Thursday 31 August 2023

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: All In 27/08/2023, Fall Out Continues [based of information 30/08/2023] by AverageMansReviews

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: All In 27/08/2023, Fall Out Continues [based of information 30/08/2023] by AverageMansReviews

Recaps Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: All In 27/08/2023, Fall Out based on information 28/08/2023 Link and then Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: All In 27/08/2023, Fall Out Continues 29/08/2023 Link

 Can we just get through this garbage: right from the very beginning, I want to clarify some details as it relates to CM Punk I have never been the biggest fan of him, there has been an update on the travel situation that apparently in short someone got in contact with him, but he said no and secondly it has now been disclosed that Jack Perry had got given the okay from higher-ups, but not Punk to do the real glass Spot on Collision some weeks ago and finally I am not even going to discuss whatever situation took place between Punk and Miro, because generally speaking that sounds like a lot about nothing.

But moving on; there is one thing clearly not working here don't get me wrong I still like AEW and Tony Khan, but as the owner/leader of this promotion the responsibilities have to lay with TK. Because everyone told him, including myself what Punk was like and yet he still took him on, yes I am very much aware that Punk if everything is going well is a game changer and can win you sold out attendances, but like every other sports star of his calibre and temperament, you need to know how to manage these strong people and so far of what I have seen TK is struggling to manage him.

But as it relates to this past Sunday All Out; the more I am finding out, the more I think Perry should be fired. Now wait let me explain, because I don't take this action likely as far as I can tell he had this premeditated as I understand he told some people what he had planned, fully aware of the reaction he was going to get off Punk, in fact it has been alleged that Perry spoke to Punk about the glass spot after this match at this event and everything just escalated from there.

Now let's just analyse what I have just said; Perry allegedly had this all planned out, so there goes the alibi for doing this in the heat of the moment and the following is a very important details of why I think Perry should be fired; he took it upon himself to make this statement on the biggest event in wrestling, so he put himself first before the reputation and credibility of AEW, which could have left AEW in somewhat of a sticky situation of pure embarrassment, I mean it has been told that some wrestlers of AEW are unhappy because of the Punk situation and I am being neutral here, but like it or not, this is what you get with Punk years uncompromising and yes I know he has taken pot-shots at everyone else, but as I have already indicated if you don't have a strong management system in place, Punk will take care of business his own way and finally as it relates to Perry being fired if it happened this Sunday at All Out instead of at Wembley, I would still give him his suspension but that would be it. It is just Perry took this massive situation where AEW had been building for years to this point and yes they made a massive impact, but between him and Punk they pretty much screwed over there are other wrestling co-workers and finally just for the record based on the fact that this situation took place on a big stage such as Wembley, I would like them both gone, as I have said in other content and different points CM Punk has his assets, but it is very much the case outweighing his assets with his negatives.

Obviously I am going to finish on this final point; because I think it is hilarious in a sarcastic manner; it is now being suggested that certain people are now worried about the pay-per-view next Sunday All Out in Chicago and CM Punk being suspended whilst this investigation about this situation with Perry is ongoing. Well I couldn't see that coming Oh wait I did, no I literally did as I have made reference to it in the previous connecting content; I mean let's be incredibly real here AEW doesn't get chanted out of the building with CM Punk chants either continuously or partly I would consider this to be a good night, regardless if they like AEW or not, they will always back their hometown hero, maybe you think about refunds TK as I have likewise made reference to it in the previous content as well, By the way TK I am sure Punk Finding out by his lawyers that he is suspended is going to sit well with Punk or if he has Internet access you could have found out online before his lawyers anyway, I'm sure that hasn't added any claims to this fire, regardless of where your opinions lay in this whole entire saga even as someone that likes AEW and TK even I have to say in one way or another this has been a spectacular screw up on two pay-per-views back to back in one week, I mean that takes some doing, even Mr. McMahon with his short-term booking would be impressed by this.


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