Saturday 25 May 2019

Average Extra of: DC's Batwoman 2019 Season 1 Trailer by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: DC's Batwoman 2019 Season 1 Trailer  by AverageMansReviews

Now before I get down to business I should just point out the reason for "Season 1" at the top I may want to do a follow-up for Season 2 Trailer and to cover my own back as long as I see a trailer it doesn't matter which one as long as it is official from the company in question for an example in this case I looked for any signs of this company "The CW" in the trailer and it did.

Real Talking Time: let me make something crystal clear everyone is entitled to their individual opinions. Now I have made that crystal clear I cannot see anything wrong with this trailer and I have seen it more than once, I just can't see any problems with it, I have seen other people’s opinions/material and I have come to the conclusion that as of this blog I am in my middle 30's on the slow ride to my 40's so in that time the world has changed so much, before I receive negative feedback I am not saying the olden days were better, because I am not saying that in the slightest. But what I am saying is this; because of this life experience generally speaking I have the knowledge and know-how of how things used to be so as it relates to this trailer I may interpret things differently.

Looking outside the box; I mean this from a rhetorical question perspective; now could it be possible that we are now living in such a landscape where political correctness or something to that variation is so tight and restricting that the finest point out of place will upset somebody, somewhere in the world?

I make this point because the lead character/performer in this TV series just comes over as strong-willed and wants to break away from her family relation's shadow, yes I do understand that she is using his equipment amongst other things, but she can still forge her own path with her own personality in short she is not the same person as her family relation underneath the cape and I have this feeling that she could be quite comical from a dark or sarcastic perspective sometimes in this TV program.

Now I see Wonder Woman and everything to do with her in [the DCEU or The Worlds of DC] is completely different to Captain Marvel and everything to do with her in [the MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe.] I am not enforcing my opinion on to anyone, that has never been my way but having said that I think we do all need to step back from the edge of a very large cliff and take two minutes to realize that political correctness or any different things could be getting out of hand or people are getting really sensitive about the smallest details and to be honest of course it is going to have feminine origins or themes or elements or whatever of some description, now again before I receive unpleasant feedback of any description can I just point out one ever so, so small, tiny detail not noticeable  really I will even highlight it for you; Batwoman, so speaking from a common sense perspective what were you expecting to see in this TV program, maybe a bat watching/observing nature TV program hosted by a woman perhaps?

So yes as long as this TV program is on in my country and I series-link it I will be watching it. But I will be watching it after the season has finished though because for two reasons I don't like advertisements and I don't like waiting for the next episode or anything like that or if that should fail I will be getting it on DVD or Blu-Ray, basically whatever way I will be watching it and just out of interest I watched this trailer again just now and I still don't get the outrage, this does not make me of low intelligence, now if it was something really noticeable like for an example how Sonic looked in a trailer for his upcoming live-action film title later this year I would understand that, but for here and now on this particular trailer I just don't get it.

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