Tuesday 29 August 2023

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: All In 27/08/2023, Fall Out based on information 28/08/2023 by AverageMansReviews

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: All In 27/08/2023, Fall Out based on information 28/08/2023 by AverageMansReviews

This may surprise some people out there in Internet land: that either way as it relates to this entire situation I just don't care, no really I just don't care. I'm not even frustrated or angry about it.

Let's be real: I got taking any one side here, because as I have just referenced it twice and this will be my final time, I just don't care and I should expand on that; if no one is willing to learn from Brawl Out 2022 a.k.a. All Out Media Scrum 2022 then why should I be surprised that this kind of level of friction looks to be continuing and as MJF I am paraphrasing here made reference to in his opening media scrum comments; yes we don't all have to get along. But from my perspective now there has to be a middle ground between the locker room getting along and putting allegedly a wrestler in a choke hold.

When I say learn, straight away the first thing is you don't ruffle CM Punk's feathers and let me just remind you here I am being neutral, I say this; because if Kenny Omega, Matt and Nick Jackson [AEW EVP's] and " Hangman" Adam Page felt the wrath of Punk in 2022, how arrogant and I will call it as I see it how arrogant does Perry think he is? Meaning if EVP's of the promotion you're working for has felt the wrath, a son of a film/TV star hasn't got much of a chance, especially when the EVP's have in the world of professional wrestling very much earn respect and Perry is in comparison just beginning.

This situation was very much unnecessary and stupid on Perry's part; nutshell version of events leading up to his altercation. Perry a few weeks ago wanted to do a spot with real glass on AEW: Collision so he could be written off TV so he could go on holiday the following week, Punk, others such as medical and Tony Schiavone said no. Fast-forward to yesterday [Sunday] AEW: All In Hook vs. Champ Perry for the FTW Championship, where Perry I am paraphrasing here/nutshell makes reference to a real glass spot in their match down the camera to Punk. For a bit of comedy I will now set up a dumb counter, so obviously this is dumb 1; Perry should have let this situation go, but as a baby he threw his rattle out of the pram. But didn't dumb 2; Perry instigated things at the worst time opportunistic idiot on the biggest stage ever in wrestling; he chose to verbally attack Punk publicly. Dumb 3; whatever happened backstage could have potentially injured Punk, I know it didn't but I am going off the potential outcome and I have seen someone else's content that puts across the idea that it was a slight concern if Punk couldn't wrestle. Even if this is true or not, I can still completely understand it, if something had taken place it could have put Joe vs. Champ Punk for the "Real" Championship at risk on this live pay-per-view, but we know it wasn't the case. Dumb 4; even though I think it was the right decision, it still qualifies because this could have been Perry's biggest night of his career and instead of enjoying the event after so many years of this company working hard to get to this big stage, Perry gets sent back to his hotel room like a child, So that is what he will be remembered for until the end of time, regardless of what he does  with the rest of his career, everyone will bring up his accomplishments and so on and so forth, but on the  first-ever international Wembley UK pay-per-view, where was he; mousing off, altercation and basically getting sent home, good going Perry [I am very much aware that Punk got the same or similar treatment which because I know Punk is very much a hot head when he has been irritated or disrespected this was absolutely the right move, so I can't say it was dumb.] Dumb 5; this could have so easily taken over the media scrum, I know it gets referenced and finally we come to dumb 6; even though I think again it was and is the right decision both Perry and Punk have been officially suspended with an investigation happening, I say it is dumb, because whilst they are suspended both wrestlers are basically costing AEW money based on their contracts and for those people that paid or were considering paying their good money to see them individually and not forgetting one ever so small, really tiny detail really [yes I am being sarcastic;] that next Sunday 03/09/2023 it is AEW All Out 2023 and they will not be available. Dumb 7; let's be completely honest here they could have spoken about this entire situation civilly on one hand Perry is young and by the looks of it very naive, whilst on the other hand Punk could have been the old veteran and try to de-escalate this situation, but we all know that isn't his style Punk is always going to be Punk uncompromising on who he is, it isn't just a wrestling promo that is who Punk/Phil Brooks is. I mean if you have been following me long enough you would know I made references to what Punk bring to the table, be it positives or/and negatives. But I can tell you this even though I don't work for AEW; Perry will not be seen on Collision any time soon that is for certain.

Even though I have brain damage I can get the moral of this story, I mean I got it when Punk was with the WWE, but even more so with AEW, I mean it is so easy to understand; don't screw with or take verbal shots at Phil/Punk. You either learn this or these kind of situations will continue to happen or the talent or Punk can leave when their contracts are up.

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