Tuesday 16 July 2019

Wasted: Shinsuke Nakamura vs. the Intercontinental Champion Finn Bálor at Extreme Rules 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Wasted: Shinsuke Nakamura vs. the Intercontinental Champion Finn Bálor at Extreme Rules 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Stipulation: the championship is on the line in this match.

Just a heads up: I will include the blog Wasted: Brock Lesnar's Money In The Bank Briefcase Cash in on Seth Rollins to become the new Universal Champion at Extreme Rules 2019 I will put the link at the bottom of this blog, with continuing with my heads up I should just tell you I will be saying it as it is with no colorful language, using other wording to express myself though.

Where do I start: in this blog I will be discussing both of these characters/performers separately and together. I should start with it is just criminal how this company generally speaking wastes so much talent but not using their performers and building new stars for here and now in the future of not just a company but the industry as well.

The reason why I am saying all of this now is because we have two excellent examples of what I mean right here in this blog, where has Nakamura been other than stuck in a very talented tag team with Rusev with Lana just because they are foreigners [now three excellent examples] and going absolutely nowhere which in itself is a massive amount of donkey diarrhea, because it isn't like the Tag Team Divisions need extra numbers in the first place [yes I have given up on the Brand-Split the latest version of it and the less we say about The Wild Card Rule the better but anyway or Nakamura being of screen [on a side note I would like to include Rusev I want him back on my TV or I want him and Lana to leave this company so I can see them somewhere else.]

But if I was to flip the coin over for a second they haven't done anything of major substance with Bálor either once again, what is it with this company with Bálor and a mid-card championship, yes they put it on him and then do nothing of major substance with him and his Championship reign. I mean he had a feud thing with Andrade and that is all [if you're keeping score that is four excellent examples now.]

Let's focus on here and now: like I said in Wasted: Brock Lesnar's Money In The Bank Briefcase Cash in on Seth Rollins to become the new Universal Champion at Extreme Rules 2019 I was happy with this but also conflicted or the other way around but either way I will now explore that more here.

This match/storyline given the right time could have been built into a good feud heading into SummerSlam, not a little bit here and a little bit there and then a change of champion. This company could have made this feud something really watchable, yes they could still do that but they really did rush this. They could have really established/almost gave these two performers/characters a re-boot with eventually Bálor calling on "The Demon" for SummerSlam so it's Nakamura vs. "The Demon" with the Intercontinental Championship on the line in a Ladders Match with Nakamura winning [yes "The Demon" loses here but I am sure he has never been pinned, I'm just going to highlight on the main rosters, but I am sure someone will tell me different if I am wrong.] That is why I chose a Ladders Match, because it somewhat protects "The Demon" and if this company used this win correctly it should put Nakamura back on the right tracks somewhere between high up on the Mid-Card and into the Main Event pictures, with Bálor going to join The Club under a new attitude of looking for competition and fed up of waiting for things to happen [somewhere between a Face with the Universe and his other Brothers, but confrontational Heal to everyone else, in fact he could be the one who grabs the microphone from the interviewer and proceeds to interview The Club himself.

But I have just seen watching someone else's material this doesn't seem like this is going to happen with Bálor going to face Bray Wyatt at SummerSlam, the only problem I have with this is haven't we been here before? The thing is the more and more I think about it, the more I don't know who to put up against Wyatt; Lesnar for the Universal Championship no,  Nakamura for the Intercontinental Championship no, AJ Styles for the United States Championship no, Kofi Kingston for the WWE Championship may be but no. This basically means Kingston's WWE Championship reign so far has been really uninspiring and I don't want to put Wyatt in this situation.

So the more and more I think about it the option they have taken is probably the most sensible and most easiest to build a storyline around; for a quick example Wyatt's motivation in this case could be something to this effect "Whilst I have been away going through this transformation, there is one situation I need to deal with before I move forward on to bringing new carnage to the WWE Universe and that would be to deal with old business with Finn Bálor first."

You see because of Baron Cobain's Mid-Card of Evil, the long-term effects of this really dumb idea are now consequently very easy to see such as the red brand doesn't have an established healthy looking or competitive Mid-Card anymore so even though on one hand I have said this makes sense with this feud for Wyatt on the other hand they didn't really have any other options which would make sense and would be a relatively easy storyline to start with unless they really want to make it complicated [which I wouldn't put it past them.]

On a side note; it looks like [based on other people's material/contents,] Bálor is going to have some time off after SummerSlam and just before I finish what were they thinking putting this match at Extreme Rules on the Pre-Show anyway, I will give you three excellent reasons why it needed to be on the Main-Card; the Intercontinental Championship, Bálor and Nakamura.

Move Owens vs. Dolph Ziggler onto the Pre-Show, I have nothing against Owens as far as I'm concerned he has a big role to play in the present and future of this company, that is if they use him correctly. But for here and now let's be real for two seconds this is just a glorified squash match end of story and I know I said in Wasted: Brock Lesnar's Money In The Bank Briefcase Cash in on Seth Rollins to become the new Universal Champion at Extreme Rules 2019 I would pull this match and put on another, but here I am working under the theory of playing with the cards I have been dealt, so if the hierarchy said to me "I want this match somewhere at this pay-per-view you don't have the option to pull it"

Last updated: Wednesday 17/06/2019.

Wasted: Brock Lesnar's Money In The Bank Briefcase Cash in on Seth Rollins to become the new Universal Champion at Extreme Rules 2019 Link https://averagemansreviews2017.blogspot.com/2019/07/wasted-brock-lesnars-money-in-bank.html

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