Friday 19 July 2019

Average Extra of: Men in Black: International 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Men in Black: International 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Real Talking Time: I have seen this film now and the review will be dropping around Christmas time at some point, but all I can tell you for here and now is I gave it a fair mark and yes I did talk about these points in that review as well or some of them.

But here I will be discussing things a little bit deeper and like I said in that review or something to this effect "In this day and age I am aware that I am going to get some feedback of some description, but I strongly wouldn't recommend it [this is not meant to be in a threatening tone, but just some friendly advice,] because as you will see/read everything will become crystal clear."

Well straight off the bat it is getting harder and harder for me to stand by this woman's movement [let me show you a little piece of evidence of me standing by this woman's movement Average Extra of: Batwoman 2019 Season 1 Trailer I will leave the link down below, before you get angry on your keyboard I would take a look at it,] because as I have already said it shows me standing beside it and on a quick side note I have absolutely no problem with strong female roles just off the top of my head Agent Peggy Carter or Jessica Jones or even Batwoman or Harley Quinn in fact I want the MCU [the Marvel cinematic Universe] to do another Hulk film but this time including She-Hulk, so it brings her into the MCU.

But as it relates to this film, let's just say it has this woman's movement all over it and not in a quiet way, it is just so there in your face very, very loudly it suffocates the film, to the point where of my next paragraph.

When is it our turn?: Yes I also did bring this up in this review as well, but here I will be discussing it a little bit more and I don't often use these cards, only when I think it is necessary or appropriate. So on one hand I am in my middle to late 30's [as of this blog] and I am a Caucasian male, whilst on the other hand I am in a wheelchair with mental health issues, if you want me to clarify I will do so I am not speaking as a Caucasian male or someone roundabout in his 30's, I am talking as someone in a wheelchair and that has mental health issues as well here.

So my rhetorical question stems from "When is it our turn? Meaning if this woman's movement is getting all this attention and many other things [I should just point out this is intelligence/logic talking and not jealousy speaking,] my rhetorical question is extremely valid why aren't different groups of people getting a similar high-level of treatment or exposure? Before you jump on me I want you to pay special attention to these key words "A similar high-level of treatment" meaning yes I am aware that in TV land there are some, but no way near on the same level as what I am discussing here.

I mean I don't want to get somewhere because of my wheelchair [if this was the case there is an incredibly high possibility I may tell the individual in question to go and take that opportunity and stick it somewhere or they want my opinion on something from a wheelchair perspective this is okay, brief example find out how the disabled access is for this building,] that is not the point I'm making here; the point is it is now acceptable to have film projects like this one where it has put the women's movement basically center stage and speak of it in any way shape or form, you will get heavily criticized in some way [yes I am expecting to be heavily criticized in one way or another as well here.]

But meanwhile you have somebody like myself in a wheelchair or mental health or both or anything else for that matter and most of us get treated like the cleanest way and the most nicest way I could put it is something like from the dark ages yes in fairness and balance we have all different restrictions in one way or another.

I will give you one example in-depth and one in short since I was very little and because we are now living in a superficial society, having a boyfriend in a wheelchair doesn't exactly look good if you're worried about your social status/public image, yes this doesn't go for everyone in the world and this is what I have learned over many, many, many, many, many, many [I think you get the point] years, in fact if you want me to be honest yet factual it is getting worse, because in a nutshell as it stands I can't say anything to women, without getting some backlash of some description in a high percentage of cases, but they can say anything they want whenever they want, under the impression that I have no leg to stand on [technically/physically this is true,] I don't respond all the time but when I do be it in the real world or anywhere else they are surprised, as if I shouldn't be responding.

Now on to the one in short there is still such a stigma around mental health that, being in a wheelchair plus my mental health usually results in the female in question disappearing [let me put it this way it is a great impression of the RoadRunner,] I am not grinding my axe but to be fair these are how things are based on my life experience, consequently I have learned my place in the social order of things.

So there is only one rhetorical question left "How far are they going to push this woman's movement whilst in comparison the rest of us are left out in the cold?" 

Average Extra of: Batwoman 2019 Season 1 Trailer Link

Last updated: Saturday 20/07/2019

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