Saturday 29 June 2024

A Quiet Place: Day One 2024 by AverageMansReviews

A Quiet Place: Day One 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/animal feeding/breaking/burning/drowning/medical

Let's just get through this shall we: basically; Samira [Younger: performer unknown/Older: Lupita Nyong'o:] she was a author, she has terminal cancer, I believe his name is Bilbo [I would give you is real name but I can't find it on the cast listing,] I will discuss more later about this cat, but the world went to hell and on their travels they met Eric [Joseph Quinn:] he is English, he has come over to New York to study law and out of the two of them; he is a coward, but they go on this journey to get on this board.

Generally speaking: the script is; well it is convenient that we have Day One in the title, because this prequel is a big Number Two, there isn't much to talk about really [I will do another piece of content as it relates to this film, I just can't talk about it here just based on this content/outlay is not designed for that purpose.] But what I can indicate is if you are expecting some kind of action behind or around every corner, this film is going to leave you disappointed. I mean everything else about this film minus some bits and pieces which I will discuss at some point, everything else is wafer thin. Which in turn means the framework and pacing of this 100 minutes;It is straightforward, I will make references to this in one way or another in this content, but it relies on this trio.

Art and action; the viewers get to witness this exquisite puppetry and puppet and later on there is this in the water/underwater swim/chase sequence as our human partnership is being changed Death Angel, because Eric made a sound so Death Angel is chasing them from above.

Character, comedy and performances; the only character that stood out head and shoulders above everything or everyone else was this black-and-white cat, in the film. Full disclosure I should point out I am a cat person, but this cat is just lots of fun, this feline is slightly comical from the aspect of through all of this, you will see this feline just carrying on as if everything is normal, including making Eric jump. The human character developments are versions of what they are meant to be [I will discuss the cancer element in the other content, so I haven't just swept under the carpet; but when that content gets published/goes live I will link it in to this content at the bottom] and their performers; Nyong'o and Quinn individually or together [including with or without Bilbo;] on reflection I would have to say with taking everything into consideration they did a good job carrying this film.

This film receives: 2/10, this film is poor; it gives you a very basic beginning to this situation and that is it; I am hoping they do one more film just to finish off this franchise.


Friday 28 June 2024

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for Forbidden Door 2024 by AverageMansReviews

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for Forbidden Door 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Just a heads up: déjà vu; I will be brief-ish in this content, not out of laziness, it is just I have other content to create and I did warn AEW that on their original pay-per-view plan it was okay to do massive pay-per-views, because they weren't that frequent. But because they have made them more frequently and still doing these 10 matches including Zero Hour mention which could easily go to 14 matches and back in the day I criticised the WWE for doing exactly the same thing, so either cut some of these matches or follow in the footsteps of the WWE or get their first to make your pay-per-view's completely then I will say that again completely a weekend experience, so either make these cards 7 plus 1 Zero Hour so 8 in total or possibly 9 matches long and the same here [but these 10 matches have to be bangers in their own ways.] Or get ready for potentially more complaints in the present or/and the future.

Warning Speculation: I will be speculating that some point in this content

The Don Callis Family's: Konosuke Takeshita vs. the ROH Champion Mark Briscoe vs. The Elite's: Jack Perry vs. Top Flight's: Dante Martin vs. Lio Rush vs. El Phantasmo; Ladder Match for the vacant AEW TNT Championship: my pick is Jack Perry. Before I continue I just want to say I really, really wanted to say Takeshita, I think he and the Don Callis Family are well overdue for a bit of luck. But I don't think, actually I am pretty sure that is not the story they are going with so, they are going to go with Perry as part of The Elite to reinforce their dominance that kind of thing.

Mina Shirakawa vs. Champ Toni Storm [with Luther;] Singles Match for the AEW Women's World Championship Mariah May will be at ringside in support of both participants: my pick is Mina Shirakawa. I could be completely wrong here, but if these two promotions want to have a good partnership, it just seemed like may be it would be a good time to do 50-50 booking as in one promotion wins here, yet later on the other wins and on top of that I see this feud continuing anyway.

Samoa Joe, Hook & the ROH Pure Champion Katsuyori Shibata vs. The Learning Tree's: the FTW Champion Chris Jericho & Big Bill [with Bryan Keith] & Jeff Cobb; Trios Match: my pick is Learning Tree's: the FTW Champion Chris Jericho & Big Bill & Jeff Cobb. Well with still a relatively new-ish fraction/stable, I am going with common sense here as in you still want to make them look strong, apart from obviously if your name is Undisputed Kingdom, but let's not talk about them.

