Thursday 14 November 2019

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 12 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 12 by AverageMansReview

WWE: here we are again WWE, I am so past being angry with this company and yes I do try to keep balanced as it relates to this company, but let's just say they don't make it easy.

To begin with let us begin on a positive we had the first-ever women's match in Saudi Arabia, so that is groundbreaking well done to this company for achieving this and let's hope they can continue this.

But with that being said I have this question, why did you let Cain Velasquez wrestle or fight at Crown Jewel 2019, when he was in the shape he was? I mean I already know the answer anyway; money, but this was his debut and to protect him you had to squash him which in comparison as this goes for debut's this is Shock Master level of a debut.

Moving on I don't care if Mr. McMahon leaves roughly when the last match begins, he can do that at any other time but not in this part of the world, just based on common sense the WWE are going into a controversial part of the world which has the potential to go south at any time, he should be more like "Okay I want you to focus on being aware of where you are, do the meet and greets or the media things and wrestle and I will take care of everything else, instead of leaving them behind in an unhappy situation because you decided to screw with televising this pay-per-view in this country because of money.

You know what I would have done, I would have made sure I would have gotten everyone home first, because I am a figurehead of this company and taken care of people that work under me and then I would have said to Saudi Arabia we are not coming back until you have paid us up-to-date, if you haven't guessed yet I don't believe there was problems with the plane.

Rollins; I am getting so fed up with this individual [just for the record yes I am talking about outside of the ring.] I am wondering how is this individual still "the guy" I mean I have never had a problem with  Reigns outside of the ring [just inside the ring how he was continuously being pushed down our throats, before his time away from the ring and wrestling business on medical grounds.] But Rollins continuously makes this company look bad whenever he opens his mouth or types anything into social media on top of that we have Graves putting in his 2P worth on this situation of Crown Jewel 2019 as well and all I have to say about this is this; of course Graves wouldn't bite the hand that feeds him.

Oh Sin Cara; you have made a huge mistake publicly announcing on social media you have asked for your release, I mean just go and ask Luke Harper how that worked out for him, this isn't really a surprise but Sin Cara's release has not been granted.

So CM Punk works for Fox now on the TV program WWE Backstage, but not full-time, that is all I have to say about that.

All Elite Wrestling: now there is only one place I could really begin, does anyone else remember when Jon Moxley was injured what did AEW do, that is right they did the right thing and pulled him out of his match at AEW All Out 2019 against Kenny Omega, so all I am saying here is maybe the WWE could learn something from this company; get the hint.

AEW just need to keep going the way they are going really; they have done everything strategically correct in their company, such as putting their championships on established characters/performers to establish their Championships and to give them credibility [yes I didn't know anything about Scorpio Sky before AEW] or it seems to me this is just speculation but they have gone for the investment route with Riho being the first-ever AEW Woman's Champion [yes likewise I didn't know anything about Riho before AEW,] where the investment route comes into it is yes she can wrestle, but she is also young in her early 20's as of this blog, so they can build her up and build this division not specifically around her, but she will be around this division for many years to come, because in fairness and balance as things are right now in this company they are beginning to thrive, so yes these individuals are holding these Championships, but it will take everyone to establish their divisions and this company which they all are giving everything they have which sometimes leads to them giving blood be it accidental or not which you cannot ask for more than that.

They could do with two more Championships some time in the future; one being a mid-card Championship and call it the AEW United Championship, so it is a mid-card yes, but it is open to everyone so sometimes it could be men vs. men or men vs. women or women vs. women in these matches. I am not a gatekeeper, but I do think a mid-card Championship holds a great purpose, not only is it another Championship to go for, but it also builds up characters/performers for the future.

I mean once again does anyone else remember when individually the Intercontinental Championship or the United States Championship fulfilled this purpose, so I don't see why it couldn't work for AEW with this new Championship and the second Championship I have in mind is an obvious choice the AEW Women's Tag Team Championship, because I want to see it and it covers all the bases as it relates to AEW Championships, I mean I don't like too many Championships but covering your bases is absolutely fine and if these came into being or something to this effect I feel it would be the right number for Championships in this wrestling company which would be 5 or 6 if they wanted to have two mid-card Championships one for the men and one for the women, but I would prefer my idea of the AEW United Championship, just because it brings many options to the table, but 5 or 6 but no more after this and they can still have these records/ranking system in place, because I like them and they bring great value to the all round product.

I have said quite a lot about my next section in another blog [In-depth Predictions/Other elements for AEW Full Gear 2019,] but I will leave a shorter version here it tells me a lot when the higher-ups of this company that are professional wrestlers that put over other performers/characters in giving them the W. or even in the loss making them look good, so basically looking at the bigger picture before putting themselves first unlike the WWE or back in the day TNA [not Impact Wrestling.]

Now there was a problem/incident between Jimmy Havoc and Excalibur, but this situation was quickly sorted out by them discussing it, so even when this company has some bad press heading their way, it gets played down and it is quickly dealt with, with no heat backstage maybe the WWE could learn something else from this company.

[Yes I do watch other peoples material to do some research, I'm just saying this because if you have been with me long enough, you should know by now I don't like taking credit for other peoples material, so I will mention this at some point or another in these blogs.]

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for AEW Full Gear 2019 Link

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