Saturday 28 September 2024

Salt 2010 by AverageMansReviews

Salt 2010 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/terrorism/shooting/stabbing/impaling/cutting/drugs/child abuse/animal cruelty/vehicle crash/burning/drugs/kamikaze/medical/references to Russia or/and the Soviet Union and cancer.

There is no need for Pepper, when you have Salt: basically; gets Agent Evelyn Salt/another name [Younger: Cassidy Hinkle/Older: Angelina Jolie:] she is a CIA Agent that gets accused of being a Russian spy, so heodore "Ted" Winter/another character [Liev Schreiber:] he is a working party of Agent Salt that alongside someone he now has to take her down, with Darryl Peabody [Chiwetel Ejiofor:] he is a ONCIX Agent that would like to get bottom of this situation.

Generally speaking: the framework and pacing of this 100 minutes film is straightforward as it knows what it wants to do and sticks to the plan, so everything is fundamentally sound and good.

Action, art and a bit of comedy; Agent Salt/another character is running/escaping from the people that are chasing her from falling/dropping/jumping from one moving vehicle another or/and later on we have her being detained in a backseat of a NYPD cruiser; but she is controlling the driver with a taser gun; so every time he gets taser he moves which makes the cruiser move; in essence what we have here is; a real-life remote control car; these tin sequences are high octane action, that have been smoothly yet frantically put together with a smidgen of comedy as it relates to the taser gun being used.

Character developments and performances; they are of mystery, so they are solidly good for at least a one-time showing, especially if you haven't seen this film yet or you have any can't remember it. These three fully grown performers are all good and are the driving force behind this project; without these performers this film would have really struggled.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; it is solidly entertaining for what it is especially if you like a one or all three of these performers. This film also has awards accredited to its name such as 4 Winners that include Rembrandt Awards 2011 Rembrandt Award Best International Actress (Beste Buitenlandse Actrice)Angelina Jolie and Taurus World Stunt Awards 2011 Taurus Award Best Overall Stunt by a Stunt Woman Janene Carleton Angelina Jolie evades federal offices by jumping through traffic. A stuntwoman jumps from a moving big rig to a gas truck. Using wires, the stuntwoman then jumps onto the top of a box truck and almost slides off the side of the truck. When the truck makes a hard brake, she rolls off the truck. All of the vehicles were moving at speed. 16 Nominees which includes Academy Awards, USA Oscar Best Achievement in Sound Mixing Jeffrey J. Haboush William Sarokin Scott Millan Greg P. Russell and from earlier Taurus Award Best Overall Stunt by a Stunt Best Stunt Coordinator and/or 2nd Unit Director Wade Eastwood (Stunt Coordinator) Simon Crane (2nd Unit Director)

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