Sunday 18 November 2018

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 2, Disc 2] Episode 33: Auto Berserk by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 2, Volume 2, Disc 2] Episode 33: Auto Berserk by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good.

Soundwave and his mini-cassettes: these elements in one way or another bring a lot to the table, it just reminds the viewers; that is if you needed reminding of Soundwave's abilities, skills, mini-cassettes [what they bring to the table as well] and other things, this episode highlights just some of these elements.

Storyline: now before I begin I just want to say this; I can make references like this because I have mental health issues as well and as of this review I have had it for many, many years. Now I have gotten that out of the way with; this Autobot [Red Alert] seems to be suffering a mental illness or in the interest of fairness and balance if it isn't a mental illness it is coming over like that, because I haven't used this expression for a long time it seems a good time to bring it back, so with this being said I can only point out things that are in these episodes or films or any projects that I am reviewing, in a nutshell if this wasn't here I wouldn't be discussing it [I was thinking I would just point that out to cover my own back.]

Comedy level: this is just a rough description of this sequence; this Autobot [Ironhide] picks up this vehicle thinking it is the Autobot [Red Alert,] they are looking for but it isn't.

Character developments: not only do we get to have a reminder about Soundwave and his mini-cassettes. Starscream also shows us the audience he has no limits to his devious and underhanded ways in this episode as well.

This episode receives: 7/10, now taking everything into consideration this mark feels right and on a quick side note there is this flashing effect thing at some point in this episode, yes usually I don't always mention it but in this case when you see it; you will know what I am talking about.

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