MJF vs. Hechicero; Singles Match: my pick is MJF. To be honest I am just going to rattle off the next few matches.

The Mighty Don't Kneel's: Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Orange Cassidy; Singles Match: my pick is Zack Sabre Jr. This match should be either match of the night or an equal or a close second.

Los Ingobernables de Japón's: Tetsuya Naito vs. Champ The Blackpool Combat Club's: Jon Moxley; Singles Match for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: my pick is Jon Moxley. This is going to be a very intense match and it should be lots of fun.

The AEW TBS Champion Mercedes Moné vs. NJPW Strong Women's Championship Stephanie Vaquer; Winner Takes All Match for both the AEW TBS Championship and NJPW Strong Women's Championship: my pick is Mercedes Moné. Now back to what I was saying about 50-50 booking from earlier, if it goes how I have suggested it, probably both promotions would be delighted to have Moné, so everyone wins.

Scissor Ace: The Acclaimed: Anthony Bowens & Max Caster [with "Daddy Ass" Billy Gunn] & Hiroshi Tanahash vs. The Elite: the AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks: Matthew & Nicholas Jackson & the AEW Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada; Trios Match: my pick is The Elite: The Young Bucks: Matthew & Nicholas Jackson & Kazuchika Okada. Just to finish off a good night for The Elite

The Blackpool Combat Club's: Bryan Danielson vs. Shingo Takagi; Men's Owen Hart Cup Tournament First Round Match: my pick is Bryan Danielson. I can see him going far this year in this tournament.

The AEW International Champion Will Osprey vs. the AEW World Heavyweight Champion Swerve Strickland [with Prince Nana;] Singles Match for the AEW World Heavyweight Championship: my pick is Swerve Strickland. I have a feeling that we may see your return or a debut or at minimum a dusty finish, I am leaning towards these two having a rematch at AEW All In 2024, but this time for all the marbles which I see Osprey go over here, for the obvious reason of it being held at Wembley Stadium in England and as Osprey is English, there you go.




Thursday 27 June 2024

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: Starrcade '95: World Cup of Wrestling 27/12/1995 Match 2 Part 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: Starrcade '95: World Cup of Wrestling 27/12/1995 Match 2 Part 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning: flashing effects/colourful effects

Match/Stipulations: Representing NJPW: the IWPG Junior Heavyweight Champion Koji Kanemoto [with Sonny Onoo] vs. Representing WCW "Das Wunderkind" Alex Wright: World Cup of Wrestling [Best of 7; All 7 will be competed for] Singles Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 10/10

Match Slot Storyline: 10/10

Crowd Participation: 7/10

On Commentary: Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/"Wiesel," Tony Schiavone & "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes 7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 10/10

Recommend Watch: 10/10

Match Total: 54/60 - this match/match slot is excellent

Comments: as you can see there is a lot to like about this match/match slot, it just takes the momentum of the previous match slot and just carried on with it, but as you can see there were little problems. For some strange reason the crowd started calling out USA, you know that old chestnut. But however this makes absolutely no sense considering Wright is from Europe and Kanemoto is from Asia and then on commentary we have Heenan making a similar reference to both sides American and Japan having the same conditioning, but all they had to do was say team WCW or team NJPW and this would have resolved the problem and it would have been right as well. But let's leave things on positive this match/match slot is a hard-hitting advertising for these two very different wrestling styles meaning European and Asian and this just reminds me of how much Wright was perhaps born in the wrong time in wrestling history, because in modern times of 2024, he would easily be getting recognised as a glowing asset and someone that at some point would be given more multiple championships including main event ones as well.

Basic Result: the IWPG Junior Heavyweight Champion Koji Kanemoto [with Sonny Onoo] picks up the win to put New Japan Pro Wrestling 2 Up.

Basic walk-through of this event:

* Tony Schiavone & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/"Wiesel: Commentary talk about what they have just seen over replay with Koji Kanemoto's theme music "Yokahama"

* Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/"Wiesel," Tony Schiavone & "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes: Commentary on-screen in a nutshell stress and concern over the predicament WCW currently find themselves in.

