Saturday 11 November 2023

Wasted: The Bunny in AEW by AverageMansReviews

Wasted: The Bunny in AEW by AverageMansReviews

The Bunny has left AEW in 2023: this turn of events does not sit too well with me, yes I know it is a part of the wrestling business and it was one of those mutual parting of the ways things.

The reason why it doesn't sit too well with me: is because roughly in the last four years; can somebody point out to me when she was given anything of substance of her own to do and for a long spell? I mean of the more recent times she has been teaming with Penelope Ford and that is it. My point being; how can someone regardless of gender show or/and improve themselves if they haven't been given anything more than essentially a little bit here and a little bit there, now and again? I mean Tony Kahn is already getting consistently and rightly criticised for his lack of women's division content on his TV programming and this just will add fuel to the flames. Now before I continue; I am not saying pick one over the other in fact I'm saying keep both. AEW announced the signing of Mariah May, now full disclosure I know nothing about her and it isn't her fault that basically as she was coming in, The Bunny has departed AEW, but this also brings up more valid points of firstly; why could you find May something to do being a massive Toni Storm fan, probably going down to the level of obsessed fan and so on and so forth. When and once again nothing against May, but The Bunny has a unstable gimmick to begin with, so why didn't you give her this spot? They could have even dropped The Bunny gimmick and gone with the idea of her struggling to find a new identity other than Allie. Secondly; when this feud is finished does that mean Kahn is going to get fed up with May? He does have the habit and reputation of getting bored with his new toys after a certain point. Most of the AEW debuts coming with a big bang like Miro, Malakai Black and Keith Lee now can anyone tell me how many AEW World Championships these three have won either separately or together since joining AEW? No this is not a trick question; the answer is 0. We can all agree with their various gimmicks this is just a travesty of justice so far, so briefly when their contracts are up hypothetically speaking why wouldn't they want to go back to the WWE? Especially when Triple H is the head of creative. But I digress;

I do feel that we have missed an opportunity with Bunny; based on she hadn't been given the opportunity to showcase her abilities or/and character. The Bunny/Allie will probably go back to Impact Wrestling/TNA Wrestling as that promotion has the best women's divisions and the way that that promotion is aiming to come back it looks to be coming back as a rising Phoenix from the ashes and I don't know her personally, but she would probably jump at the chance to work and be a part of that potential journey. Because when I saw her wrestle I know wrestling fans say this consistently or something to that effect; but she deserves to be with a promotion that puts better value on women's wrestling than AEW and the WWE main roster, I refuse to put NXT in the same bracket, because they value women's wrestling on their brand. I'm guessing here; if she wanted to go to NXT; I am speculating here she would probably have to take a pay cut, but then again NXT have just signed a new TV deal with The CW; so they aren't short for money, but like I have just said I do think the potential and hopeful project of bringing back Impact Wrestling/TNA Wrestling to its glory days may be too strong of a pull for her to ignore, but wherever she lands next I hope it is a more fruitful endeavour for her.

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