Saturday 17 February 2024

Jeff Hardy [with Matt Hardy] vs. Sammy: No Disqualification Match on AEW Rampage Friday 16/02/2024: Part 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Jeff Hardy [with Matt Hardy] vs. Sammy: No Disqualification Match on AEW Rampage Friday 16/02/2024: Part 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning/Disclaimer: there is an adult gesture referenced adult and disclaimer I have never been or likely to be a professional wrestler.

Related content: Jeff Hardy [with Matt Hardy] vs. Sammy: No Disqualification Match on AEW Rampage Friday 16/02/2024 Link and AEW's Tony Khan outburst on social media again in 2024 Link

The more I look into this situation, the more I just don't like it: obviously and firstly let's go with the connecting content; that this was an incident and I do believe it is a genuine incident. But after watching more abbreviated live footage of this match/match slot and before I continue this is what the up-and-coming wrestling fans need to understand I don't particularly like Jeff Hardy; in short I have been there so many times for when he has screwed up, nowadays I have reached my limit with him. But however even though I don't like him, I still see him as a person, because I don't like something I wouldn't send someone death threats that wasn't involved in a situation. But I digress; having seen most of this match slot, my first question is; why is Jeff taking shots of this nature in the first place on Rampage? [I mean I am a cynical old goat so I know why it is all  about TV ratings,] It is unnecessary such as a variety of blockbuster combination with a chair?? No seriously why? He is 46 years old as of this content being created, I mean I could understand on a pay-per-view; but Rampage, Rampage there is no value here in fact let's go bigger why the hell is this stipulation being used on Rampage of all places? I mean I like Rampage, but it is essentially the equivalent of the WWE's Main Event or Superstars that kind of programming, I mean if you are going to use this stipulation make it worthwhile and put a number one contender for whatever championship or championships. But it is no secret that Jeff or/and Matt have taken a number of injuries and respectfully they are taking their toll.

So yes I have seen what happened after; with Matt seeming furious [let's not forget that Matt and Guevara have their own history of a messy feud in 2020;] so this can be completely genuine as Matt has been there before, but let's slightly move on as both brothers giving Guevara a hand gesture and as Jeff really doesn't look too safe on his feet, well I should imagine just being knocked out and having a broken nose would make you not too sharp on your feet

I have seen the comments basically indicating; this is a work. I sincerely doubt that this situation is a work, because with Jeff taking the hit he does from the Shooting Star Press including getting knocked out and on top of that getting a broken nose is too much of a stretch, okay later on down the line may be they could make an angle out of it if they wanted to.

Spoiler incoming; based on this live footage of Guevara being taken out and potentially written off TV in kayfabe I wouldn't say potentially I would take him off TV, because he is going to get so much heat off the crowds. I had to look this up and when I found out that Guevara is now 30 years old as of this content being first created, I know that is still young. But it just seems like he isn't progressing as in yes on his night he can be one of the best [I should highlight I am not a big fan of his either,] but I can acknowledge there is a raw talented wrestler in there somewhere, it is just with him in one way or another you seems to sabotage his own career in some fashion; in no particular order so just off the top of my head incidents in wrestling matches, comments about what he would like to do to Sasha Banks, doing the whole thing with Tay Melo [real life husband-and-wife] and yes I know they were heels; but you can speak to anyone in the wrestling industry you can get heel heat or you can get go away heat and they were getting masses and masses of go away heat, to the point where in my opinion it damaged them both individually and together.

I mean I said it in the connecting content; about a Performance Center or even something like that or anything like that; it's just I like AEW and I like Tony Khan, but it does feel like they are currently stuck on a loop of problems where Guevara gets over one incident and then has another, there is locker room unrest or even more than usual, because there is always some level of friction and live event attendances being more miss than hit over the more recent times and how could I forget Darby Allin putting over Cody Rhodes in a promo [on Wednesday 15/02/2024 AEW: Dynamite] especially when he doesn't work for AEW anymore, how about putting over TK, you know the one that pays you and give you the platform and freedom to do what you want Allin? I mean if I was TK I would feel massively disrespected, but then again this is just another occasion that even though I like TK; it shows that you cannot control his wrestlers.

I mean I like TK as I have already referenced; but maybe instead of going off on one again, which I do understand why, but still may be time to look internally instead of what is online, but very finally I would once again like to send my best wishes to Jeff Hardy on a speedy recovery.


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