Thursday 18 July 2019

Wasted: Ricochet's First Main Roster Championship Run with the United States Championship by AverageMansReviews

Wasted: Ricochet's First Main Roster Championship Run with the United States Championship by AverageMansReviews

Let's begin with the background first: now if it should happen you have a different opinion to myself; I am going to say something here which is going to sound very strange "I agree with you." That the WWE made the right choice here, because some of you out there may say something to this effect "That they couldn't have Style lose here because he has recently reformed The Club and more importantly he has lost to Ricochet before for this championship." So the WWE really backed themselves into a corner here.

Here is what they should have done: so my rhetorical question is this; why did they book this match for Extreme Rules? When if they were to look at the bigger picture it would have been of greater value to everyone involved for this championship drop to happen at Summer Slam, I mean if they want to get really creative yet simple put the stipulation of a Ladders Match in place, so you can protect Ricochet from the loss kind of [not being pinned] and put the championship on Styles.

If they used my idea it would have given Ricochet a retain over somebody on a pay-per-view. I couldn't care less who it was; they could get Ziggler as he is just a glorified jobber now and let's be honest he has been this for some time [yes just for the record I don't care about the Brand Split or The Wild Card or I'm just going to say this; anything to do with the no more automatic rematch thing. They could even have The Club watching this match from the top of the ramp, waiting to attack these two competitors after this match, just to send a message and Styles issuing a challenge to Ricochet for a match at Summer Slam for the United States Championship in a Ladders Match. [On a quick side note Ziggler is being attacked just because of collateral damage which this would also assist to re-establish The Club as a dominating force as in anyone get in their way, they will put you on your posterior,] I mean if they wanted to they could have Ricochet & Ziggler vs. Anderson & Gallows Tag Team Match 2-out-of-3 falls with Ziggler leaving Ricochet high and dry after the first fall on RAW, the night after this pay-per-view.

Which in turn would have given Ricochet longer with this championship and as it is his first main roster championship run it would have sounded better on a tick sheet; capture a main roster championship check, retain it at least once on a pay-per-view check and after losing it on a big pay-per-view like Summer Slam, he would be in a better position on the card for TV and pay-per-views check [a solid fixture in the mid-card check.]

Making new Superstars: this is why I decided to dictate and put this blog here, because on one hand if they did something to the effect of my suggestion, they would have given Ricochet a push/gave him a new level to work on which would have gave this character/himself time to grow and show more of himself and his character which would have started his journey in this company to being a new superstar. But on the other hand in reality where does he go from here oh yes back to where he was before this championship reign, which in essence makes his first main roster Championship a waste of time, even though this sounds harsh what should be happening is by giving a character/performer a championship or championships it is meant to show what this or these character or characters/performer or performers can bring to the table.

The WWE need to be focusing on their younger talent, now and for the future [yes I am aware that you cannot replace such characters/performers such as The Undertaker,] they should not even attempt to do this. But my point here is they should be prepared for this eventuality, so of course your younger talent are going to make mistakes of some description, but if they are good enough this company needs to keep putting them in the deep end instead of having Lesnar or Rollins [yes as of this blog Rollins is a young guy,] but I want for an example the Universal Championship picture or division to look strong [I'm not saying I want many different holders of this championship, I just wanted to be competitive and this goes for any championship or championships under the WWE umbrella.]

I'm not even suggesting calling-up more from NXT at this time, but what I am suggesting is used the talent that they have already there like surprise your audience/Universe with Rusev receiving a WWE Championship Match from out of nowhere at SummerSlam for an example.

But back onto what I was saying originally; so like I said at the beginning; I agree that they took the right option to put the United States Championship on Styles, now the next thing I am going to be saying is just speculation so I could be wrong. But why can I now see Ricochet being used to put over The Club, I really hope I am very wrong about this.

Just before I finish this blog I will leave the link of another blog; In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Extreme Rules 2019, because it shows basically there what I have been saying here but much shorter [it was before the change of champion.] But just to finish off this blog now I wouldn't have minded if they did this thing on Ricochet's second or any other number main roster championship run, but it was his first and it makes the entire celebration thing with some Superstars and Triple H. look  silly now.

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Extreme Rules 2019 Link

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