Thursday 8 February 2024

Recommendation of: NXT Vengeance Day 2024 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Recommendation of: NXT Vengeance Day 2024 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning/Disclaimers: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/burning/blood/adult language/medical. Disclaimer as of this content being created I know at least some of the results, no excuses but this fact I had to put up some content and it was in my and as always I have never been or are likely to be a professional wrestler and on top of that I am not a medical professional and apologies for getting slightly graphic later on.

The Wolfdogs: Baron Corbin & Bron Breakker vs. Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams: Men's Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Finals; the winners receive a future NXT Tag Team Championship Match: we have Wade Barrett on commentary tonight with Vic Joseph; I just have to apologise Barrett tries to talk like he is down with the kids; it is very cringey. Williams tries to perform a running swinging neck breaker but doesn't catch it, but Corbin sells for Williams to make it look like he caught it; even Joseph didn't pick up on it [you are basically; looking for Williams to do a running uppercut, this is what was meant to be the running neck breaker.] I don't know what it is about neck breakers in this match slot, but Corbin goes for one on Hayes; Corbin's version is the variety of he has his opponent on his shoulders and then offloads them simultaneously putting out a knee to perform the neck breaker; this one is sloppy as Corbin doesn't look comfortable in the transaction phase of this move as he barely gets his knee out to land Hayes on. There is a very scary looking run off the ropes by Breakker where his neck momentarily gets caught up in the ropes, he looks absolutely fine and just carries on with the match, but it does look really scary; to the point where Joseph makes it blooper by getting mixed up between Corbin and Breakker, but he does correct himself; this incident gets spoke about on commentar, momentarily later this incident gets bored of again. Breakker goes for this like a reverse windmill cutter [earlier in the match we see how this move should go,] but this time as Joseph points out basically it gets counted by Hayes but it is still a nasty fall. On my viewing experience; it's more like Breakker or/both of them miss in connection and both feel the consequences. Williams on a kip-up jars his knee, with the referee asking if he was okay? With it getting mentioned on commentary as well, I do understand that this also may be kayfabe coming into play for later on. Hayes performers a version of the lion salt, newest the commentary table but he slips a little and Corbin takes Hayes legs across his body with likewise it getting referenced on commentary as well, the commentary team talk about the ropes; I am paraphrasing here; they are having trouble with the ropes, we will get someone to look at at them. We get this is awesome chants which I would like to say; I beg to differ. Corbin and Breakker both leave their feet at some points in this match; these are positive moments. Williams tries a different variety of neck breaker, yet again it looks sloppy. This match/match slot receives: 5/10.

Dijak vs. Joe Gacy; No Disqualification Match: Joseph indicates nice you got your thing in when Barrett gets in; Bad News. Gacy uses a dustbin as a batering ram over his head and body; good little spot here. There is some good fun with some duct tape and with some well timed audience participation. This match/match slot receives: 7/10.

OTM: Lucien Price, Bronco Nima & Jaida Parker [with Scrypts] vs. the NXT Tag Team Champions The Family: Tony D'Angelo, Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo & Adriana Rizzo: Six-Person Mixed Tag Team Match: this was exactly what you expect it to be, with hard-hitting action and towards the later stages Rizzo coming off the top turnbuckle to the outside [the bottom left the entrance] to take out wrestlers below. At some point we get another this is awesome chant, this time I agree with the sentiment, there is passion and as I have a hard-hitting affair. This match/match slot receives: 7/10.

Roxanne Perez vs. Champ Lyra Valkyria; Singles Match for the NXT Women's Championship: for some strange reason we get a small rally clap from the audience, there is a rally of pin falls that don't look the smoothest of transitions, we get a chant of this is wrestling, even though this crowd are in fairness and balance probably a little bit burnt out at this point; then we get a rally clap which gets referenced on commentary. Perez misses the connection of a running scissors takedown so in the same sequence between both wrestlers with a set up to go for it again and it goes how it should have been. Perez lands her finisher pop rocks; but it also has to be said that the transaction of this move didn't exactly go smoothly either at this time; I mean she overshot on a kip-up. Valkyria; is ready for the main roster, yes I may not watch this roster, but I remember her from NXT UK and she has grown as a performer; it is the little things basically giving the illusion that everything is going according to plan, even though in this case it may just be going slightly wayward or at best she will do our best to avoid it or cover it up as best as she can [I should cover my back with yes I know as of this content being first created Perez is only 22 years old whilst. Valkyria is 27 years old so Perez have time to develop more and for those pernickety people out there in Internet land I have done in momentarily peace of research there are roughly 3 years of wrestling experience between these two;Valkyria's debut was roughly slightly before halfway into 2015, whilst Perez was 2018.] The audience grew into this match as well, especially at a turning point and because of this turning point it will reflect in my marking of this match/match slot including later on in this event: this match/match slot receives: 8/10.

Dragon Lee vs. Champ Oba Femi; Singles Match for the NXT North American Championship: Femi probably lands on a monitor, it gets referenced on commentary, he is absolutely fine as he continues the match, I can't guarantee he lands on it, but the monitor is within the possibility. This is one of those match outlays that both competitors that after everything is said and done looks better for having this match and my final point here is; just like that the WWE machine has found a replacement for Keith Lee. This match/match slot receives: 8/10.

Trick Williams vs. Champ Ilja Dragunov; Singles Match for the NXT Championship: Williams lands a dropkick perfectly; when I say perfectly, I mean perfectly if Dragunov wants at minimum a bloody nose as his nose starts bleeding after this impact [yes I had to watch it again on replay to see the point of contact and I have put it down as this dropkick.] But if you if you have ever watched one of Dragunov; bleeding is quite a common practice; NXT/WWE has Dragunov, whilst AEW has Jon Moxley; they both believe in the hard style of professional wrestling. They even replay the incident and Joseph praising Williams for basically the expression if you don't succeed; try, try again; you see this wasn't his first attempt of hitting a dropkick. But hey at least the commentary team tried to put over as a point of the match of Dragunov hits Williams' nose apparently with this variety of clotheline, they really do try to sell this idea as we watch a replay of what has just taken place. Barrett makes reference to the fact that in a nutshell Dragunov may have a busted nose, which I would have to agree with him. Because as someone that has had a damaged nose before, you don't get this style of blood unless you either heavily rupture or break something. Barrett makes reference to how/where you should be hitting clotheslines, but Dragunov seems to be going for the face, as into the feed into the idea from where the commentary team were making lemonade out of lemons Dragunov's bloody nose and then a little later Joseph reinforces the notion as well. Williams performs this ura nage off the apron nearest the entrance, a little later I should point out that Williams finally hit a neck breaker right [it just seemed right that I should point it out.] This was definitely Williams's coming out party and as I said earlier as I have experience with nose issues, based on my limited knowledge and looking at Dragunov's face his nose is either fractured or if I had to put money on it; I would say broken, as it looks really swollen and the big giveaway is his nose is noticeably gone to the left; so here is to a speedy recovery and as always it is how you leave them; which I wish the main brand would take their own advice. This match/match slot receives: 10/10.

The average mark of this pay-per-view is: 9/10, it may start with a rocky beginning but as you can see it slowly get better and better. To leave this content on a pipe bomb [in a wrestling sense;] based on my opinion/viewing experience and I know I have done this comparison before, but I always find it amazing that without being disrespectful I find it amusing that the WWE creative product system NXT outshines the main roster and in this case this is no exception WWE Royal Rumble 2024 Link is no exception



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