Saturday 23 December 2023

My thoughts on the Ridge Holland, the NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov angle/match stopped on NXT Tuesday 19/12/2023 by AverageMansReviews

My thoughts on the Ridge Holland,  the NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov angle/match stopped on NXT Tuesday 19/12/2023 by AverageMansReviews

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Just a heads up/Disclaimer: I know this is in kayfabe, but still I find this in bad taste and this is where I am going to shoot incredibly hard/a pipe bomb throughout the rest of this content on this wrestling promotion either NXT or/and WWE, which some of you will find either triggering or in reality bad taste as well, but I say these things to make a valid point which is in a nutshell; because it is an idea, it doesn't mean you have to act on it.

Let's begin: honestly I thought when Mr. McMahon had been removed from any great power this kind of tone deaf garbage was going to stop. But I am slowly but surely being proved wrong; I mean big E got injured by Ridge Holland on 11/03/2022 he has been advised never to wrestle again; so to put Holland back in this situation regardless of if it is real or kayfabe [not real,] is just being brain-damaged [yes I can use that expression; because I am brain-damaged] and completely exploitative, E is a beloved individual and yes for those wrestling fans that have been in this bubble for longer than a sneeze would know, that this is the unpleasant side of wrestling where you could be wrestling one second and then a second later you could be unable to move.

I mean what's next? You already have Lexis King a.k.a. Brian Pillman Jr. exploiting his father's Brian Pillman Sr. for those that don't know Senior was one of the best wrestlers both of stage name add ons fitted him perfectly "Flyin" or "The Loose Cannon" and after listening to another content creator I now find out that on the main roster they are making reference to Nia Jax's history of hurting other wrestlers. I mean why don't they just another wrestler a gimmick of ending up in a wheelchair like Darren "Puke" Drozdov or better yet have a wrestler coming from the ceiling and fall to their death;  Blue Blazer a.k.a. Owens Hart or I can give you one better bring David Benoit in to NXT; let's make sure we exploit his father's history; Chris Benoit. Everybody knows he was pounds a pound destined for everybody's Mount Rushmore of his generation until he killed members of his family and then committed suicide; so let's give David quite a few head shots and then the character type of murder and let's see what happens to the TV ratings? I mean where does it stop seriously? Or as long as it is done in the name of kayfabe everything is on the table and acceptable?

But back to Holland; now I am not calling for him to be released, but they may as well release him, because this is not and I repeat not going to go down at all well, speculation I don't care if this is leading to a character repackaging or a character turn/heel turn as I have already referenced this is not going to go as well as they think it is, so they may as well save him from receiving such a backlash, I know this is a completely different situation and circumstances, but we are looking at another Gabriel Stevenson situation, where I can't see a way back for Holland even though this situation has been put into a storyline and Stevenson was really unprepared/so green he was luminous green and should have never been anywhere near a wrestling ring.



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