Wednesday 13 November 2019

The Shining 1980 by AverageMansReviews

The Shining 1980 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is top-notch entertainment

Fundamental elements: there are a number and words on screen, voice-over elements, background music, mental imagery, slow-motion effects, time jumps and place jumps.

The background music is very noticeable [I am not going to criticize this,] because this film comes from the time where the background music generally speaking is designed to build the illusion that something may or may not be coming around the corner or something to this effect. The movement of this title is slow but also purposeful [I will discuss this more later on in the character developments/performances section,] but in fairness and balance this film does have an excellent balance of being sectioned off by for an example a number or words on screen like "The Interview" and things like this to keep the film moving and in hindsight focus on specific things at specific points as well.

Back stories/Storyline: the Back stories get discussed at points in this film, the storyline; we have narratives where we have a different character/performer or different characters/performers doing different things. They do crossover into other narratives at different points or the more you get to the later stages they merge altogether, I know I usually criticize films that have a question mark style ending for an ending such as what happened next? But as this film is strange it makes sense to have a strange ending.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: there are weapons being used, throwing darts and chasing. This project has a legendary scene in the film industry; I don't have much to say about it other than this "Here's Johnny." Moving on to the artistic visions the landscapes and any version of this maze, be it a map or a table version [it is where we have our main character/performer looking down at this maze [we get transported to another scene via this; to join up with the other two characters/performers] and this maze with or without snow and there are other artistic visions as well.

Character developments/Performances: now because these three characters/performers spend a long time in this one location, our lead role gradually but surely loses his mind and like I said earlier in this review I would discuss the movement here, so here we are; the movement is also designed for its viewers to experience some of what our lead role feels and goes through as he goes through this metamorphosis and as it relates to our youngest character/performer you would be thinking that either Charles Xavier [a.k.a. Prof. X.] or Erik Lehnsherr [a.k.a. Magneto] would be interested to meet this individual or at the very least keep an eye on this individual, but back to this film this young character loses it a bit as well and then we have this wife/mother character that is just trying to keep things altogether and later on protect her son.

There is chemistry/friction [depending where you are; it is depending what you get.] The performances of this cast are all good [minus one character/performer.] Now speaking of this one character/performer it brings me onto Nicholson; he puts in one of those performances that throughout the rest of your career or when you are no longer here people will remember you for it; as he goes from his regular self to slightly angry to teetering towards madness to all-out madness with passion, but here is the scary thing he makes it look so easy and natural with knowing how and when to change gears or the drive to achieve what has been laid down before him and no I am not talking about him writing his book, as you will see and experience throughout this project.

This film receives: 10/10, this is one of those films that you need to see one's in your lifetime. [On a quick side note if you wanted to watch a brief interpretation of this project, you could always watch the music video "Spit It Out" by Slipknot released in 1999.] This feels like one of those moments where I should dictate a disclaimer, this music video has adult contents in one way or another throughout, I will not be held responsible for anyone watching this video.

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