Friday 7 June 2019

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Super ShowDown 2019 by AverageMansReviews

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Super ShowDown 2019 by AverageMansReviews

The Usos vs. The Revival: my pick is The Usos, because if I've learned anything over recent times this company doesn't like to give The Revival too much momentum even though they are heels at the moment and they could have stuck the stipulation of a tag team championship opportunity [a No1 Contenders] on top of this; for the Raw tag team championships.

Moving on slightly; may I just point out that this is a complete joke that this company have their two best tag teams on a kickoff show on a pay-per-view I don't care where it is in the world, individually or together these two teams have earned and deserve to be anywhere else on this card besides on the kickoff show, how about having The Lucha House Party vs. Lars Sullivan; this match on the kickoff show [as you will see later I will have much to say about this match anyway,] but I say this again this is a joke these two teams shouldn't be in this card slot, I get the distinct feeling that someone from the hierarchy does not like or appreciate tag team wrestling [on a very quick side note this match was the last to be announced.]

50-Man Battle Royal: my pick is Braun Stroman, even though this Battle Royal may mean nothing, he does needs something to push his stock back up in this company and yes I am aware he won the previous Battle Royal the last time they were in this part of the world [we don't see that belt anymore, strange that it is like that belt meant nothing.]

The Lucha House Party vs. Lars Sullivan: my pick is Lars Sullivan, is this really worthwhile putting on this card, it just seems a complete waste of time here, I would have preferred to see someone like MoJo Rawley step up to the plate, the match result itself is irrelevant but it would have told us so much about MoJo Rawley's character developments as in he is a little bit unhinged to take on Sullivan one-on-one and it would have also given his character some forward momentum [maybe the WWE should take notes on how to build new characters here,] I mean it took me a very short space of time to come up with this idea.

Braun Strowman vs. Bobby Lashley: my pick is Bobby Lashley, because I have been watching this company for many years with keeping that in mind I can see them picking Lashley to win here, because Stroman is another character/performer that this company don't like giving any momentum to.

Roman Reigns vs. Shane McMahon: my pick is Shane McMahon, I can see this going one of three ways if they want to continue this feud thing they will have someone interfere to give Shane the assist or have someone run interference for Reigns/to fight off the interference which will set up a tag team match at the next pay-per-view, but if they want to end this feud they will have Roman Reigns win here with a straight up win.

Andrade vs. The
 Intercontinental Champion “The Demon” Finn Bálor: my pick is “The Demon” Finn Bálor, just because “The Demon” has come out to play but either result is good, this is absolutely nothing against any version of Finn Bálor, but the hierarchy of this company haven't exactly used this latest run to great effect or success and on a quick side note it has just taken four matches before we reach one that I can say "This should be of a very high quality indeed, that is providing they have been given time to work with."

Dolph Ziggler vs. the WWE Champion Kofi Kingston: my pick is Kofi Kingston, simply put how can I put this nicely, because I'm going to say something to this effect later on as well in the next paragraph and I should give you a little bit of a heads up, I am highly critical the more you read of this blog with legitimate reasons to be fair, if this company have no intention of changing the Champion I would prefer to see someone new given the opportunity to see what they can do in a main event situation instead of  telling us the viewer the result of the match before watching it and saying something like this; "This character/performer is just here to fill the gap or is a placeholder."

Baron Corbin vs. the Universal Champion Seth Rollins: my pick is Seth Rollins, I just have to ask is this match really happening? Wow what utter garbage this is; I mean there are three possible outcomes and two of them would be TV ratings destroyers, Corbin wins [even though I think this company are just telling us again "this character/performer is here to fill the gap or once again is a placeholder until we get back to our regular scheduled programming] or Lesnar will cash in The Money In The Bank briefcase [which I see more likely considering I watched Stephanie McMahon do a public address thing on basically saying the hierarchy are in short are far, far, far, far from happy with Lesnar's actions and they are talking about it and not forgetting he is on the poster/online for this pay-per-view as well.] So the final thing I have to say is this; "as things stand well done WWE for backing yourself into a corner here so I hope Rollins retains here, because if he doesn't you can kiss your TV ratings goodbye and those AEW chants are going to get louder including any signs which you may not want to see including BeachballMania as well, hell you may as well start selling beachballs with the WWE logo on it at least that way you can make money out of it."

