Monday 15 July 2019

Wasted: Brock Lesnar's Money In The Bank Briefcase Cash in on Seth Rollins to become the new Universal Champion at Extreme Rules 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Wasted: Brock Lesnar's Money In The Bank Briefcase Cash in on Seth Rollins to become the new Universal Champion at Extreme Rules 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Just a heads up on two things: I will put at the bottom of this blog Wasted: The Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match 2019, because that was then and this blog is now and the second thing is; the only thing stopping me from telling you my unfiltered opinions is the fact I don't use any adult references in my blogs, but as you will see or read I am smart enough to work around that technicality.

Where to start: well that was donkey diarrhea, so what you're telling me is they couldn't wait until SummerSlam or Survivor Series 2019 or the Royal Rumble or WrestleMania 2020 to put the Universal Championship back on Lesnar for a third time, where it would have been of greater value to this company instead of doing it on a nothing pay-per-view [in comparison the other pay-per-views I have just listed.]

Yes I was not very happy in the first place he won this opportunity, especially when they were talking about making a new star and not forgetting the little technicality, he wasn't in the match to begin with but based on here and now if the hierarchy had said to me "Make this situation work in a positive fashion for us" I would have suggested these four pay-per-views or really something out of left field and suggest wait for the UK Tour and do it in England.

Before I continue I should point out that the next section, well this is based on speculation mixed in with some evidence and I will show you that evidence. But no they had to do it on this pay-per-view at this time on this weekend, so they had to try to outshine AEW Fight For The Fallen 2019; really was this really necessary?! Any other time I would say business is business, but this was a charity event and like I said I would show you evidence of what I mean Shinsuke Nakamura becomes the new Intercontinental Champion, Kevin Owens defeats Dolph Ziggler and Brock Lesnar is the new Universal Champion and I really couldn't care less that Heyman gave this promo about his client cashing it in something or other I didn't watch it but I know of it previously on RAW. On the WWE side of things this shows a lack of class and before I receive any form of feedback be it positive or negative or anything other I just want to point out a keyword here "Charity."

What I find sarcastically funny is the fact that from out of nowhere Shinsuke Nakamura is the new Intercontinental Champion which I am for here and now conflicted to happy about [this may be a separate Wasted entry because briefly I am aware that there has been little bits and a match before this one,] but I am less than happy of how Bálor and Nakamura have been treated individually over recent times.

Kevin Owens defeats Dolph Ziggler; why bother wasting the air time on this match just have Owens' cut a promo [or in hindsight give make EC3 vs. Owens, without it being a squash match for EC3,] whatever happened to EC3? I want to see this character/performer and what he can do or bring to the table as an on-screen character

This is why I find things sarcastically funny; this company can book these two matches, but they cannot book a WWE Women's Tag Team Champions Match between The Kabuki Warriors and the Champion's The IIconics so in short I would have pulled these two matches as they or my other suggestion and booked this one, because I strongly despise how these Championships have been treated, it is disgusting and far away from what we were promised from the hierarchy of this company; I really don't like how these three Tag Team Championships have been treated but the Woman's especially.

But back on to what I was originally talking about I can't believe [well I can believe it this is the WWE for you,] we are here again where Lesnar is the Universal Champion. I'm pretty sure that this company has a mental block [and this is me being professional] when it comes to Lesnar and this Championship, I mean if it isn't going to work the first time or the second time what makes them think it is going to work a third time [on his standard contract] and yes I saw it coming but it is still dog diarrhea and the prospect of Rollins vs. Lesnar at SummerSlam is not that appealing, because we have already been here.

The thing is I can now see the next months TV programming for the red brand [once again this is just speculation,] but there is going to be friction between Lesnar, Rollins and now Rollins and Lynch.

On top of that is Stephanie McMahon going to have words with Lesnar and Heyman about Lesnar's conduct with the briefcase based on her public address on their own website that basically said "She and the board are not happy with Lesnar's conduct and are talking about it" or are they just hoping we forget about it.

In theory we shouldn't be getting Evans vs. Lynch anymore for the Raw Woman's Championship [based on the stipulation if the Champion's retained against these challengers cannot challenge for these Championships, until the Champion's have lost their Championships in their current reign] or are we meant to forget this as well?

So this may just be speculation again but does anyone else find it strange that Heyman is in control of  RAW and Lesnar conveniently becomes the Universal Champion again, I mean in fairness and balance this could be fun if and I do stress in big capital letters IF Lesnar shows up week in and week out or more than his standard contract or communicates with your Universe by using social media or invested in his latest reign more than he usually is, but I doubt it once again in fairness and balance I could be wrong, in fact I want to be wrong here. There is only one way I could finish this blog and it is by saying this "Good luck WWE with your TV ratings you are going to need it."

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