Friday 7 August 2020

BASEketball 1998 by AverageMansReviews

BASEketball 1998 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flash photography/flashing effects/medical procedure/child exploitation/animal cruelty/simulation of suicide.

Storyline: on both counts the storyline and the pacing of this film is good; I mean it knows what it is doing from beginning to end and it sticks to it.

Comedy/Action/Art: the comedy and the action go hand-in-hand in this project, there are also individual comedy elements as well. So straight off the bat I have deliberately chosen the comedy elements/action or just the comedy elements which are safe to put in this review [a selection which I can give you a rough description of,] because the comedy level ranges between mature to adult.

So in this sport game known as BASEketball, the defending team player has to Psych Out, the opposing player to make sure they miss their shot; for an example  Cooper/Parker decides to take off this piece of foil from its roll and chew on it or for another example we have Remer/Stone pressing play on this player with this really slow story narration which Remer/Stone goes up alongside holding up this player which slowly but surely puts this opposition player to sleep [Remer/Stone is holding this player ongoing narration in one hand and in the other hand he is holding this pillow.]

Here are two examples of the comedy on its own merit; in short we have this supporting character/performer in Scolari/Dian that's inside this Hot Tub [in the background to this news report] with the effects of someone must have pulled the plug and the consequences of that. Then we have The Jerry Springer Show Drinking Game; the rule is every time there is a fight on this TV program these characters/performers drink theirs shot.

Art: there is music provided by the band Reel Big Fish and there are fireworks in this film.

Characters/Performers: on both counts they are good; likewise there is good on-screen chemistry with everyone involved.

This film receives: 8/10, this film is excellent; this film is a laugh, but I now have to be sensible and say at minimum you are not going to like this film or just take it for what it is; which is not a serious sports film.

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