Wednesday 26 July 2023

Playing with Fire 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Playing with Fire 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/environmental/animal cruelty/shooting/bodily functions/sexist/burning/chopping

The incessant comedy material at the beginning of this film is a big problem: basically; these smokejumpers are called to this cabin which is on fire and rescue these three children; they are led by Superintendent "Supe" Jake Carson [John Cena:] he has been brought up in this lifestyle by his father since he was very young and because of a tragic accident he is now very focused and militarised at his job. The eldest of these three children that are related sisters and brother her name is Brynn [Brianna Hildebrand:] as she is the oldest she has been left in charge by her parents which they would pick up the children soon as they are away celebrating their 20th anniversary, so these children will have to stay with these smokejumpers and Superintendent Carson's dog Masher/Sparkle Pony [Nova/Kingsly:] the dog.

Generally speaking: the framework and pacing of this 95 minutes film actually everything to do with this film is safe and reliable, it has been set down with an essentially what a young family film outlay/content should be. So as you can clearly see it is firstly the right amount of time for a young family to sit down and watch.

But however the comedy is too much, not by its content but the amount of it, and I am not being a old grumpy man; but man it literally is too much as in roughly in very quick time it just goes from one comedy moment to the next, to the next and so on and so forth. I am certain that this was done by design, which I do get and understand, it was designed to capture the younger ages in the audience. But still man it quickly became nails on a clipboard to me.

Eventually the comedy slows down to a normal pace, which allows the safe and reliable other components to this film to come through; like storyline, character types, performances and it just really settles down to what it has been designed to do. Which in turn makes the comedy much more palatable and enjoyable, such as Superintendent Carson and his right-hand man Mark Rogers [Keegan-Michael Key:] that was an accountant until Superintendent Carson saved him and another person, he is to be fair even though it; it isn't said but you get the feeling he is probably the second one in control if Superintendent Carson isn't around or Carson as he is right-hand man will put him in control anyway.

But back to this situation we have these two grown men including Superintendent Carson dressed up in this specialised gear to deal with this smell to clean up the youngest sister Zoey [Finley Rose Slater:] she is the one that came up with the name Sparkle Pony and will argue with Superintendent Carson about this name as he says Masher from time to time in this film.

The character developments and the performances; well once they are allowed to breathe and develop past the beginning until it gets scaled back a bit, after this they are on both counts solidly good versions of what they are meant to be with performances to reflect that as well

Action: well they are either rescue sequences or skit comedy, but I want to focus on one in particular; where we have Rodrigo Torres [John Leguizamo:] a nervous individual that 9 times out of 10 gets his quotes wrong which funny enough is also their second/first choice [after their first choice leaves] pilot for the rescue chopper and also smokejumper. Is playing pretend in this fire simulation area with the gear on with the middle child is named Will [Christian Convery:] which he is the handful one, but in this case he is likewise in this protective; Will in this pretend situation which is on fire and gives this inspiring pep talk to Torres to continue this pretend mission.

Art: through the first bunch of ending credits we get these little drawings including the conclusion to the ending of a joke in the closing section of what Rogers would look like with hair.

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed; meaning if it didn't have the problem at the beginning until it slowly calmed down, this film would be getting something slightly higher. Because as I have also made reference to this film was sent out to fulfil their target audience of at minimum a young family or/and of various ages And yes this film has a bloopers at the beginning of the ending credits. This film also has some awards accredited to its name. 2 Winners Young Artist Awards 2020 Young Artist Award Best Performance in a Feature Film - Leading Young Artist Christian Convery and Reel Music Awards 2019 Reel Music Awards Best Original Score for a Comedy Feature Nathan Wang. 2 Nominees Young Entertainer Awards 2020 Young Entertainer Award  Best Leading Young Actor - Feature Film Christian Convery and The Joey Awards, Vancouver 2020 Joey Awards Best Actor in a Lead Role in a Feature Film Christian Convery.





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