Wednesday 24 January 2024

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: WWE finds a New Home in 2025 based on information on 23/01/2024 by AverageMansReviews

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: WWE finds a New Home in 2025 based on information on 23/01/2024 by AverageMansReviews

A seismic change is coming: well we all knew it was coming as in the WWE going over to a subscription-based outlet [other than their own; the WWE Network and Peacock,] we just didn't know which one until now; Netflix has dropped a tremendous amount of money to secure the rights to the WWE and its content $400 million per year for the next 5 years plus; this may exclude the US has it may stay on Peacock at this point anyway. Which their current deal with NBCUniversal roughly in the brackets of $250 million to $260 million per year. Well this news is obviously world changing as it indicates what most of us under the age of 45 already know that how we consume content is slowly, but consistently changing and on a valid detour if broadcasters such as the BBC don't even clean up their act or modernise to reflect the modern world, not just by opinions but on what content they put out, I give it one more generation and the BBC would be obsolete, if I had my way or option I wouldn't pay for the TV licence, I just don't want any extra hassle that is the only reason I do. I even said something similar as it relates to AEW in; Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: AEW estimated $34 million loss in 2023 Link . That is why as it relates to AEW they could do much better on the TV ratings and no am not making excuses for this promotion, because they should be in for one their main TV show Dynamite and Collision I think a reasonable target is somewhere between may be 800,000 to 1.2 Million and just for the record I don't like Collision going up against a WWE Premium Live Event I am just going to say it as it is; this is stupid and a unwinnable battle, yes now and again I see TV ratings for Raw and SmackDown and sometimes people poking fun at AEW viewing figures; you are aware that both of these shows for the WWE had been around for years right? So they have been fortunate to be around when they were to cultivate those sorts of numbers, I mean back when I was growing up Raw's numbers were running into the millions and millions, which neatly brings me back onto times are changing, landscapes are changing and it has to be said well done to the WWE for getting that kind of deal and to be groundbreaking. Who knows when this new contract kicks into effect in 2025, their numbers may be that big, that the WWE will have to just put out a unmissable episodes back-to-back like they did in the 1990s to 2000. But they will probably go all guns blazing to begin this new era of how we consume content on the right footing, but exciting times ahead for the wrestling industry as a whole, as hopefully it brings more people into our bubble and if they don't get along with the WWE, hopefully they will go and check out other wrestling promotions such as AEW.


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