Friday 1 December 2023

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: Ric Flair's reaction/public statement to his highly inappropriate AEW Rampage Promo First 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: Ric Flair's reaction/public statement to his highly inappropriate AEW Rampage Promo First 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Related content: Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: Ric Flair AEW Rampage Promo First Appearance that will Hopefully/Needs be cut if AEW have any sense 2023 Link

Just a heads up/Warning Ric Flair response is most definitely far from good: at one point or another I will probably use adapted adult language to what I actually mean. Now it should be noted I was going to focus on different content today, but when I found this out from reliable content creators, it kind of dramatically changed that again [if you are wondering yes yet again I was really going to do other content] and I will be using a pinch of speculation, at some point but it will make perfect sense when it comes up.

In response to the controversial promo Flair had this to say: "I Am So Tired Of Hearing All This Negativity! I Don’t Need To Work, And I Don’t Need The Money. Can’t I Simply Enjoy Being By My Dear Friend @Sting’s Side For The Next Few Months Without So Much Hatred? I Know I’m Old, But That Doesn’t Mean I Can’t Enjoy Life! I Have Earned The Right To Do Whatever I Want & I’m Exactly Where I Want To Be! I Appreciate Everything @TonyKhan, But I’m More Than Willing To Walk Away If I Am Embarrassing You And Your Company. All I Can Say Is I’m Sorry!"

My response is this: What the fudge Ric?! Allow me to tear you a new posterior hole with a pipe bomb [in a wrestling terminology;] the negativity you are receiving is completely 100% justified considering it is now almost 2024 and your outlook and behaviour including alleged behaviour will no longer be tolerated and who are you kidding? Everyone knows and I do mean everyone knows you need to work, because you can't let go of wrestling hence why you had another retirement match in 2022 and I guarantee you, I don't even know you personally but if Tony Kahn gave you the opportunity to wrestle again you wouldn't say no and whatever you're getting paid from Khan I am sure you aren't saying no to that kind of money. So let's not talk garbage shall we? If you wanted to be by your friend's side you should have not opened your archaic and unacceptable material, because let's be honest you have made his retirement journey all about you; haven't you? I mean if you call that being a friend who needs enemies, right? So you acknowledge your getting old, so on the most simplest level forgetting the history for a minute including alleged history, you thought it was acceptable that is 74-year-old man on a national TV program inviting 18-year-old-27-year-old women back to your room was acceptable? I am not being agest here, because perhaps some people with this age gap get along and are happy, but I am more interested in the public image perspective here and then we bring back your history and alleged history it looks so wrong and if you can't understand that then you shouldn't be anywhere near wrestling.

You can absolutely enjoy your life that is your right to do so on your own time, when you represent a wrestling promotion, they expect you or should expect you to act better. Now we come to the big problem of this public statement; you feel like you have earned that right to do whatever you like and want, as I have just alluded to you complete arrogance mother lover yes you can do that on your own time, but where do you get off taking a massive dump in someone else's backyard? What with making Khan looking like a complete fool [don't get me wrong I have said this many times I like TK,] but he is being patronised by Flair for the remaining of this public statement here and yes this apology is insincere. So in a polite fashion my response in finishing this section is; just fudge off Flair and just go home.

Khan how are you going to deal with this situation?: Speculation I would like to think, he is taking a little bit of time to talk to the right people from a legal standpoint, you know making sure from a legal standpoint I can fire or suspend Flair without any legal ramifications [I just say suspend, because just maybe Sting really wants him there at his last match, to show Sting respect so it has nothing to do with Flair really and then after Sting's last match Flair is gone.] But I want to be wrong here; I have a suspicion that TK isn't going to handle this how it should be handled as a owner/a leader of wrestling promotion, which as I have made reference to in the related content section will create some problems, but back to here and now really destroy this whole inclusivity, we do not tolerate any sexual misconduct and this promotion is a decent place to work. This whole entire message and ethos is essentially a bunch of hypocrisy if Flair was to remain, potentially let's not forget fuelling the flames of discontent between some AEW fans including possibly that consequently may feel disillusioned by AEW promoting in a nutshell and I don't mean that disrespectful inclusivity and other things and choosing when to act on it or not, which I don't speak anyone but if that is how they could be potentially feeling I couldn't blame them, because they would be right, which means TV ratings will go down and then it would make a big problem into a colossal problem.

I mean I like TK as I have already said and AEW; but at this moment in time and over recent times they just can't seem to stay out of trouble, I mean I'm pretty sure someone; anyone must have warned TK about CM Punk, he didn't listen and everyone knows Flair comes with lots of baggage and this point has been proven again. I mean at this point in time you may as well bring in Hulk Hogan and Mercedes Moné [a.k.a. Sasha Banks; I know as of this content being created there is the possibility she could be going back to the WWE,] but I digress she is here; because of what I saw in a video clip as she didn't handle a situation very well, so wherever she goes now I just deem her as a problem, after this video clip I didn't want her anyway near AEW.

My final point is; anyone that is against or/and heavily criticising AEW; this is just going to feed them, I can't blame them I mean if TK doesn't show any form of leadership or signs of strong management, it is just going to be open season for any criticism or/and any form of undress be it behind the curtain or in the crowds, social media and/or TV ratings.


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