Friday, 30 November 2018

Resident Evil: Retribution 2012 by AverageMansReviews

Resident Evil: Retribution 2012 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this sequel is good

Fundamental elements: there are slow-motion effects, background music, cultural elements without subtitles being used when another language is being used, time jumps and place jumps.

Now I would like to take a few minutes to talk about a couple of the fundamental elements which made very a little logical sense; like this rhetorical question why rewind this sequence in slow-motion when a little time later you are just going to play it again but this time in its normal speed and on top of that [without giving too much away, but in fairness this sequel does it anyway, where we have our lead role and basically images recapping the entire franchise up to this point, it has been done in such a way that in essence what you are telling your audience's is "Hey why watch the other films, when we have done the work for you just in a shorter amount of time."

I mean yes I am criticizing this as it is in this sequel; but I also understand its purpose, as in it has been a long journey to get to this point so I can see why they have done it, I am not backtracking on anything I have said in the previous paragraph. But in interest of fairness and balance, I would have preferred something like this and this is just a rough description.

Beginning with voice over elements from our lead character [throughout this sequence,] but on screen we have the camera angle of over-view perspective of a table and on the table we have a folder on it that says "Highly Classified Information" with the Umbrella Corporation symbol on it.

So it looks like the viewers are looking through this folder and what we see are some black-and-white photographs of very small key moments or they could mix it up with different interesting elements like for an example test results or maybe some or most of these words on these documents have been blacked out and then at the end we close the folder or something like that and get on to the film itself. [You see with my rough idea it serves two purposes; it may encourage the viewers to go back and watch the previous film titles and secondly if they don't this sequence does its job of laying down the background/refreshing memories of what happened.]

Storyline/Action sequences: firstly I will be discussing the storyline briefly in a singular sense and then I will be joining it with the action sequences, if I have done is right it will make sense. So briefly without giving too much away it does feel like this storyline is moving things forward a little with a mixture of laying down the background/the basics for the next title as well.

Now this is where I am going to join the storyline and the action sequences; if it should happen you are of a certain age range you will understand this terminology much easier than others, if you were to strip this film down to its basics you will find that this title moves like a side-scrolling video game [this terminology is used in video game circles, it basically means this; you could be a character in this game and you are in this section of this level, where you could be having this combat with these characters and after you have completed this section of this level it will allow you to move on to another part of the level/maybe stop you from moving on without completing this section but you can move around in this section of the screen and repeat the formula [here are just two videogame titles which uses this genre of videogame Golden Axe 1989 and Streets of Rage 1991.]

How can I put this; generally speaking this project does feel like the more you get into it; it looks and feels like this; storyline, action sequence, storyline, action sequence as if whatever characters you are watching they are going through that section of the level or on to the next level.

The action sequences themselves are full of weapons being used, chasing sequences or combat sequences; we have so much to offer this sequel.

Artistic visions: just for one example there is this underwater sequence where we see a lot of zombies dragging this character down; there is an element of beauty to this sequence [I mean it looks beautiful but the zombie’s intentions maybe not so much.]

Performances/Character developments/Comedy level: in a general sense first of all and then I will talk about one specifically, they range from they do their job [as in that is their character developments and that is it] to good;  Jovovich in this title it feels and looks like she has been let off the leash to in print more of herself onto her character which in turn makes her character more defined and natural, there are more character developments in one way or another [without it being seen as I am just being lazy I can't talk about them because when or if you choose to watch this title, you will find them out] and just for another example this time of the comedy level for you to look out for when one character says "You're all going to die down here" there is more said here, but as I have just said this is something for you to look out for.

This film receives: 7/10, well considering this sequel has a rocky beginning to the point where it had to reignite my interest and on a quick side note and yes I could be wrong about this; but is the background music louder the beginning stages. I mean without splitting too many hairs the background music is a consistent theme, but this seems to calm down [by volume at some point.] But putting that to one side as you can see what my mark it was firstly able to reignite my interest then move on to being a good film.

