Saturday 15 June 2019

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 4 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 4 by AverageMansReview

I wasn't planning to do this blog: now there are four things I should just point out before I begin, the first is I am going to be blunt in this blog [without using colourful wording,] the second thing is this; I am not against this company, it is good for business to have many places for wrestling talent to go, thirdly why this blog came into being, it is because I have seen some of the matches for the WWE's next pay-per-view WWE Stumping Ground 2019 [at the point of dictating this blog] and finally just to cover my back if you still find this company to be enjoyable, I am not here to take your enjoyment away, this is just an average man's opinion which when it is necessary or pushed has a very, very loud mouth including other attributes.

This is what we know on Friday 14/06/2019:

Roman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyre: are we really having this match again? I really, really wouldn't mind seeing this match again if it was built properly as in one-on-one with the stipulation of a No1 Contenders Match for the Universal Championship.

But sadly in reality this company as completely and utterly blown these two characters/performers, cast your mind back a little while ago on both counts on one hand in theory we have the colossal presence of Reigns coming back from a major health concern and on the other hand we have McIntyre which was originally making a name for himself by destroying everyone in his sights, so as you can clearly read this could have been a clash of the titans.

But instead they have slowly and gradually chipped away at both of these characters in one way or another [yes I am aware that they faced each other at WrestleMania 35,] but by then McIntyre's character had been damaged enough to take away this glorious clash of the titans atmosphere and anticipation we should have had at the biggest stage of them all in professional wrestling.

So here and now I can pretty much guarantee Reigns isn't winning here based on two reasons 50-50 booking as in McIntyre lost at WrestleMania 35 and my second reason is "The Best in the World" Shane McMahon will get involved somehow. What really irritates me about this entire situation is, including other situations or anything to do with this 49-year-old "The Best in the World" to look like the top guy and at this point I couldn't care less about heels and faces or anything like this, I look at the bigger picture and the bigger picture says "You are selling all of these talented professional wrestlers down the river to make this part-time 49-year-old look like a big deal" [I leave a link to another blog at the bottom of this blog to show you what I mean about selling them down the river, it is entitled Wasted: Roman Reigns vs. "The Best in the World" Shane McMahon at WWE Super ShowDown 2019.

So let me get this right they apparently say that Reigns is their top guy, but they are willing to risk the credibility of their present and future top guy for this 49-year-old, this makes absolutely and I cannot stress this enough this makes absolutely no concrete logical sense.

Alexa Bliss vs. the SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley: let's be fair I don't have any major problems with this match, but for one very, very, very tiny detail which it is this; Alexa Bliss is on Raw and it has just come to me I can see Bliss winning here, because this is something this company would do and let's be honest this company haven't really given Bayley a chance or a push of substance or anything other and yes if I am correct this will make her cash-in of The Money In The Bank briefcase contract a complete waste of time and the more I think about it, they could use Nikki Cross as a character which is a friend/someone that will make sure her friend is not harmed consequently keeping this championship or something from this formula.

Lacy Evans vs. the Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch: in short well this match didn't interest me the first time around and it doesn't interest me here, this is a complete waste of time and a card spot.

Dolph Ziggler vs.
the WWE Champion Kofi Kingston Steel Cage Match: I cannot believe we are getting this match again on two pay-per-views back to back, in a nutshell I think we will have one more match after this meeting I just have that feeling.

Baron Corbin vs. the Universal Champion Seth Rollins: there is only one way I can really begin this section and that is by this very simple rhetorical question; "Who is the idiot who signed off on this match?" Because like I said in a previous blog [In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Super ShowDown 2019, I will put the link down below as well,] this company have put themselves right back into a situation where they have three possible outcomes and two of them, your fan base are going to hate them with a passion. Corbin wins or Lesnar cashes in his  Money In The Bank briefcase contract, so Rollins better win here if this company values what is left of their TV ratings.

