]

Don't talk about these following hash tags if you're just going to ignore them when it suits you; #BlackLivesMatter, #SpeakingOut, #BeKind and #NaomiDeservesBetter; if you are struggling/jumping to conclusions with the comparison between Brandi and Naomi; to cover my back, both of these women are working very hard; so if one deserves better the other deserves better as well; yes I am one of those kind of people that when it is possible and appropriate I think across the board as a whole, regardless of different wrestling companies. But the thing is what irritates me beyond belief is the wrestling universe was asking/screaming out for change and now we have it, there are a section of the wrestling universe trying to leave massive donkey piles of diarrhea all over it! Yes I would have used much stronger language, but I am prohibited not to do so [I began with that rule many years ago so I have stuck to it,] but this entire situation has very much irritating me and I have a very short fuse!

Before I made this statement I just wanted to go and make sure [and this is not a good thing I just didn't want to be incorrect,] so Brandi Rhodes has officially deactivated her account on Twitter [when this blog was first dictated] and I did see one or two unpleasant comments [full disclosure I wasn't paying attention,] because I am the kind of person as I have made reference to when it is appropriate I am disabled with a mental health illness on top, so I have learned to deal with it or ignore it or I have a very hard skin. So even though I haven't done anything wrong I would like to send an apology to Brandi and Cody Rhodes for this entire situation. Yes we all expect some level of criticism on some level [I'm not condoning it I'm just being level-headed,] but not a complete tornado of it so apologies and hopefully stepping away from Twitter Brandy Rhodes will feel better in herself soon [I should just point out this is speculation on my part two why she stepped away from Twitter, but in my defence it is a good educated guess.]

But at some point in the future Brandi; you should come back on Twitter and just don't listen to the highly negative people, they clearly have nothing better to do than criticize people that work very hard to provide an excellent wrestling product especially in these difficult times; which has space to grow over a long period of time.

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