Monday 28 August 2023

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE WrestleMania IX 04/04/1993 Match 2 Part 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE WrestleMania IX 04/04/1993   Match 2 Part 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning: there is some lights being used/racism/biting

Match/Stipulation:  The Headshrinkers: Samu & Fatu [with Afa] vs. The Steiner Brothers: Rick "Dogface Gremlin" & Scott Steiner; Tag Team Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 7/10

Match Slot Storyline: 7/10

Crowd Participation: 8/10

On Commentary: "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Jim Ross & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/" Wiesel" 8/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 7/10

Recommend Watch: 7/10

Match Total: 44/60 - this match/match slot is good

Comments: if you were indeed were alive or into wrestling at this point in history, you would know as I do both of these tag teams came from the model of we have what we have as in skill, you have what you have and let's see who comes out on top. Full disclosure I did fall asleep watching this match, but that was more down to me running out of steam and nothing to do with this match/match slot. Ross provides us with incoming news as it relates to "Sensational" Sherry and Luna Vachon and their ongoing situation. Savage I am going to say what confused by listening to this script over his head said, I don't know this to be true obviously but he did get something back to front. Where I am paraphrasing here he was meant to say to Ross; Heenan has always got a defence but instead of saying he-man uses Ross has always got a defence which Heenan picked up one and in a nutshell never mind.

Basic Result: The Steiner Brothers: Rick "Dogface Gremlin" & Scott Steiner pick up the victory.

Basic walk-through of this event:

* "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Jim Ross & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan/"Wiesel": Commentary talk about what they have just seen over live goings-on including The Steiner Brothers: Rick "Dogface Gremlin" & Scott Steiner's theme music "Prides of Michigan"

* "Mean" Gene Okerlund: Interviewer for the last match Okerlund beards witness to his guest at this time Doink the Clown [he is in the on-screen as well] desecrate the statue of Julius Caesar in the background and in response to this in a nutshell he says it is art playing and pleasant tricks on kids. Then we move on to his match which is coming up imminently against Crash in a Singles Match, a little into this interview we have this recap of footage over this interview, basically the build up to why we are here and then we go back to this interview on-screen

* Finkus Maximus: Ring announcer the stipulations and then introduces the competitors.

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