I am furious about this decision, simply based on not once have they escaped this disastrous situation once, but then to go back a few weeks later and put themselves back into this situation twice not once but twice yes twice is one more than once, so instead of saying this "May have been an error of judgment here" they go back and do it again, they put it at the Main Event slot which indicates to me something is going to happen so they can close this pay-per-view with a headline [I must stress just in case things get moved around, I am basing everything on everything in front of me at this moment in time so maybe "Card subject to change."

Just for the record yes I am aware of who signs off on these matches and I am still more than comfortable using words such as idiot, because without going on and on about it anyone that goes back into a scenario which is going to infuriate the people that pay good money to spend on your product in any way they see fit and then to see something they don't want to see is just asking for trouble or another way of looking at it lower TV ratings.

I mean come on WWE try harder: Roman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyre [we have seen it,] Lacy Evans vs. the Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch [we have seen it,] Alexa Bliss vs. the SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley [I know we have seen this match up before in one way or another, but it doesn't feel old or a complete waste of time and a spot on this card,] Dolph Ziggler vs. the WWE Champion Kofi Kingston [we have seen it,] Baron Corbin vs. the Universal Champion Seth Rollins [we have seen it] and what happened to this no more automatic rematches thing? I see three on this card at the moment, so what is this company doing seriously? I mean from my perspective when you're TV ratings are going down saying things and doing things which have been done before is just reckless and stupid by doing the same thing but expecting a different result, it is just arrogance of the highest order.

So out of five matches I would be happy to watch one as we are currently standing, which is not good enough, I mean they could have built up Rusev and Shinsuke Nakamura with Lana [where are they?] in a tag team match these two could take on Reigns and Rollins with the added stipulation of whoever pins Rollins gets a title shot at this pay-per-view, so I would go with these two matches for this pay-per-view Rusev vs. Reigns and Nakamura vs. Rollins with the Universal Championship on the line. I mean on the following Raw you could have a Six-Person Tag Team Match Lana, Rusev and Nakamura vs. Lynch, Rollins and Reigns with the added stipulation of if Rollins or Lynch gets pinned they will lose their championship to the person who pins them.

I mean I would put McIntyre vs. Corbin vs. Stroman in a Triple Threat Match for a No1 Contenders opportunity at the next pay-per-view for the Universal Championship and if the owner said to me" I want Corbin to win here." I would say okay [I wouldn't be overly happy,] but at least my ideas will make for some interesting and engaging matches and more importantly it would show to everyone that this company are at least trying to make an effort and meeting their Universe half way.

There is a point I should make and that is there are plenty of space to put more matches on this WWE Stumping Ground 2019 card which needs desperate help to look entertaining.

As I am sitting here the WWE have everything to lose and nothing to gain, because as everyone knows this company have monopolized the wrestling industry for decades, so as things are; based on what I have seen or heard for many years now I don't think the owner of this company and I'm going to put this nicely has the fire in his belly anymore for the oncoming battle for the TV ratings, now if Triple H. or Triple H and Stephanie were in control [on a quick side note I do think being realistic this is a two-person job nowadays and not just one,] hopefully if they were to make this a two-person job it would make things smoother [this is something I would do, I have no idea if this is what they have in place for the future so I'm just speculating here.]

In a wrestling sense and not in a business sense [because business wise they have so much money and yes I am aware that All Elite Wrestling have massive financial backers as well,] but in a wrestling sense or product sense I am fearful for the future of the WWE; All Elite Wrestling this company/product will be like Anthony Joshua [WWE] vs. Andy Ruiz Jr. [All Elite Wrestling] on Saturday 01/06/2019 and everyone knows what happened in this boxing match, I expect the equivalent to happen to the WWE if they don't come out fighting soon.

All Elite Wrestling: this company have nothing to worry about, all they have to do is keep doing what they are doing and people will follow them, because the more the WWE screw up, the more people will get fed up and consequently they will find out very quickly, that their Universe will be in a galaxy far, far away in the land of All Elite Wrestling or one of the other thriving wrestling companies as well.

Wasted: Roman Reigns vs. "The Best in the World" Shane McMahon at WWE Super ShowDown2019 Link

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Super ShowDown 2019 Link

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