Friday 29 December 2023

Next 2007 by AverageMansReviews

Next 2007 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/terrorism/shooting/torture/drugs/burning/medical

Haven't we been here before?: We meet Cris Johnson/Frank Cadillac [Nicholas Cage:] this individual has a very unique gift/ability; he can see two minutes into the future including rewinding it to make a different choice which will change the future of his life, but he can only do it as it relates to his life and just for the record Frank Cadillac is his Magician name/stage name with his own show; The Frank Cadillac Show. He is sitting at this diner like he does every day at this very specific time hopefully ready to bump into Elizabeth Cooper [Jessica Biel:] a charity schoolteacher, meanwhile NSA Agent Callie Ferris [Julianne Moore:] is desperately wanting to speak to Johnson about his gift/ability to hopefully stop this terrorist attack before it is too late, but Johnson doesn't like people like her because of his previous experiences with people that want to use his gift/ability.

Generally speaking: the framework and pacing of this 96 minutes film is straightforward as it knows what it wants to do and just gets on with the task at hand.

Comedy/Action/Art; the only action sequences Johnson uses his gift/ability; to rewind his approach to Cooper; as he tries quite a few times to a positive outcome, on top of that; I can say that stand out; is where Johnson uses his gift/ability to either search this location or/and when he dodges these bullets in the closing quarter of the film likewise I can say that from an artistic perspective these two sequences are individually or together the most easy on the eyes

Character developments and performances; they are good versions and solidly good character types, versions and performances of what they are meant to be.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; I mean it is one of those films that you could watch once or if you have seen it before once every long-term gap like seven years or something and you could get a takeaway out and be entertained without thinking too much. This film does have some awards to its name and no they are not all good ones either. So positive first 2 Winners California on Location Awards 2006 COLA Location Professional of the Year - Features Liz Matthews [you will see the other one later.]  3 Nominees that includes Teen Choice Awards 2007 Choice Movie Actress: Horror/Thriller Jessica Biel. Now on to the negatives Yoga Award 2008 Yoga Award Worst Foreign Nicholas Cage Shared with Ghost rider National Treasure: Book of Secrets.Razzie Awards 2008 Razzie Awards Worst Actor Nicolas Cage with Ghost rider National Treasure: Book of Secrets and at the same ceremony/event Worst Supporting Actress Jessica Biel Shared with I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry.


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