Monday 2 March 2020

Trauma Center 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Trauma Center 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, background music, cultural elements, quick moving effects, no subtitles when another language is being used, mental imagery, quick moving effects, time jumps and place jumps.

Movement; it is tiresome.

Storyline/Back stories: the idea for the storyline in theory is good, but seeing it in reality is a completely different story; boring as hell, but as you will see reading this review it could be these components individually or working off one another that makes this film insufferable, in the opening section this film gets put into two different narratives which merge, this film also goes full circle as well and just to finish it off we get a question mark style ending for an ending [ending credits begin] which leaves these questions; What happened next? Did our lead female character learn anything from this experience? Did these two family members have a stronger bond after this? Why did Willis sign-up to do this film?

Back stories; they either get discussed in the dialogue exchanges or we get to see them via mental imagery.

Action sequences/Comedy level/Artistic visions: there are some small moments when these two components work off one another, our lead female character/performer is quickly trying to get these paddles from this resuscitating machine on the handle of the door to shock the person on the other side [something like Kevin McAllister would do] or waving at a bad guy character/performer as the elevator lift door is closing and he is rushing to get in, but doesn't make it.

Individually the action sequences are weapons being used, combat, chasing and there is a good double team between our lead female character/performer and her family member which this is good. Likewise individually the comedy level there is a small piece in a dialogue exchange and we have this Janitor character being terrified of our lead female character/performer.

Artistic visions; now there is one action sequence that involves artistic visions; it is where our lead female character/performer is trying to open this locked door with these tools and throughout this sequence we go back and forth between her trying to open this door and the locking mechanism inside; this was on reflection imaginative.

Character developments/Performances: on both counts these are poor, I mean these characters/performers follow there character types and consequently the chemistry/friction follows that as well, so generally speaking it is generic, there are scenes of chemistry/friction yes depending where you are; is depending what you get but that is about it [it is difficult to describe, but if you watch this project you will feel what I mean but I should point this out for an example the Sisters; the character developments are generic, but these two characters/performers do get better every time they are either heard or seen on screen.

Blooper: now there are floors of this hospital on lockdown, but the Janitor is listening to music via this headset doing his work, so shouldn't someone have told him or telephoned him to say "Look we have this situation, we will pay you for today but don't come in to work."

This film receives: 1/10, if there are any Bruce Willis fans out there in Internet land; he is far, far from a permanent fixture in this project, so I have no idea why they would put his name at the top of the cast list [I could give you a possible explanation and just to cover my back this is speculation and an opinion, but his name sells films I mean the only reason that the person and I watched this film was Bruce Willis's name was attached to it.] So I will finish off by saying the only reasons I would ever watch this film again is if somehow I lost this review or if my date of the time wanted to watch it, but other than that no thank you.

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