* "Mean" Gene Okerlund: Interviewer interviews is going to have an interview with Onoo, but before he does he is going to advertise the WCW Hotline with this graphic that comes on screen and then he talks to Onoo on basically how things are going for his side and in summary Onoo is delighted. Then Okerlund makes a small blooper, but also corrects himself as he goes to hand it back to Eric [Eric Bischoff] but he meant to say Tony [Tony Schiavone.]

* Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/"Wiesel," Tony Schiavone & "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes: Commentary on-screen again stressing concern about the position that WCW find themselves in at this moment in time.

* Dave Penzer: Ring Announcer [graphic of this match; on-screen, but medium-size and sliding down the screen like a water park slide] saying stipulations and competitors.



Pay-Per-View Rewind of: Starrcade '95: World Cup of Wrestling 27/12/1995 Match 2 Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: Starrcade '95: World Cup of Wrestling 27/12/1995 Match 2 Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

Warning: flashing effects/colourful effects

Match/Stipulations: Representing NJPW: the IWPG Junior Heavyweight Champion Koji Kanemoto [with Sonny Onoo] vs. Representing WCW "Das Wunderkind" Alex Wright: World Cup of Wrestling [Best of 7; All 7 will be competed for] Singles Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 10/10

Match Slot Storyline: 10/10

Crowd Participation: 7/10

On Commentary: Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/"Wiesel," Tony Schiavone & "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes 7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 10/10

Recommend Watch: 10/10

Match Total: 54/60 - this match/match slot is excellent

Comments: as you can see there is a lot to like about this match/match slot, it just takes the momentum of the previous match slot and just carried on with it, if you want to know anymore please head over to the Spoiler Alarm Version.


Wednesday 26 June 2024

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: Starrcade '95: World Cup of Wrestling 27/12/1995 Match 1 Part 1 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: Starrcade '95: World Cup of Wrestling 27/12/1995 Match 1 Part 1 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

On rotation/Warning/Disclaimer: our next stop will be in the WWF. There is flashing effects/colourful effects. Disclaimers: anything I say about this individual is purely based on wrestling and I have been or likely to be a professional wrestler.

Basic walk-through of this event:

* Opening sequence to this pay-per-view

* On-screen we have our commentary team consisting of: Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/"Wiesel," Tony Schiavone & "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes; welcoming us and talking about this pay-per-view - be warned there is a flashing light thingy behind them down into the left

* Dave Penzer: Ring Announcer [graphic of this match; on-screen, but medium-size and sliding down the screen like a water park slide] says competition and introduces Representing WCW: The Four Horsemen's "Crippler" Chris Benoit

* Tony Schiavone: Commentary briefly pick things up and talk about Benoit he hands things back to Penzer

* Dave Penzer: Ring Announcer he introduces Representing NJPW: Jushin "Thunder" Liger [with Sonny Onoo.]

Match/Stipulations: Representing WCW: The Four Horsemen's "Crippler" Chris Benoit vs. Representing NJPW: Jushin "Thunder" Liger [with Sonny Onoo:] World Cup of Wrestling [Best of 7; All 7 will be competed for] Singles Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 9/10

Match Slot Storyline: 10/10

Crowd Participation: 7/10

On Commentary: Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/"Wiesel," Tony Schiavone & "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes 8/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 9/10

Recommend Watch: 10/10

Match Total: 53/60 - this match/match slot is excellent

Comments: the two wrestlers involved in this match as you can see my markings; it really does set a high level for the rest of this pay-per-view. The closing stages of this match/match slot is clunky in its mechanics.

Basic Result: Jushin "Thunder" Liger [with Sonny Onoo] picks up the victory to put New Japan Pro Wrestling 1 Up.

Basic walk-through of this event:

* Tony Schiavone & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/"Wiesel: Commentary talk about what they have just seen over replay with  Jushin "Thunder" Liger's theme music this is one of those rare occasions where I will just have to say I couldn't find it.

* "Mean" Gene Okerlund: Interviewer interviews  Eddie Guerrero about what they have just seen, how honoured he is to be representing WCW and his upcoming match tonight

* Dave Penzer: Ring Announcer [graphic of this match; on-screen, but medium-size and sliding down the screen like a water park slide] saying stipulations and competitors.

