Monday 31 July 2023

Buddy Games 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Buddy Games 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful/shooting/suicide references/animal cruelty/biting/choking/bodily functions/burning/chopping/cutting/drugs/impaling/electrocution/vehicle crashing/medical

I hope they didn't make a sequel oh hold that they did Buddy Games: Spring Awakening 2023: basically Bob/Bobfather [Writer/Director for in this film; Josh Duhamel:] a man which has sold his company and is wealthy, has to bring back the Buddy Games to help his friend Sheldon/Shelley [Dan Bakkedahl:] his life on the other hand hasn't been going so well, especially after what happened five years ago [this gets shown in this film] and keep an eye out for Thursty [Sheamus:] a Pawn Shop worker which drives hard bargains.

Generally speaking: the framework and pacing for this 96 minute film is well with everything else this film has to offer is painful, I mean fundamentally it is sound. But because of the content, it is most definitely one of those films where it makes you question all of your life choices up to this point in your life including why the hell am I watching this film and now why the hell did they make a sequel? Yes I did laugh a few times because of; this film is so bad, how low will they go?, Some momentarily funny moments but at least The Marine got referenced [if you don't know in a nutshell this is a WWE Studio franchise which has as of now six films, beginning in 2006 and as things stand ends in 2018; I have deliberately chosen language so that if at some point they choose to bring it back I am at minimum still partially correct.]

But I digress; I mean allow me to be honestly harsh for a minute; what we have here is essentially a group of male friends that have never really grown up. I am not being a killjoy here, but as you will see they are at this point easily in their 40's and okay have some fun and do some juvenile things, but not to this level as they are clearly using this as escapism as their life is hard. On one hand being positive; it is absolutely fine to reconnect with your friends especially if they are going through some difficult times and making that choice never to leave it so long ever again and making it a conscious decision. But on the other hand you have the Bobfather giving something of real substance up, so he can do this every year, he could have said to his girlfriend Tiffany [Olivia Munn:] she is a girlfriend that wants to move on in their lives and at first she is unhappy with him, but supports him. He doesn't say to her for 51 weeks of the year I am yours, but for one week I need to keep in check on these guys. At least that would be positive character developments, but no he chooses another route and even though she respects his honesty I can completely understand why she takes the option she does, but then again as he is wealthy man I guess he can make that choice to remain as a juvenile 40-year-old, if he wants to.

The character developments and the performances; generic for this type of comedy and outlay and for the performances reflect these generic versions of what they are meant to be

Art; this is the only consistent positive as in when it is clear to see; it looks good, because we are in a cabin setting or something to that effect, we get to see landscapes or/and skies so this is all good.

This film receives: 1/10, this film is poor; I was just happy to get through it and then quickly disappointed this morning when I found out there was a sequel. Somehow this film has a couple of positive awards accredited to its name Mammoth Film Festival 2019 Achievement in Filmmaking Director Josh Duhamel and Best Genre Film Feature Josh Duhamel

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