Tuesday 1 August 2023

Recommendation of: NXT: The Great American Bash 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Recommendation of: NXT: The Great American Bash 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Warning/Disclaimer/Blood warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects. Disclaimer I watched this the day after and I already know some of the results and yes have never been or are likely to be a professional wrestler and blood warning.

The D'Angelo Family's Tony D'Angelo & Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo vs. Champ Gallus: Mark Coffey & Wolfgang [with Joe Coffey;] Tag Team Match for the NXT Tag Team Championships: straight off the bat for some strange reason the crowd were chanting RVD or just to cover my back because let's be honest it is a little bit strange, this is what it sounded like and I have no idea why. For this opening match slot, likewise I have to be honest I just wasn't feeling it; I mean it is of a perfectly fine TV match quality as in; just get in there with a reliably good match outlay and achieve what needs to be achieved. This match/match slot receives: 6/10.

Blair Davenport vs. Roxanne Perez; Weapons Wild Match: even though this match slot has weapons involved, it is relatively a clean match in this case I mean not having any major mistakes, apart from Devonport not fully connecting with a stomp from the top turnbuckle whilst Perez is through the ropes to the inside of the ring nearest the entrance ramp, Vic Joseph makes reference to this as well. This match/match slot receives: 8/10.

Blood warning: in advertising/commercial for WWE SummerSlam 2023 this Saturday 05/08/2023

Gable Steveson vs. Baron Corbin; Singles Match: I didn't know until I watched this match it was Steveson's in ring debut and I don't mean to be brutally honest, I just have to be honest, they may as well release him after that debut. Before I receive complaints/backlash I am not calling for him to lose his job, I mean it from the perspective of after that debut there is no way coming back from that. Yes for an experienced wrestling fans I am talking about the levels of  The Shockmaster promo/physical debut, if you have been alive long enough you know precisely what infamous promo/physical debut I am making reference to leading up to the inaugural WCW Fall Brawl '93: War Games main event.

But back to here and now; the crowd made their feelings known with such chances "You aren't Angle," cheering for Baron Corbin and censored version “This is manure." Stevenson well you can mark this day in your diary that on Sunday 30/08/2023 he is officially dead in the water and if anything Corbin looks better for having this match/slot for this unintentional or you would think it is unintentional, because it buries Stevenson, with Corbin giving it this; you think it is easy coming into our backyard and doing this wrestling thing as you can tell this audience would tell you different, welcome to our world, so just based on that I will award another mark and finally there was a comical moment where the camera person loses Corbin for a moment, no generally for a moment they are looking for Corbin and they can't find him [you are looking for when he quickly escapes under the bottom rope and out of the ring.] This match/match slot receives: 2/10.

Mustafa Ali vs. Wes Lee vs. Champ The Judgement Day's Dominik Mysterio [with the WWE Women's World Champion Rhea Ripley; Triple Threat Match for the NXT North American Championship: this match/match slot lives up to it expectations and also its predictable match outlay/match slot outlay storyline. Ali takes a planned hard hit as both of his opponents are inside the ring, but through the ring ropes and partly in headfirst facing up on the hardest part of the ring [as we get told this when we have wrestling spots on this part of the ring and Joseph doesn't disappoint to remind us of this fact here.] Ali goes up to the top and on to them it which is not the top turnbuckle, but the connection part; he performs a 450 splash, but both of his opponents move out of the way, consequently Ali takes the hit on the outside/ring apron area, I am not criticising this it is just I had to somehow make a reference to Ali in this slot. Moving on; we almost had a massive botch where it looks like Lee leaves it until the very, very, very smallest dot in time to kick out to that point where yes the referee [Dallas Irvin] counts three but just before he does Lee gets his shoulder up, so if Lee had left it any longer we would be counting the pin fall and match over. This match/match slot receives 8/10.

Blood warning: there is blood in this video package leading up to tonight main event.

Chase University's Thea Hail [with Andre Chase Duke Hudson] vs. Champ Tiffany Stratton; Submission Match for the NXT Women's Championship: well we have some sloppy wrestling from both competitors here. Hail does this running dive through the ring ropes on the ramp entrance side and it kind of runs out of steam so she goes through the bottom and Stratton catches her, she tried again later on in the match and that is a much better attempt. Stratton struggles to keep hold of a boston crab so he has to readjust, Joseph on all three occasions tries to help these wrestlers by trying to protect them [you know trying to soften move on] or put them over on commentary and my final point; well I can't say too much about it, but all I can say is the following; I am going to give it the benefit of the doubt and say it is storyline and character developments. But now I have said that and taking that into consideration I will now let that reflects in my marking of this match/match slot. This match/match slot receives: 6/10.

Ilja Dragunov vs. Champ Carmelo Hayes [with Trick Williams;] Singles Match for the NXT Championship: simply put Carmelo Hayes [with Trick Williams] has established himself as main event here, now and the future on the main roster and as we all should know by now Dragunov is likewise a main event here, now and the future on the main roster, if the hierarchy of the WWE dare to let him loose on the main roster. This match/match slot receives: 10/10.

The average mark of this pay-per-view is: 7/10, even if I chose one less mark, both of these marks would need explaining. To be honest I don't know what happened with this event, you know when you just get one of those feelings from the opening match slot and consequently throughout the night we aren't going to get fluency that is what I got from the first match slot. If you're wondering yes Steveson's debut match is of those rare calibre of matches that is so poor, that you should go and watch it just to see how poor it was. Because I guarantee you once you have seen it you will never forget it and on top of that no one will let him forget it either. So I chose the mark I did based on which before I continue this should be no surprise based on the main event slot end of story, as many wrestling fans would say it is how you leave them that matters and that is no more true here.

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