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: Starrcade '95: World Cup of Wrestling 27/12/1995 Match 1 Part 1 by AverageMansReviews

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: Starrcade '95: World Cup of Wrestling 27/12/1995 Match 1 Part 1 by AverageMansReviews

On rotation/Warning/Disclaimer: our next stop will be in the WWF. There is flashing effects/colourful effects.Disclaimers: anything I say about this individual is purely based on wrestling.

Match/Stipulations: Representing WCW: The Four Horsemen's "The Crippler" Chris Benoit vs. Representing NJPW: Jushin "Thunder" Liger [with Sonny Onoo:] World Cup of Wrestling [Best of 7; All 7 will be competed for] Singles Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 9/10

Match Slot Storyline: 10/10

Crowd Participation: 7/10

On Commentary: Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/"Wiesel," Tony Schiavone & "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes 8/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 9/10

Recommend Watch: 10/10

Match Total: 53/60 - this match/match slot is excellent

Comments: as I cannot say too much here and I'm not being lazy but with the two wrestlers involved in this match as you can see my markings, it really does set a high level for the rest of this pay-per-view, if you want to know anymore please head over to the Spoiler Alarm.


Tuesday 25 June 2024

The Bikeriders 2023/2024 by AverageMansReviews

The Bikeriders 2023/2024 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/cutting/drugs/strangling/domestic violence/burning/vehicle crashed/stabbing/medical.

Our story begins in the 1960's: Danny [Mike Faist:] is a photographer/interviewer; interviewing Kathy [Jodie Comer:] about the Vandals Chicago motorcycle club as she has firsthand experience of this lifestyle as she meets her husband Benny one night; Benny [Austin Butler:] is a right-hand member of the Vandals Chicago, he is quiet presence, but also can be aggressive. The leader of the Vandals Chicago is Johnny [Tom Hardy:] a family man had the idea for a motorcycle club, but eventually as you will see his idea grew too big and too wild for him to handle.

Generally speaking: the framework is of a as I have already indicated documentary/biography [this film is based on real-life events] outlay, so it follows that outlay fluently as in it has a story to tell and with the pacing of this film which is roughly 116 minutes long been always moving, so there is always something going on, you really don't have time to get bored with this film in the slightest.

Performances and character developments; because of the framework and outlay being what it is; this is very much a cast performance driven film, spearheaded with Comer, Butler and Hardy, there are no weak performances from this cast, because if there was this is one of those occasions where they would stick out like a sore thumb. But this film doesn't have to worry about this potentially massive banana skin. The character developments are good versions of what they are meant to be, but and I can't stress this enough their performance make them complete characters/people with well roundness or/and depth.

Art, action and comedy; this project put across from time to time riding a motorcycle, be it the unity if you are willing that lifestyle of belonging to a motorcycle group or/and the feeling of freedom going through these landscapes, but if you're being chased by police, just make sure you don't run out of petrol.

This film receives: 9/10, this film is excellent; I have decided to award another mark based on the cast, I don't like section off the audiences, but in this case you can see where I am going with this; if this is your kind of thing you will enjoy this film, or if not still take a look at this film, but if you don't like this walk of life or anything to do with it, maybe this film is it for you. But having said that if you like the one or more of the trio I have mentioned still take a look at this film. This film has 1 award to its name; Mill Valley Film Festival 2023 Mill Valley Film Festival Directing Jeff Nichols.


Monday 24 June 2024

WCW Monday Nitro Season 1, Episode 17: Merry Christmas by AverageMansReviews

WCW Monday Nitro Season 1, Episode 17: Merry Christmas by AverageMansReviews

Warning: flashing effects/colourful effects/fire/blood

Commentary Award goes to: Eric Bischoff for being the linchpin for this episode and dropping in the fact that Hulk Hogan is now suspended for the rest of 1995, later on he also makes reference to the WWF/WWE as in a snippet; their wrestlers are leaving in droves and coming to where the big boys/women play, I have adapted this to include women because of Medusa which somewhere previously in fairness to Bischoff he makes reference to and I should just point this out Steve "Mongo" McMichael [with Pepe the Chihuahua,] picks things up from there and continues the reference about Medusa and what she did last week and that lesser league [the WWF/WWE,] before somebody points this out to me instead of using Hart usual “The Mouth of the South”Bischoff goes with “Madman” even though that I have said this there isn’t  a difference between is usual heel shtick anyway and finally Bischoff  putts this out there the intriguing question of who was Sting it can help; is it "Macho Man" Randy Savage or "The Total Package" Lex Lugar?