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 3, Disc 3] Episode 40: A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 3, Disc 3] Episode 40: A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good

Artistic visions: straight off the bat there are some colourful effects/flashing effects in this episode, but now I will be discussing this very small element where we have this Decepticon [Ravage] being distracted/chasing after this owl [Archimedes.]

Action sequences: this is just a quick description of this sequence, we have these two Autobots [Warpath, transformed state of M551 Sheridan Medium Tank and Hoist, transformed state of Toyota Hi-Lux pickup] as they both ram this wall [Castle] standing on top of this wall is Starscream, but he won't be for too much longer.

Comedy level: now I can't tell you too much about this [it will get explained in the storyline,] but Starscream runs/dives onto Megatron consequently knocking him over.

This episode receives: 6/10, without splitting too many hairs I think this episode does have enough about it to get given this mark.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 3, Disc 3] Episode 39: Blaster Blues by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 3, Disc 3] Episode 39: Blaster Blues by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is another highly entertaining episode.

Artistic visions: the viewers have Megatron, Starscream and Thundercracker flying/landing/breaking into this observatory [science; it is one of those places where you have a massive telescope sticking out at the top roughly amongst other things possibly a satellite dish in this case.] I should just point out there are colourful/flashing effects in the rock concert sequences and there are other artistic visions in this episode.

Storyline/Character developments/Action sequences: there are many things happening in this episode, so much so we have many characters doing or saying or anything in many different situations, which gives every situation a level of importance in this episode. Now I am going to be talking about the next two elements together, because I am 90% sure that these two characters are newcomers/new merchandise at this point of this TV series [I could be wrong about this so just to cover my own back I would like to apologize.] But putting that to one side, the Autobots and the Decepticons have one newcomer each and without saying too much but being precise at the same time, you won't be able to miss them. Because one is gigantic whilst the other is more adaptable, these two characters have an action packed sequence which is out of this world

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode has many high-quality elements which some I haven't mentioned in this review, because I don't discuss everything as we all know, but like it's recent predecessors this mark was straightforward to give.

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 3, Disc 3] Episode 38: Desertion of the Dinobots: Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 3, Disc 3] Episode 38: Desertion of the Dinobots: Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is another highly entertaining episode.

Storyline/Artistic visions/Action sequences: I was thinking of the best way for me to describe this storyline without giving too much away, so I have decided to go with something like this; this episode has this very, very, very loosely based Jack and the Beanstalk feel to it, now where I came up with this idea is where we have two characters [Spike and Carly going around Cybertron] and everything around these two characters is gigantic which in turn makes these two characters look very, very, very tiny and on a quick side note an element of history on how things came to be; is in this episode as well I can't say too much more than that.

Now as I have previously briefly stated as these two characters are very, very tiny the artistic visions do a fantastic job of selling this particular point, but also putting over to their audiences that this is a highly technical and advanced race, here are some other elements for you to look out for; Sparkplug Witwicky and Teletraan I [as they tried to assist Spike and Carly on Earth.]

On to the action sequences; here is just one example of them, in an element form [which basically means not all of this action sequence,] we have Spike, Carly and [Dinobot] Swoop trying to avoid these heat seeking missiles. Swoop transforms [transformed state of Pteranodon,] then we have Spike and Carly hanging on to Swoop as he tries to do some fancy flying to outmaneuver these heat seeking missiles.

Character developments: I have spoken about the Dinobots before as it relates to their personality traits and their mental capacities where I roughly said something to the effect of it can range from children to teenagers [The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 1, Volume 2] Episode 15: A Plague of Insecticons,] but in this episode they learn and grow to realize something [yes if I haven't mentioned this before individually these characters have their own personality traits,] but I prefer to talk about different collectives on the whole, because without being lazy it also gives me the option to tell you some things and not to tell you everything about any character in any project I review.

This episode receives: 10/10, this is another episode that offers so much so it was straightforward for me to give this mark.

