Friday 28 February 2020

Wasted: Ricochet vs. the WWE Champion Brock Lesnar at WWE Super ShowDown By AverageMansReviews

Wasted: Ricochet vs. the WWE Champion Brock Lesnar at WWE Super ShowDown By AverageMansReviews

Just a heads up: this is one of those occasions where I need to point out I don't use any adult language in my blogs but I can guarantee you when I watched this match there was so, so, so much adult language being used.

Seriously WWE what was the point of booking this match??!! I am so unbelievably angry because it was a complete waste of time, I mean we all knew Lesnar was going to win because we weren't buying into Ricochet as a real threat to Lesnar's reign [I should just point out I mean this as no disrespect to Ricochet,] as I had previously stated in a previous blog [In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Super ShowDown] I will leave the link down below that Ricochet was going to lose, because you are already advertising Drew McIntyre vs. the WWE Champion Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 36 on your own website anyway, I know what I am about to say is Heyman's on TV persona/character so he was going to say these things anyway, but in short he was telling the audience and the people at home the match for the WrestleMania 36 pay-per-view.

So keeping in mind all what I have just said in the previous paragraph and I know I have said this already but what was the point of booking this match? If you are making it 100% transparent Lesnar is going to win here and not only that Ricochet absolutely gets buried and I am not talking about just a normal burial in a wrestling sense, I mean if you could bury people on the Earth and by doing this they would be sent up to the Moon by the end of it that would cover how much Lesnar buried Ricochet in this match, talk about overkill.

I mean getting buried is never good and I do like Rusev, he is very talented but if the WWE and Rusev are having contract issues; time running out, removed from this pay-per-view card; The first-ever Tuwaiq Trophy Gauntlet Match/heading for the WWE exit door and they want to bury somebody, like I have just said I do like Rusev but why didn't they have him in this match against Lesnar to begin with, let's be honest this company has been of what I know they have been burying him anyway, so at this point a little bit more burying him, isn't going to make much difference, so why not get him to take the loss, make it possible that he could win in the build-up to this match [I know/we know he isn't going to win] but give it this feel of Clash of the Titans to it, have a good match with Lesnar at the same time or at least something better than what we saw here and consequently it may have gotten more people to watch this pay-per-view [I am just speaking from the perspective of my idea would have been much more appealing, I have no idea about the figures for this pay-per-view.] I mean the WWE could have taken the option to write him off screen after this match or not depending on the situation behind the scenes.

Where does Ricochet go from here?: Well first things first Rusev needs to take a Space Rocket up to the Moon to dig out Ricochet; don't forget your shovel Rusev come back to Earth and get a taxi and head for Nashville to a wrestling company that goes by the initials AEW, because this company will treat these two individuals much better than the WWE.

But seriously I don't know where Ricochet goes from here, because it wasn't just a loss, it wasn't just being buried let me put it this way this match went on for 90 seconds, his credibility on the Main Roster well what credibility? He has none and it isn't his fault, isn't that right? Mr. McMahon as long as you keep collecting the money from this highly controversial business arrangement that is all what matters; isn't it. Forget selling Ricochet down the river to give Ricochet any credibility they will either turn him Heel or Repackage him, they can't even give him a Championship to rebuild him that way because his first Championship reign [the United States Championship] was so short.

So great work WWE sell out one of your present and future stars for your present bounty hunter to shoot down and yes I know Ricochet was never going to win this match in the first place, but here is a wonderful, great idea and it just took me no time at all to think about it. How about you don't book these types of matches in the first place WWE? Having a squash match for one of your Brand main Championships, it is just disrespectful to everyone involved and just for the record I don't care about some of the performers not willing to work in this part of the world, if I was a wrestler I wouldn't either but you have more than enough resources to put on a better match, just off the top of my head they could have had Rey Mysterio vs. the WWE Champion Brock Lesnar in a rematch from Survivor Series 2019 [just have Ricochet and Mysterio switch places on this card, I have just learned about the beat down that Rey Mysterio received backstage before his entrance into The first-ever Tuwaiq Trophy Gauntlet Match from Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows so just let Ricochet take it instead he has a history with The O.C, the more I think about this the more it makes sense.] I know Mysterio wasn't originally meant to be at this pay-per-view, but work with me here, Mysterio and Lesnar as I have already pointed out have recent history so it wouldn't have taken too much to continue it and get a good match out of it, I mean it just took me once again no time at all to think of a solidly good match for one of the Main Event slots [and just to cover my back I don't care about the Brand-Split if it is still a thing or not,] I mean if you're keeping score that is now two characters/performers I have put forward that would have been much better than this match here.

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Super ShowDown Link

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