Thursday 27 July 2023

Barbie 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Barbie 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/feminism/misandry/matriarch/patriarch/misogyny/mental health/bodily functions/strangling/medical

This film isn't as good as everyone says: basically; Barbie [Margot Robbie:] she is stereotypical Barbie [and just to cover my back I am not being a sexist here, she often refers herself like that,] has to go on a journey from Barbieland to the real world, to fix herself and rescue Barbieland be for it is too late. But don't worry she will have a stowaway going with her to the real world, it is Ken [Ryan Gosling:] he is also referred to Beach Ken, he likes stereotype Barbie a lot, but unfortunately this journey will open their eyes to the real world and at some point we will see  Kenmaid [John Cena:] a Merman Ken.

The framework and pacing of this 114 minutes film is the framework is smooth, but however with the storyline plot of the film the pacing is just so boring. I mean what is on reflection the final quarter roughly or somewhere around here comes alive in every sense of the word and speaking of the storyline plot, it is wafer thin at best, until as I have already specified the final section or somewhere around here [even though I will criticise some elements of this final section as well later on in this content, I was just thinking I would point that out to cover my back if I am wrong all right,] it is designed what it is a line to do and it is basically a knockoff version The Lego Movie 2014 and it even has Will Ferrell in a similar character roles voice Lord Business/The Man Upstairs/Dad 2014 and the CEO of Mattel 2023

Art/Action: the entirety of Barbieland is highly imaginative and creative to bring this world to life, then later on we have musical numbers, followed by without giving too much away this Ken Civil War and then finally this musical dance Ken sequence choreograph dance sequence at the end is really captivating and amazing to watch.

Comedy: this film is also not that funny, I mean I only laughed three times and in some kind of order here we go; once because I didn't realise how bad this comedy level was going to get, the second time was the narrator [voiced by Helen Mirren:] when in this part of the film I am paraphrasing here; stereotypical Barbie points out she is not beautiful. Then Mirren points out something to the effect of casting Margot Robbie in this position to make this point when she is good-looking doesn't really work and finally the reference to Zack Snyder's Justice League 2021, to leave this section on a very round point any form of mental health is not funny be you a woman, man or a person.

Character developments, performances and voice performance: this is where the bulk of the problems lay. So it is okay any Ken to be servant to any Barbie, what she says goes and then when Beach Ken basically learns patriarch/misogyny and teachers the other Kens to be the same. So at no point does any Barbie come to realise maybe we shouldn't be treating our Ken's this way even I mean two wrongs don't make a right but still. I mean even more Beach Ken made this point to his Barbie at some point. I mean did you learn not in the slightest they basically chose the option that they went with which in turn makes them look incredibly shallow as they learn nothing from this unpleasant experience which just to cover my back I am not condoning I am just talking about the learning aspect for both Barbie and Ken. The performances are reliably good versions of what they are meant to be a special note has to be given to Ryan Gosling for his singing and musical elements for in this film and in one final special note has to go to Rhea Perlman as Ruth: I can't give too much away here as it gets explained in the film, but it was good to see her again on my screen. Yes those are the very mature age range will remember her from Cheers 1982-1993 and 11 Season and as it goes for voice performance from Mirren, she is always welcome in some capacity on to any project be it film or TV.

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed; I mean after everything is said and done it safely finds itself at this mark. To be honest I had been told not to take this film too seriously and I took that under advisement. But the problem is when you have all of what I have just indicated and it being laid out and pushed in your face regardless of my gender, it is difficult not to be after some time a little bit irritated or/and disappointed. Okay I get it, this film is predominantly made for fans of Barbie and people that are/or feel comfortable as women and if you want to be a strong woman all the power to you, but however I do believe one thing we don't need is a stereotype of men are here to serve us or/and men are below us or at the evil guys out of some comic book, we should be seen as generally speaking you are equals nothing more or nothing less yes for the final time just to cover my back if the roles were reversed I believe we should be practising equality as best as we can for everybody and I want to go on the record here and now for the future; I hope they don't make a sequel, that would be painful to watch to say at the very least. This film also has as things stand some awards accredited to its name winners 2 Hollywood Critics Association Midseason Awards 2023 HCA Award Most Anticipated Film and Golden Trailer Awards 2023 Golden Trailer Awards Best Teaser Greta Gerwig. 1 Nominee The Queerties 2023 Queery Next Big Thing


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