Monday, 26 November 2018

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 3, Disc 3] Episode 37: Desertion of the Dinobots: Part 1 by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 3, Disc 3] Episode 37: Desertion of the Dinobots: Part 1 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is highly entertaining.

Character developments: there is friction between Megatron and Starscream, the Autobots and the Dinobots [I am not trying to be lazy with not being too specific, it is one of those occasions where if or when you choose to watch this episode,] you will pick up on why I can't tell you too much, in one way or another these elements are linked together so it is like this; I will put out a decent sized review on this episode but less is more that kind of thing and on top of that my mark will reflect this episode anyway.

Storyline: now in this episode we have different numbers of characters doing different things in different locations, which in turn makes the next scene or sequence have a sense of purpose and meaning, because the characters may or may not crossover into another selection of characters storyline elements or they could continue in their storyline element away from the previous situation which may or may not affect the previous situation or the upcoming situation, without confusing myself or my readers if you use this foundation of storyline the possibilities are many [just off the top of my head here are some suggestions,] give some screen time to lesser used characters to maybe develop them or in one storyline element to be used in another episode or my final suggestion would be maybe to cover this massive war like sequence which of course you would have many characters in different locations, in different dialogue exchanges and many other things. But as I have already said the possibilities are many if you use this foundation to its full potential.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: I will be discussing these two elements at the same time, the first sequence I will be briefly discussing is where we have Soundwave checking out this vault in a technical way and then he passes the information onto Megatron [this element may be small but I do like how Soundwave quickly gathers this information.

The Dinobots; these characters take on the Decepticons and they do bring an element of carnage wherever they go if they are in the right mood [the wrong mood for everyone else,] they did an excellent job of selling to their audiences how big this group or collective are, as for one example this collective pretty much wipe the floor with the Decepticons for a section of this episode.

This episode receives: 10/10, in short there is a lot in this episode and on top of that; this is just part 1 of a two-parter, so let's hope it continues in this fashion in the next episode.

Sunday, 25 November 2018

The Chronicles of Riddick 2004 by AverageMansReviews

The Chronicles of Riddick 2004 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this sequel is mixed.

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, cultural elements, background music, mental imagery, slow-motion effects, quick moving effects, words and a number on screen, time jumps and place jumps.

I do have some problems with this sequel, the fundamental elements of any description as it relates to this sequel are heavily mixed as in they can either work or they don't struggle to work it is that cut and dry.

Like for an example [without being too picky,] the beginning stages take some time to get going, when you get possibly towards just before or around the middle stages it seems to be pulling in the same direction and from the middle stages slowly but surely it runs out of steam, so when you get to roundabout the final stages of this project [based on my viewing experience it feels like something similar to being drawn out and stretched, it is difficult to explain without you seeing this project, the best way I can maybe summit up it is something like this; someone carrying a rucksack on their back going uphill, then quickly coming down the other side of the hill, but then just to realize they have to go up another hill to get to their destination, don't worry this individual will get to their destination but it may be a longer process than before.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: there are plenty of weapons being used, combat elements and for one example we have our lead role doing some kind of gymnastics to get out of this situation where he is hanging in this prison, now moving on to the artistic visions the landscapes and so on look good.

Performances/Comedy level: in short without repeating myself too much generally speaking it depends where you are in this sequel [what I mean by that is; go and look at the rucksack element again in a previous paragraph of this review,] but for here and now I will say; it ranges from being a warming up period, to finding their groove to carrying this project over the finishing line and there are some comical moments I think if my memory is correct, they all come from our lead character in one way or another [I could be wrong about this just to cover my own back.]

This film receives: 5/10, I was going to give this sequel another mark or it was closer to another mark in my opinion until the ending, I am just specifically talking about the style of ending and nothing more. So with that being said I don't like the ending of this sequel, it suggests a question-mark and I just didn't like it or don't like it.

Saturday, 24 November 2018

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 2, Disc 2] Episode 36: Megatron's Master Plan: Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 2, Disc 2] Episode 36: Megatron's Master Plan: Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is excellent.

