Sunday 25 November 2018

The Chronicles of Riddick 2004 by AverageMansReviews

The Chronicles of Riddick 2004 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this sequel is mixed.

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, cultural elements, background music, mental imagery, slow-motion effects, quick moving effects, words and a number on screen, time jumps and place jumps.

I do have some problems with this sequel, the fundamental elements of any description as it relates to this sequel are heavily mixed as in they can either work or they don't struggle to work it is that cut and dry.

Like for an example [without being too picky,] the beginning stages take some time to get going, when you get possibly towards just before or around the middle stages it seems to be pulling in the same direction and from the middle stages slowly but surely it runs out of steam, so when you get to roundabout the final stages of this project [based on my viewing experience it feels like something similar to being drawn out and stretched, it is difficult to explain without you seeing this project, the best way I can maybe summit up it is something like this; someone carrying a rucksack on their back going uphill, then quickly coming down the other side of the hill, but then just to realize they have to go up another hill to get to their destination, don't worry this individual will get to their destination but it may be a longer process than before.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: there are plenty of weapons being used, combat elements and for one example we have our lead role doing some kind of gymnastics to get out of this situation where he is hanging in this prison, now moving on to the artistic visions the landscapes and so on look good.

Performances/Comedy level: in short without repeating myself too much generally speaking it depends where you are in this sequel [what I mean by that is; go and look at the rucksack element again in a previous paragraph of this review,] but for here and now I will say; it ranges from being a warming up period, to finding their groove to carrying this project over the finishing line and there are some comical moments I think if my memory is correct, they all come from our lead character in one way or another [I could be wrong about this just to cover my own back.]

This film receives: 5/10, I was going to give this sequel another mark or it was closer to another mark in my opinion until the ending, I am just specifically talking about the style of ending and nothing more. So with that being said I don't like the ending of this sequel, it suggests a question-mark and I just didn't like it or don't like it.

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