Saturday, 29 June 2024

A Quiet Place: Day One 2024 by AverageMansReviews

A Quiet Place: Day One 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/animal feeding/breaking/burning/drowning/medical

Let's just get through this shall we: basically; Samira [Younger: performer unknown/Older: Lupita Nyong'o:] she was a author, she has terminal cancer, I believe his name is Bilbo [I would give you is real name but I can't find it on the cast listing,] I will discuss more later about this cat, but the world went to hell and on their travels they met Eric [Joseph Quinn:] he is English, he has come over to New York to study law and out of the two of them; he is a coward, but they go on this journey to get on this board.

Generally speaking: the script is; well it is convenient that we have Day One in the title, because this prequel is a big Number Two, there isn't much to talk about really [I will do another piece of content as it relates to this film, I just can't talk about it here just based on this content/outlay is not designed for that purpose.] But what I can indicate is if you are expecting some kind of action behind or around every corner, this film is going to leave you disappointed. I mean everything else about this film minus some bits and pieces which I will discuss at some point, everything else is wafer thin. Which in turn means the framework and pacing of this 100 minutes;It is straightforward, I will make references to this in one way or another in this content, but it relies on this trio.

Art and action; the viewers get to witness this exquisite puppetry and puppet and later on there is this in the water/underwater swim/chase sequence as our human partnership is being changed Death Angel, because Eric made a sound so Death Angel is chasing them from above.

Character, comedy and performances; the only character that stood out head and shoulders above everything or everyone else was this black-and-white cat, in the film. Full disclosure I should point out I am a cat person, but this cat is just lots of fun, this feline is slightly comical from the aspect of through all of this, you will see this feline just carrying on as if everything is normal, including making Eric jump. The human character developments are versions of what they are meant to be [I will discuss the cancer element in the other content, so I haven't just swept under the carpet; but when that content gets published/goes live I will link it in to this content at the bottom] and their performers; Nyong'o and Quinn individually or together [including with or without Bilbo;] on reflection I would have to say with taking everything into consideration they did a good job carrying this film.

This film receives: 2/10, this film is poor; it gives you a very basic beginning to this situation and that is it; I am hoping they do one more film just to finish off this franchise.

Average Extra of: What was the point of A Quiet Place: Day One 2024? - Spoiler Alarm! Link


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