Character developments: there is friction between the Autobots/I should just point out if it isn't friction they are involved in this situation in one way or another [Ironhide, Cosmos, Huffer, Optimus Prime, Hound and Cliffjumper.]

Comedy level: a character [someone,] tries to offer the Decepticon [Laserbeak] a cracker. Now for a little bit of variety and as these two episodes are linked [The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 2, Disc 2] Episode 35: Megatron's Master Plan: Part 1.] I have to say that; this small piece of comedy used in that episode [briefly without giving too much away a character begins to read something which he has already read,] feels better placed, natural and in short much better than this by miles, yes it may be also small, but it doesn't feel natural in fact I would feel more comfortable suggesting predictable.

Artistic visions/Action sequences: now someone is wearing a body costume of Megatron [clothing,] moving on to the action sequences here is just a small selection of some of the action sequences you can see in this episode, in-outer space sequences, Chip Chase escaping this facility with a diversion from Spike Witwickey and there are other scenes or sequences.

This episode receives: 8/10 now where the previous episode was somewhat difficult to mark, this one on the other hand was more cut and dry, generally speaking the action sequences do a lot for this episode and on a quick side note if I have gotten any of the characters names wrong in this review I apologize, yes I have checked them but if it should happen I have got any of them wrong, I am just covering my own back.

Thursday, 22 November 2018

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 2, Disc 2] Episode 35: Megatron's Master Plan: Part 1 by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 2, Disc 2] Episode 35: Megatron's Master Plan: Part 1 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is highly entertaining.

Character developments: now without giving too much away Megatron persuades a human being to assist him and the Decepticons, Megatron's dialogue/dialogue exchanges with this character are very persuasive and manipulative, but then again I should point out it doesn't take much for this other character to be on board with this plan.

Action sequences: they all bring something to the table, just for one example there is this trap.

Politics/Trial/Comedy level: the first two elements in this paragraph play a heavy role in this episode; these two elements are well used to proper effect to put over to the viewers the serious nature of the situation. Now where the comedy level comes into effect is where we have this Mayor, reading this speech and he realizes he is just beginning to read, the same one from earlier on.

This episode receives: 10/10, now I had a small number of marks in mind for this episode, but without overanalyzing it too much I went for this mark, in short I couldn't find anything wrong with it and on top of that all of its elements are pulling in the same direction.

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Resident Evil: Afterlife 2010 by AverageMansReviews

Resident Evil: Afterlife 2010 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this sequel is poor.

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, cultural elements, background music, mental imagery, yes to subtitles being used and no to subtitles being used [over these speakers when this place is under attack,] words on screen, slow-motion effects, time jumps and place jumps.

The more I think about it, the more I don't like these fundamental elements, they are heavy in their usage and if anything they fragment this sequel. Well the most easiest place for me to begin would be the background music it is loud and dominating and let's not forget the special effects or the slow-motion effects, these can be a mixed bag for me to be fair [many Alice’s good idea, the stoppages for 3-D effects not such a good idea or once again to be fair and balance I think that is what these elements were used for having an educated guess, but I could be wrong.]

The transitional phases now and again from scene to scene or maybe different location just seems to reinforce my idea of some kind of fragmenting, let's just say this sequel struggles with keeping momentum, I am not saying that this sequel doesn't have momentum, but what I am saying is; there are moments where the viewers could have signs of this film finding its groove and then it being picked up and taken somewhere else and then having to establish its groove again somehow, which to be fair to this project the longer it stays somewhere or have a cluster of scene or sequences in one location or for an example a scene or sequence which is nearby then it has a possibility of establishing itself again.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: now on both counts there are some good elements, the many Alice’s or another sequence is where Alice is jumping off this building with this cable and the Axeman character is interesting, everything about this character either looks really good or this character brings something to the table be it interesting about him or action sequences which are positive elements to talk about. [Now on a quick side note and it should be noted I am not deliberately finding fault with this sequel, but his weapon looks closer to a sledgehammer then an axe, I'm just saying and don't get me wrong I still like his weapon, sledgehammer or axe in a nutshell without giving too much away, you will not be able to miss it] and do I really need to point out there are plenty of weapons being used.