Wrestling Award goes to: "The Iceman" Dean Malenko vs.  Mr. J. L: Singles Match

Honorary mention: Sting performs this small package pin beginning from the far right upper turnbuckle in his match against Big Bubba Roger: Singles Match

Promo Award goes to:  [just away from the entrance ramp] "Mean" Gene Okerlund interviews Sting and yet again his relationship with "The Total Package" Lex Lugar, Starrcade '95; World Cup of Wrestling, Ric Flair and WCW vs. New Japan Pro Wrestling in the World Cup; including the extra bonus of no theme music for Sting, but the pyro goes off which makes Okerlund jump; so this is a blooper. [I should provide a little bit more background; after this interview/promo section Sting has a match with everything going according to plan as in how it should go. But Sting does put across that something didn't order hasn't gone according to plan either the previous time or this time, I should point out that this is just based on opinion, observation and speculation] and then on the way down to the ring Sting has noticed he has these Sting images/lights on the floor when he goes to the ring.

Later on

 [Just away from the entrance ramp] "Mean" Gene Okerlund with a Father Christmas hat on interviews "Dungeon of Doom's" "The Total Package" Lex Lugar  [with "The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart] as they basically talk about things leading into Starrcade '95: World Cup of Wrestling [with Sting paying attention from ringside as he is just had his match.] Sgt. Craig "Pitbull" Pitman interrupting Hart to ask him to manage him in short he declines.

Later on

[Just away from the entrance ramp] "Mean" Gene Okerlund interviews "The Four Horsemen's" "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair about tonight's main event, Hart interrupts by basically saying, I am sorry for what " The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan had to say last week and Hart asks Flair if you can be in his corner tonight, I am paraphrasing here for saving him last week he wants to return the favour and be in his corner tonight which Flair agrees to.

This episode receives: 7/10, this episode is good; it is solidly does what it is designed to do and that is be a go home episode, before this pay-per-view which is only days away of WCW Starrcade '95: World Cup of Wrestling.


Sunday 23 June 2024

WCW Monday Nitro Season 1, Episode 16: Madusa Trashes the WWF 18/12/1995 by AverageMansReviews

WCW Monday Nitro Season 1, Episode 16: Madusa Trashes the WWF 18/12/1995 by AverageMansReviews

Warning: flashing effects/colourful effects/fire

Commentary Award goes to: Eric Bischoff for less than a minute making a reference paraphrasing, but you will get the point; of this TV program always been live, in reference to the WWF/WWE not always been live [pre-recorded] and later speculates on the allegiance between  "The Total Package" Lex Lugar and Sting. Even though I know Bischoff makes a tiny blooper on commentary; he was meant to take us to [just away from the entrance ramp] Okerlund, but he said into the ring instead and other bloggers but he does correct himself in those.

Wrestling Award goes to:  The Four Horsemen's "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. Eddie Guerrero: Singles Match

Promo Award goes to: Alundra Blayze/Medusa; debut and legendary segment [I am not being disrespectful by not talking about it at too much greater length here, as you will see she will pick up another award momentarily.]

Later on

[In the middle of the ring] "Mean" Gene Okerlund interviews "The Four Horsemen's" "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair & "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson; Okerlund threatens to basically terminate this interview if Flair does not stop attacking Guerrero; Anderson provides an update on the progression and success of this faction/stable over recent times [we also get a video package simultaneously of what happened on last week's Nitro.] Okerlund brings Flair into the conversation as we come back from the video package we see "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan and “The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart enter into the ring to interrupt Flair. Sullivan is not happy that "Flyin" Brian Pillman mentioned The Dungeon of Doom in that promo last week in fact Sullivan said basically you have a loose cannon and you better keep him on a short leash.

Later on

Sgt. Craig "Pitbull" Pitman comes to the commentary area with a microphone in his hand and asks Heenan to manage him, but Heenan doesn't manage anymore, he is a broadcast journalist so he declines, but he does say give me your details and I will pass them on to another manager, but Heenan will help him in any way he can Sgt. Pitman declares if he does not get help, he will take no prisoners.

Later on

[In the middle of the ring] Okerlund interviews; Sting and talked to him about his involvement in Starrcade '95': World Cup of Wrestling:.

