Sunday 4 February 2024

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson vs. the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 40/2024: There is no problem here by AverageMansReviews

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson vs. the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 40/2024: There is no problem here by AverageMansReviews

Warning/Disclaimer: there will be soft centred adult language used in this content and disclaimer I will be covering some uncomfortable subjects.

Who in the blue hell are you all demanding #WeWantCody?!: I mean I really wasn't going to do this content today, because I have so much other content to do. But I'm not going to mix my words unless censoring them obviously. I am going to tell you some home truths that I'm going to have a strong guess and say most of you won't like, in fact it will be so much home truth that you may as well call this a pipe bomb [in a wrestling sense.]

Now I have heard at least someone say and I am paraphrasing here; Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson needs to save WrestleMania 40. Yes Johnson is absolutely correct, because you have nobody else, you literally have nobody else; Punk out, Lesnar out, Cena [already done; WWE SummerSlam 2021 for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship,] even McIntyre [already done; WWE Clash At The Castle 2022 for the same championship,] like it or not Cody Rhodes [WrestleMania 39/2023 for the same championship] and everyone else that Roman Reigns has beaten.

I mean I don't get it; I have been telling you for years now at one point or another that I get Reigns' gimmick of technically beating everyone, but in that I have also told you the consequences of this gimmick going on too long is it will essentially create a void, because instead of realising halfway through this gimmick hold on if we don't start building someone that could eventually beat Reigns alongside him being unable to win claim or even at this point him actually bending the rules on his own or even with Heyman, we will have problems and low and behold, that is where we are. Where there is only one person that can now beat Reigns and that would be Johnson [and just to cover my back in the future, if he doesn't they better have fantastic match outlay and storyline through this and after; so I am slightly open to the fact that Reigns may retain, I am just saying it better be epic.] I mean I have seen this similar garbage before where in the early 2000's the hierarchy of this company refused point blank refused to essentially passed the torch onto the younger generation, so consequently you had ageing performers and no one coming up behind them to take over and even though we have this new regime; it is funny how the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Johnson is the true Tribal Chief anyway he took them from basically being a Samoan cliche gimmick, to being one of the most strongest wrestling dynasties in the world today, Johnson showed that he and the future generations of the AnoaŹ»i family could actually be so much more than Samoan wrestlers and stereotypes and/or just mid card mediocrity at best or very rarely in the main event scene [I hasten to add this did not apply to Yokozuna; yes for the younger generations of wrestling fans he is a member of this family,] he just open the door and everyone else still had to work hard, but opened the wrestling industry's eyes to hold on this family can actually wrestle and be a big part of any promotion all the way to either tag team or main event championships, so he is the breakthrough for not only himself but his family as well.

This is WrestleMania 40/2024 is a massive milestone so I don't care if you like this or not Johnson vs. Reigns for this championship is perfectly designed for this milestone and Rhodes vs. Reigns for this championship just isn't, I mean if we didn't see at last year maybe. But Johnson vs. Reigns; Championship at WWE Wrestle Mania 40/2024 yes absolutely and thank you.

I mean there are some key facts that we now need to discuss; you wanted long storyline telling; check. You wanted Johnson vs. Reigns; check. You wanted Rhodes to finish the story; we will get there at WrestleMania 41/2025 most probably; check. But in the meantime we will make Rhodes a WWE Heavyweight Champion at WrestleMania 40/2024 when he defeats Rollins; most probably check. I mean there is no, absolutely no chocolate fudgin' problem, it is just a sad reality that you aren't getting what you want, when you wanted and Johnson doesn't deserve any of this shish kebab.

Because I have heard/seen some of these comments about Johnson basically having an ego trip, he is clearly so much more intelligent than any of you give him credit for. Because within about five seconds or less, based on my opinion; it was clear to me that he wasn't just talking about saving WrestleMania in one sense, he was also talking about in another sense, because he was perhaps alluding to the fact that if he can use this character "The Rock" to go hey look over here not at himself, but hey look over here we have WrestleMania 40/2024, just don't look over there, look at me; I am taking on my cousin for our biggest event in history for his championship, there is no need to look over there.

Now I have said it quite a few times as in over there; over there meaning the ongoing Mr. McMahon saga; so it is a very old distracting technique which has stood the test of time, which is distract their focus and more importantly get back to the wrestling promotion focusing on wrestling.

Wow I have just seen this; and no it is an honest thing, because I checked it out before putting it in this content. There is now a petition going around saying Justice for Cody Rhodes, I have to be honest I was trying not to use too much softer adult language references in this content or any content, but seriously this is a fudgin' joke, no seriously go outside and smell the fudgin' grass you said people. You should be ashamed of fudgin' selves! This is why our community being of the wrestling community gets so much shish kebab from the outside world, because when people are losing their lives in war zones, struggling to feed their families and receiving abuse in some way for being different in any capacity, you are all complaining about fudgin' Rhodes not getting the spot you think he deserves?! Hell screw it I don't mind telling you for the past three years I have been dealing with a cancer situation with mental health on top, including my own mental health and everything else that comes with a life changing disability from birth.

My point clearly is; you fudgin' idiots there is more to life than wrestling, even a wrestler that has had it taken away from them after years away and then being fortunate to be able to go back would have a different outlook to wrestling and life in general. Even one individual has pointed out and this hash tag is now going around #JusticeForJanelGrant and not only do I agree with it you have some idiots discrediting her. I mean if it isn't this case, let's just blame everything on AEW, yes just for the record I have seen so many comments blaming everything on AEW which for those logical people out there I know, I know AEW have nothing to do with these situations, including their wrestlers, but they still get blamed or they switched the focus on onto them. Briefly I am also aware that there is now a hash tag going round of #WeWantRock/Rocky; I mean hopefully we don't have a change of plans and it stays to what we are looking like getting, if anyone deserves to headline this milestone it should be Johnson.

Finally; either grow up and act like a decent human being/wrestling fan or get the fudge out of wrestling, cry me a river and get on with your life.


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