Performances/Character developments: briefly to begin with I am going to say most of them range from poor to mixed,. But having said that I am now going to be focusing on some performers that either may the best of what was given to them or  different factors have to be taken into consideration; Jovovich, I was going to give you a long speech on making this point, but then I quickly changed my mind to something like this; she carries this project in one way or another and what I mean by different factors have to be taken into consideration [all I am going to say is this; go and read the fundamental elements again.] Because without going on and on about them, they do not exactly help the situation or situations, I don't know if it is because I have seen many projects throughout the years, but I have got enough experience to pick up on these occasions where maybe in this case a long-term performer/character is just trying to proceed with making their instalment of their franchise work on some level. Larter and Miller, the best way I can put this would be this; when these three characters/performers are consistently working together this is where this title [without saying too much I feel more comfortable saying this when a character remembers and that is as much as I can say about that and the other, the more time this character is on screen the better.] But after this; this is where this sequel seems to find a little bit of stability and forward movement.

This film receives: 3/10, now after taking everything into consideration I couldn't justify anything higher or on the other side of the coin I did think anything lower was a little bit harsh.

Sunday, 18 November 2018

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 2, Disc 2] Episode 34: Microbots by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 2, Disc 2] Episode 34: Microbots by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode excellent.

Character developments: there is friction between some characters of the Autobots [Brawn, Perceptor, Bumblebee and even Optimus Prime gets involved a little in these elements.]

Day/Night: this episode uses both of these times; it is a good yet simple yet effective way of including a little bit of variety in these episodes for me.

Comedy level: in one sentence we have drunk Decepticons in this episode.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: now I am going to be discussing these two elements at the same time so I can talk about them in a decent amount, but not giving too much away, we have these three Autobots [Brawn, Perceptor and Bumblebee] going around inside this evil place which has its own dangers and not forgetting these three characters have a certain amount of time to get out of this place before they run out of space. The artistic visions are detailed to show where they are is a highly sophisticated place, it captures the imagination with lots to see without cluttering up the scenes or sequences, these elements are clean and tidy and really well presented.

This episode receives: 9/10, in short after I have taken everything into consideration this mark feels and looks right.

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 2, Disc 2] Episode 33: Auto Berserk by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 2, Disc 2] Episode 33: Auto Berserk by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good.

Soundwave and his mini-cassettes: these elements in one way or another bring a lot to the table, it just reminds the viewers; that is if you needed reminding of Soundwave's abilities, skills, mini-cassettes [what they bring to the table as well] and other things, this episode highlights just some of these elements.

Storyline: now before I begin I just want to say this; I can make references like this because I have mental health issues as well and as of this review I have had it for many, many years. Now I have gotten that out of the way with; this Autobot [Red Alert] seems to be suffering a mental illness or in the interest of fairness and balance if it isn't a mental illness it is coming over like that, because I haven't used this expression for a long time it seems a good time to bring it back, so with this being said I can only point out things that are in these episodes or films or any projects that I am reviewing, in a nutshell if this wasn't here I wouldn't be discussing it [I was thinking I would just point that out to cover my own back.]

Comedy level: this is just a rough description of this sequence; this Autobot [Ironhide] picks up this vehicle thinking it is the Autobot [Red Alert,] they are looking for but it isn't.

Character developments: not only do we get to have a reminder about Soundwave and his mini-cassettes. Starscream also shows us the audience he has no limits to his devious and underhanded ways in this episode as well.

This episode receives: 7/10, now taking everything into consideration this mark feels right and on a quick side note there is this flashing effect thing at some point in this episode, yes usually I don't always mention it but in this case when you see it; you will know what I am talking about.