Later on/finally Okerlund interviews; interviews Hulk Hogan and the WCW World Heavyweight Champion "Macho Man" Randy Savage outlining the potential journey of the the WCW World Heavyweight Champion [this segment is also involving the Dungeon of Doom's The Giant.]

Debut Award goes to: Alundra Blayze/Medusa with 80 seconds into this episode we have this wrestler [making her way into the commentary section with a microphone and this WWF Women's Championship] performing her infamous and legendary debut as she pronounces herself as Medusa and takes the WWF Women's Championship and puts it in the bin and to really push the point/battle lines have been drawn you have with  Steve "Mongo" McMichael [with Pepe the Chihuahua] referencing Connecticut [if you didn't know is the headquarters of the WWF/WWE.]

Honourable mention: I know if I don't make reference to this at some point or another I will have backlash; we also have William "Refrigerator" Perry making his debut appearance, now once again this for those younger generations who may be thinking what is the significance of this? Well to continue pushing the narrative of the battle lines have been drawn this individual also was involved in WrestleMania 2 1986 in the Battle Royal and later on in 2006 he was entered into the WWE Hall of Fame.

This episode receives: 8/10, this episode is excellent; it does attempt to give the illusion of chaos as in constructive chaos for one example which even clearly see in this content scheduled/illusion of unscheduled interruptions in the commentary area in one way or another.

Saturday 22 June 2024

AEW & WWE: There will be some of you that don't want to hear what I have to say by AverageMansReviews

AEW & WWE: There will be some of you that don't want to hear what I have to say by AverageMansReviews

Warning/Speculation: at one point or another I will probably be using a softer adult language references and at some point I will be talking very real and I will be speculating as well.

Let's get down to business: I am getting fed up with this ball shish kebab, every fudgin' Thursday these very sad motherfudgers talk about the decline of AEW. Just for the record it isn't getting to me, because I actually have a life and consequently prospective on life. But however what has stimulated the creation of this content is; the abuse I have received where these people think they are 100% correct [for those intelligent people out there; yes I know because I am also wise that you can't reason with these people.] But however because they think they are correct, it also apparently gives them the right to be disrespectful including using the social media equivalent of the N word which yet again for those intelligent people out there, this derogatory word doesn't ethnically speaking apply to me. But it is the fact that they can say and do anything they want that irritates me, for the final time for those intelligent people out there, yes I have reported them some time ago, but I am speculating here and that the reason why I haven't heard anything is because they aren't using the actual word, but an equivalent of that word, but I should just say I don't know I am using common sense but although speculating.

Now this is where I have to break the wrestling bubble; for all those people that engage I don't give a fudge what promotion you support or many tribalism, you are where that there are real things happening in the real world right? You know wars in different countries, a living standard crisis, people with either with a mental illness or disability or a physical disability [which I qualify in the sections,] not forgetting fatal disabilities and including fatal in some cases for an example like cancer [which for the past years I have been dealing with a family member.]

My point being; I speak for myself and no one else, but having said that I should imagine that if you were to speak to wrestlers in a general sense they would say something to the effect of I love this industry, but there is so much more happening in the world besides what we do, that this tribalism thing needs to stop.

So AEW Dynamite the week of 19 June 2024 unfortunately got just over 500,000 when it is surprising, because when I have five minutes I like watching AEW content and of what I have seen online over recent times they have been really consistently strong as it relates to their content and the steady climb over their figures. In a sports analogy you can be on a roll and from out of nowhere you could lose one game even though it could have won the previous five, this could just be a reminder that AEW need to stay focused. I am like some of the other content creators that keep an eye on the ratings but I have learnt not to pay too much attention to them, now hopefully next week things will climb again. But for here and now I have to be brutally honest and just remind those that are revelling in AEW's misfortune, seriously get a life. The wrestling industry is much better with AEW in it, if they are just in the industry to keep WWE focused, then I will take that. Obviously AEW are aiming much higher which is how it should be, but I am happy with a thriving industry again, if the figures I like this again next week, I will address this again.

