Monday 18 December 2023

Police Academy: Mission to Moscow 1994 by AverageMansReviews

Police Academy: Mission to Moscow 1994 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/Russian component to this film/shooting/bodily functions/animal waste/short-circuiting/burning/medical

USA to Russia: basically; Commandant Aleksandr Nikolaevich Rakov [Christopher Lee:] the head guy of the Russia equivalent of the Police Force/Academy needs help from its American equivalent. Commandant Eric Lassard [George Gaynes:] has some history with the criminal they have to take down Konstantin Konali [Ron Perlman:] the head of the Russian mafia and launderers money behind a very successful videogame called "The Game."

So we see some familiar faces like Sargent Larvell Jones [Michael Winslow,] but to bring in a couple more new characters/performers; Cadet Kyle Connors [Charlie Schlatter:] a cadet that shouldn't still be a cadet as he suffers from vertigo, in fact the only reason he is still one is because he hacked into the Police Academy/Force computer and got himself listed on this mission to Moscow and didn't have time to change it back.  Katrina Sergeeva [Claire Forlani:] she works for the Russian Police Force has an interpreter.

Generally speaking: the framework and pacing of this 83 minutes film is okay; it knows its job and it gets on with it but this is not a big problem.

Art/Comedy/Action; the computer graphics elements are good. The comedy well let's just say the bits involving Sargent Jones and his usual masterful vocal talents are still highly entertaining; for an example he is getting shot by these Russian hitmen as he is on a push bike performing a wheelie and every time they should this bike frame; he makes a mechanical sound and finally yes we have the chasing sequence towards the end of this film.

Character developments and performances; they are on both counts safe and reliable versions of what they are meant to be.

This film receives: 3/10, this film is poor: I have to be honest and say this instalment from this franchise as it relates to the film titles is; even though it is the youngest; it is the only one that looks and feels really old and struggles to be consistently positive; basically the best way I could describe what I'm trying to say is; it is good to see our old friends for one last ride and they are trying to bring it, but as it relates to the content itself is; very, so far from being it is usual wacky self from previous instalments that it just comes off as really flat in vast majority of the time and there is an extra sequence directly after the closing scene of the film.

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