Saturday 16 November 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 53: Fowl Play by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 53: Fowl Play by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is lots of fun

5 things about this episode

Back stories/Moral messages/Storyline: the back story on this monster comes to the viewers from this news report on TV, over Zack's wrist communicator with Zordon giving some information, The Power Rangers [in their civilian attire] looking at the Viewing Globe with Zordon giving more information, Tommy gets mentioned in some dialogue in this episode as well to keep him connected as it relates to the bigger picture and moving on to the moral message is basically "If you are stuck use your brain" and the second one is as a young character/performer says  something roughly like this;“The Black Power Ranger used his head before using his fists.”

The storyline; Zack and Zack/The Black Power Ranger gets a narrative for this episode he does join up with The other Power Rangers [in their civilian attire] or as The Power Rangers and then breaks off again

Action sequences: they are all impactful in one way or another, but I will not discuss every single one, so I may as well talk about one element in some detail, such as when this monster uses his wings to create this powerful force that it lifts Jason/The Red Power Ranger and Billy/The Blue Power Ranger off their feet and sends them flying backwards in the air, then this monster decides to do this combination attack, you see whilst this is happening he shoots out two of these missiles out of his open beak.

Comedy level: this element of this episode is a contributing effort, meaning it isn't just Bulk & Skull there is something for you to look out for; Ernie almost chokes on his drink after hearing Zack say something and after almost choking on his drink Ernie says a comment and leave the situation.

This episode receives: 10/10, from beginning to end this episode has lots to offer its viewers

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