Thursday 27 June 2024

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: Starrcade '95: World Cup of Wrestling 27/12/1995 Match 2 Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: Starrcade '95: World Cup of Wrestling 27/12/1995 Match 2 Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

Warning: flashing effects/colourful effects

Match/Stipulations: Representing NJPW: the IWPG Junior Heavyweight Champion Koji Kanemoto [with Sonny Onoo] vs. Representing WCW "Das Wunderkind" Alex Wright: World Cup of Wrestling [Best of 7; All 7 will be competed for] Singles Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 10/10

Match Slot Storyline: 10/10

Crowd Participation: 7/10

On Commentary: Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/"Wiesel," Tony Schiavone & "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes 7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 10/10

Recommend Watch: 10/10

Match Total: 54/60 - this match/match slot is excellent

Comments: as you can see there is a lot to like about this match/match slot, it just takes the momentum of the previous match slot and just carried on with it, if you want to know anymore please head over to the Spoiler Alarm Version.


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