Triple H vs. Randy Orton: my pick is Triple H, "Why is this match even on this card?" I mean it isn't like we haven't seen it time after time, after time, after time, after time many, many times throughout the years.

I mean I have just watched a segment from the red brand this week [the week of Monday 05/06/2019 in solving these two characters/performers and it was okay, maybe I was being too harsh originally, but no I will stick with what I said earlier, because this segment I mean I heard how this segment went down but I was thinking I would check it out for myself and the first part is fine and then the second part was talking about testicles.

Don't get me wrong I laugh to begin with, but it went from something sensible, something solid to something the complete opposite and let us not forget these two characters/performers are circling around their 40's at this time, so I have no problem with what I have said about this match so far and in the next paragraphs, so I am quite happy to report that since I have stopped watching their TV programming I am more relaxed, I just want to highlight if you still get enjoyment from their TV program all the power to you, but for me I have stopped making the effort and I feel better for it. I still watch bits and pieces from this company but I pick and choose, I even tried watching Impact Wrestling which I haven't done for years, but after a very short amount of time I couldn't watch it.

Maybe it is because I am interested more in wrestling and the characters over the storylines and other things of this nature. I have a feeling that All Elite Wrestling would suit me down to the ground, it is because of what I have seen and heard they intend to put wrestling first.

So just a rhetorical question here they would preferably like to put on this match over I don't know maybe using the Raw Tag Team Championships, I mean these championships have been so far buried that Jafar would have to send Aladdin back down the booby-trapped cave just to find them, so here is just an idea have  Harlem Heat on a short-term contract defeat Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins for these championships and have them drop the championships at the next pay-per-view, because at least my idea is much, much, much, much better than these championships losing value and collecting dust or sand at this point [I am not being arrogant but I would most definitely prefer my idea to what we have here.]

The Undertaker vs. Goldberg: my pick is The Undertaker, I'm going to put this very respectfully this is the wrong time to have this match, meaning about 15 years ago it would have been fantastic [I got this number by watching someone else's material, if you have been viewing any of my blogs you know how funny I get about taking credit for someone else's work, I don't like it,] but back to my point I am sure these two iconic characters/performers are going to bring everything to the table, I am not going to see this match because I don't have the network, but I hope this is a relatively short match to try and protect them both as characters/performers, if you are a wrestling fan you know what I am trying to say here very politely/respectfully to keep their stage presence and personas as we remember them.

But it would have been nice to have this stipulation in place of whoever wins gets a Universal Championship or a WWE Championship spot in one of these matches at next year's WrestleMania, it is up to the individual to decide which option he takes.

There are just three matches on this card I would be interested/a enjoy to watch and that would be it; The Usos vs. The Revival, Andrade vs. the Intercontinental Champion “The Demon” Finn Bálor and The Undertaker vs. Goldberg for the rest of it I wouldn't waste my free month subscription on it, I don't care if this is just a glorified House Show event pay-per-view, a pay-per-view is a pay-per-view this company need to try harder but having said that I think I'm wasting my breath here.

Last updated: Saturday 08/06/2019, I don't think my pick was in the 50-Man Battle Royal, because I was hearing someone else's live stream and I didn't hear his name [Braun Strowman,] I am not fussed by this I am just simply pointing it out and whilst I'm here I know The Lucha House Party vs. Lars Sullivan was a 3 on 1 Handicap Match, but when I was originally dictating this blog it didn't say it on so I left it and I have updated one line in this blog as well [it doesn't affect my predictions, it just makes better sense now and I still got it wrong.]

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