Tuesday 29 August 2023

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: All In 27/08/2023, Fall Out Continues 29/08/2023 by AverageMansReviews

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: All In 27/08/2023, Fall Out Continues 29/08/2023 by AverageMansReviews

Recap: Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: All In 27/08/2023, Fall Out based on information 28/08/2023 Link https://averagemansreviews2017.blogspot.com/2023/08/reactionary-to-wrestling-news-of-all-in.html

What do you want me to say really?: I mean at this point I am past being angry with CM Punk, because Phil Brooks a.k.a. CM Punk is just being CM Punk. I am not a wrestling expert, I have been around a long time, but I'm just going to say it as things are; I like Tony Khan. But firstly I now have to believe that it was naive of Khan to either not believe the controversial reputation of Punk or Punk would be any different for him in his promotion. Yes I get it, I acknowledge the fact that Punk can be a big financial draw which is great, but the consequences of this is you also have to put up with the potential for either people rubbing him up the wrong way or vice versa.

I now understand that these two things happened at this event on Sunday; in a nutshell Punk on landing in the UK had to find his own way around and yes he got lost, so this is bad management I don't care if he is one of your main event talents or one of your jobber talents that is used to warm up the crowd and not even on the card or just one of your wrestlers that is used to warm up the crowd and not even on the Zero Hour Show, whilst a talent is under a promotion's contract they should have or at the very least try and make things easier for them and not to leave them hanging especially when in this case it is one of your main event talents. I mean even though I am not a Punk fan, I can tell you they did him a great disservice and fast-forward to the scuffle with Jack "I Hold Grudges" Perry, which I have to be honest this opportunistic screw up by him, my opinion has completely changed of him. I mean what the hell was he thinking? Regardless if you like him or hate him or are in different to him I think we can all agree, that it was the most stupidest and idiotic idea/actions to take on forget the whole friction thing for a second but to make this point on the biggest stage of your career and of wrestling in general was in the nicest way I could put it is just crazy [as I am dictating this there has been some indications that this was premeditated by Perry as he reportedly told some people backstage, so if this is true, he is a complete idiot.] I mean when Perry comes back off suspension, if I was TK I would be saying if you ever do that kind of thing again your contract will be terminated with immediate effect, the biggest screw up was where, Perry could have easily just flushed all these years of hard work for AEW the wrestling promotion getting to somewhere as big as Wembley in the UK having roughly 81,000 people in attendance for Perry to make this incident with Punk to quickly overshadow this momentous occasion, I am not being a fickle wrestling fan but if you want me to clarify on why my opinion has changed this is the reason where Perry could have really screwed things up for AEW and let's be completely honest and real here; without AEW Perry would be absolutely nothing. At some point in or around this incident it has been said that Punk said he quit, but he went away and calmed down and still had his booked match/slot with Samoa Joe for Punk's "Real" Championship.

The funny thing is; there are some within AEW that want Punk's personality as it relates to his essentially approachability and even though I am not or part of the wrestling world as in it; I know this is not going to happen as I have already said in the linked content Phil Brooks/CM Punk is uncompromising, I mean it is not just a promo point, it is the way he chooses to live his life and that is fair enough, you know what you get with him, it is just beyond stupid for AEW or any other wrestling promotion to think that Phil/Punk is going to change for anyone regardless of how much money you pay him.

Even though we are some years down the line with AEW since its inception in 2019 is still shows how green they are, when they they clearly have problems backstage where wrestlers go into business for themselves and yes I know MJF said or made reference to it isn't just us I am paraphrasing obviously. But at some point this level of backstage antics has to calm down a little, because if not people outside of this company, will find it harder and harder to believe anyone that says this promotion is not toxic and I believe generally it isn't. But I have to confess; man when things escalate, they escalate quickly from an outsider there seems to be no stoppers. In the sense of management of any description, squashing a situation or let's be fair in these trying to squash and instant or situation before the following stages of escalation [and just come back I should just point out again, this was my opinion from an outsider, this is not fact.]

It is never a good look that the wrestling Internet universe knows that Punk is suspended before Punk, I mean everyone knows you shouldn't always believe what you read online, but in this case this is very true, as of this being dictated he didn't know or doesn't know it isn't known what Perry knows at this point. But it does remind me of those wrestlers that may have been released or their contract has expired and they didn't have any word from management, it just really isn't a good look and I am being completely unbiased/neutral here, because I do like AEW, but as a person I know it just isn't a good look, Not forgetting this small detail that Punk now hates AEW, yes that is now being reported.

But consequently TK now actually has a massive problem; you see I didn't know this until today, because I wasn't looking at this pay-per-view just yet AEW All Out that it actually takes place in Punk's territory/home town of Chicago. So how are you going to get out of this one TK? Because yes you did the right thing on both counts, but you have set yourself up for having your pay-per-view being hijacked by CM Punk chants, so are you going to issue refunds? Because a good number of people that have purchased a ticket may have just under the pretence of seeing their hometown hero Punk and for those young wrestling fans out there if you don't think it will happen, you are young and naive that this behaviour happened when Punk left the WWE all those years ago in fact, this chant was used whenever the WWE crowd got bored or irritated by what they were seeing at the time, so all I can say is good luck to TK with trying to deal with this problem.

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