Friday 16 February 2024

Jeff Hardy [with Matt Hardy] vs. Sammy: No Disqualification Match on AEW Rampage Friday 16/02/2024 by AverageMansReviews

Jeff Hardy [with Matt Hardy] vs. Sammy: No Disqualification Match on AEW Rampage Friday 16/02/2024 by AverageMansReviews

Warning/Disclaimer: there will be the usage of softer censored adult language and disclaimer I have never been or likely to be a professional wrestler.

What the fudge was this complete shish kebab sandwich?: I know, I know I have been around wrestling since the 1980's so I know things like this have a chance of happening. I am not defending this; I was just pointing it out the for someone else came along and said it. But now I have stated the obvious; I have seen this incident from different angles/different footage and regardless of what footage/angle I see it in; it just really doesn't look good, I mean from time to time you do see moves slightly off which do cause injury and then you see incidences like this that closely resembles a train wreck I mean if you have ever seen Brock Lesnar's infamous Shooting Star Press [yes for the younger generation this indeed actually happened vs. Kurt Angle at WrestleMania 19/2003; Singles Match for Kurt Angle's WWE Championship; Had Angle been counted out, disqualified, or had anyone interfered on his behalf, he would have also lost the title/championship.] Where in short Lesnar in a nutshell basically cuts this move short as in distance and lands squarely on his face, it is one of those situations where because of Lesnar's physique he could take the impact, trust me when I say once seen this incident never forgotten.

But back to present times; Hardy does what he is supposed to do in this sequence of events, seemingly look as if he is going to take the move and then as reversal put his knees up. But I am not an expert here; but it seems like Guevara loses the line of the Shooting Star Press, so there is a possibility he is going to end lower on Hardy's body, which Guevara does, but if that wasn't enough he seems to not get enough rotation is head is not high enough so no blame on Hardy here when he puts his knees up; Guevara takes both knees in the face; consequently Hardy takes Guevara's far knee viciously in the face and just to cover my back when I used the word viciously I am saying it in the context of Guevara had no control so there is no intention, but the consequences is Hardy got knocked out.

So obviously the first thing I want to say is; I would like to wish Jeff Hardy a speedy recovery and now I saw a comment on a social media platform, but I agree with it; I think it is about time AEW invested in a Performance Center, because okay you want to offer something different to the WWE which is fair enough. But at the same time and I know you can't as I have already illustrated in this content you can't completely take out the injury factor out of professional wrestling, but you can always practice on something to drop the percentages. Don't get me wrong I am not the biggest Jeff Hardy fan, but he is still a human being and at the age of 46 taking a unnecessary shot to the head is something he could do without, actually now I think about it I am not the biggest Guevara fan either. But then again I have heard stories that certain wrestlers don't want to take advice or anything to improve their game, so I can understand from a education perspective this could be frustrating, because if I was a professional wrestler I would take every opportunity to learn from veterans, minus high flying as in my feet would stay on the ground and maybe on rare occasions before an elbow drop or a big splash from the top turnbuckle, other than that my feet would stay on the ground. But regardless if I like AEW or not if something is not addressed then you know this old expression "If you don't learn from history you are doomed to repeat it" and finally incidents like this don't help the criticism from the online community that are not exactly friendly towards AEW, especially when I clearly see somebody making reference to Tony Khan saying basically his wrestling promotion is safe or something to that effect.


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