Thursday 8 August 2024

Average Extra of: Doom is coming to the MCU soon by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Average Extra of: Doom is coming to the MCU soon by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Real Talking Time:

My reaction: well as Wade Wilson/Deadpool indicates from Deadpool & Wolverine 2024 the latest phases in a nutshell it hasn't worked and generally speaking I would agree with that assessment apart from some films/TV programs, but before some of you get a hostile on your keyboard to balance this up I would like to quickly say this without a shadow of doubt collectively has been the worst phase of the MCU bar none.

So to San Diego Comic Con 2024 where they had a massive surprise of Robert Downey Jr. returns to the MCU, but as Dr. Victor von Doom/Doctor Doom. Now I think this is an excellent move, because broadly speaking they need Jr to clearly right the MCU ship after a rough period in its history and yes I don't know the script or how they are going to do things, but if they are going to use the multiverse has a consequence of someone that looks like Tony Stark if or when his mask comes off then I will regard this as basically making lemonade out of lemons. I don't see why and yes everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I have always been open to the idea that performers may come back as different characters, just based on I am aware of different dimensions, I am not saying I saw this coming, because I didn't, but all I am simply saying is I was open to the idea based on different dimensions or at the very least make it makes sense and as of this content being first created Jr is now the right age of 59 to offer a different interpretation to Dr. Victor von Doom/Doctor Doom. I am not disrespecting Jr performance or interpretation here and in no way shape or form am I being racial, but I am hoping his version has an accent Latveria and yes I know it is a fictional location so I recommend he watches some episodes from Fantastic Four: The Animated Series from 1994-1996, 26 episodes; just to get a flavour of the accent, but I have no idea why there are some people down on this turn of events. When we haven't seen how things play out and as far as I am aware and of what I know briefly put it was probably a good idea to move on from Kang the Conqueror anyway and no I'm not taking sides, basically all I know is; they sound as bad as one another. Now have given my outlook on this situation I am sure Jr won't let me down, but just covering my basis either way now I have backed you Jr please don't let me down

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