On to a different subject, but also a connecting subject; I mean for me the WWE also does have declining figures over recent times also, is it because Cody Rhodes' championship run has been as flat as a pancake? Can you say in one title match/match slot he was generally at risk of losing his championship? For me this is just KofiMania all over again, I will go on record right now, when Rhodes' contender actually gets built up correctly then you can be worried, because that is the time that he will lose his championship. I really don't like this Drew McIntyre situation, because if anyone hasn't noticed yet, he is actually the new Cody Rhodes as in been gets screwed out of the championship, to eventually win it and Logan Paul has WWE United States Champion is a joke, as far as I'm aware he has defended it twice in over 200 days. But the WWE Universe is happily focused on taking a dump on AEW, instead of taking care of their own business and I am not trying to reflect away from AEW, but simply saying take care of her own business/issues before throwing manure that someone else's doorstep, but you aren't going to do that are you? But instead you're just going to criticise Tony Khan and AEW for whatever they do wrong, right or indifferent which is incredibly sad, because and I will leave things on this mic drop moment, most of you use this escapism instead of dealing with real life.




Friday 21 June 2024

WCW Monday Nitro Season 1, Episode 15: What's Up With Hulk Hogan and Sting? 11/12/1995 by AverageMansReviews

WCW Monday Nitro Season 1, Episode 15: What's Up With Hulk Hogan and Sting? 11/12/1995 by AverageMansReviews

Warning: flashing effects/colourful effects/fire/medical

Commentary Award goes to: Bobby " The Brain" Heenan/"Weasel" for putting his opinion across about the trust between Hogan & Sting as they team up the night vs. "The Four Horsemen's" "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair & "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson [yes Heenan did also bring up briefly the trust between Flair and Anderson; but that isn't the main focus point here] and goes to check on the condition of "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff/provides as things are right now, later on he speculates of the welfare of Orndorff and I know he makes a blooper getting mixed up between two wrestlers names but he corrects himself; "Is going to beat Hogan, I mean Savage."

Wrestling Award goes to: "The Four Horsemen's" "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair &"The Enforcer" Arn Anderson vs. Sting & Hulk Hogan: Tag Team Match. [Here is something for you to look out for; seemingly some guy with a cap facing forward has switched sides from a Hogan fan to a Horsemen;  as he stands up turned around to face us the viewers; rips up a Hogan shirt and begins the Horsemen gesture, I would suggest that he had this premeditated as he has different clothing on so it wasn't spontaneous as he throws it into the ring and Savage deals with it and on a closer inspection of the replay he had Hogan's shirt in his hand so this was indeed premeditated]

Promo Award goes to: [just away from the entrance ramp] "Mean" Gene Okerlund interviews "Dungeon of Doom's" "The Total Package" Lex Lugar  [with "The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart] as they basically talk about things that Lugar should already be the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, leading up to Starrcade '95: World Cup of Wrestling  the WCW World Heavyweight Savage and basically Lugar having his number [we get to see footage of what he means.] in the Triple Threat Match at this event including "The Four Horsemen" Ric Flair vs. Sting.

Later on 

[just away from the entrance ramp] "Mean" Gene Okerlund interviews "The Four Horsemen's" "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair, "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson & Flyin Brian; basically Brian runs his mouth about this and that including Orndorff,  Flair begins to talk about the main event with Hogan and Sting. From down the ramp Orndorff interrupts which he apologises but essentially he isn't going to take that from Brian; unfortunately things escalate to where Orndorff gets majorly laid out by The Horsemen.

Later on

[just away from the entrance ramp] "Mean" Gene Okerlund interviews Sting, Hogan and the WCW World Heavyweight Champion  "Macho Man" as they talk about his upcoming itinerary for an example defending his championship "The Dungeon of Doom's The Giant" live on TNT/Nitro, including the kayfabe reference between father and son of  André the Giant and The Giant.

Later on/finally [in the middle of the ring] Okerlund interviews; Hogan, Sting and the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Savage in a nutshell; resolve things so that they are all on the same page; so in one way or another they can go up against; the heels that are facing them at the moment; be it the Dungeon of Doom and/or The Four Horsemen

This episode receives: 8/10, this episode is excellent: as you can see every promo section of this episode is let's be glowingly positive to begin with; they are very noteworthy, now let's be slightly less glowing [not negative, but realistic] they do a lot of the heavy lifting of this episode, generally speaking gets the okay TV matches minus the main event obviously. But even I can't ignore the glaringly obvious as I have already referenced the promo segments do a lot of the heavy lifting of this episode and on top of that we even get a Slim Jim's advertisement/commercial