Wednesday 2 August 2023

Wasted: Gable Steveson vs. Baron Corbin; Singles Match at NXT: The Great American Bash 2023 by AverageMansReviews - Spoilers Alarm!

Wasted: Gable Steveson vs. Baron Corbin; Singles Match at NXT: The Great American Bash 2023 by AverageMansReviews - Spoilers Alarm!

Speculation Warning/simply based on my opinion and how this match slot went. Disclaimer I have never likely to be a professional wrestler: now at point or points I will be speculating on things and I will be frank in this content as well.

Let's start at the beginning: whomever had the dumb idea of basically giving Gable Steveson Kurt Angle's old gimmick of Olympic gold medal winner complete with gold medal, someone needs to be fired, just based on pure stupidity. Yes on some research I am aware that Steveson is a gold medal winner in his own right from the 2000 Olympic Games in wrestling. I feel absolutely fine saying pure stupidity, based on the grounds that let's be completely honest Angle is or should be at the very least on everybody's modern day version of Mount Rushmore, that is how high he went in the world of wrestling obviously besides his gold medal win in 1996 likewise in wrestling [not forgetting he also had a broken neck.]

So straight off the bat if Steveson is slightly not as good as Angle as Angle was even at the beginning with the wrestling [in the world of professional wrestling] people are going to notice that straight away and bury him without mercy. Because as they made their feelings known on the night with the chance of if "You aren't Angle." You can speak to any veteran within wrestling, if the audience can sense or feel you are just phoning it in or/and if you think this wrestling thing is easy, then you have another thing coming then they will turn on you. I mean don't get me wrong if at some point you pick up an injury and you are just trying to complete the match, then usually most of the fan base will cut you some slack or if there is a genuine reason why something hasn't gone according to plan. But on analysing this match again, it doesn't help Steveson when you have the commentary team of Vic Joseph and Booker T. making any references to Angle whatsoever, it just drives home that they are trying to make Steveson into a replica of Angle which it just isn't going to happen either in the near future or possibly ever. So on this one point I will defend Steveson a little, because they have clearly set him up to fail and how could I forget Steveson goes for the ankle lock submission and belly to belly release overhead suplex.

There should be only two people happy with this debut; the first should be Corbin, because he looked like a solid wrestler that could be a game changer in NXT as their fan base cheered him and the other should be Reggie a.k.a. Scrypts, because at least on his debut 22/11/2022 his debut is no longer considered in my opinion the worst debut in modern history, in fact he should have been backstage watching this match going with a sigh of relief saying "I am no longer the worst debut in recent history and at least I won my debut match against Guru Raaj." I know I have said this roughly in this content as well Recommendation of: NXT: The Great American Bash 2023 Link but I don't know how or if Steveson can come back from this? Because he didn't know how to deal with people booing him at the later stages of this match slot as he seemed to give off the impression I am a gold medal winner, you shouldn't be booing me.

Well welcome to the world of professional wrestling we don't care if you have won a gold medal or any of your previous achievements, you are coming into our world and your previous achievements mean precisely fudge all, you have to earn our respect.

I am not accusing Corbin of any shady behaviour, because it is obvious in this case he was the ring general mapping out things, but let's just say that more things progressed the more Corbin gave Stevenson the treatment of reality of wrestling of this thing is an easy.

I have seen at least one headline; I am paraphrasing here so I can't be sued; basically blaming the fans for Stevenson debut; but the sad reality is they gave him the wrong gimmick which he couldn't back it up, he is incredibly green to the point where, he should be nowhere inside a ring and the final cherry on top of the cake was whomever/produced this match slot and came up with this conclusion also needs to be fired.

I can defend the fans in attendance here, the hierarchy; they tried to serve them up horse manure and tried to pass it off as caviar and it clearly just didn't work.

That is why I said in the previous linked in content they may as well released Stevenson and yes I don't want him to lose his job, but I honestly he has the same quality of promo debut as The Shockmaster which has been a running gag as in at least this person didn't have as worst debut as The Shockmaster [WCW debut in 1993,] so this is the modern generation's version of this gag. All I can say to finish off is good luck trying Steveson out of this mess, but to leave things on uplifting note, you should go and see this match, just to see how bad it is.





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