Thursday 15 June 2023

Starchaser: The Legend of Orin1985 [alternative name Starchaser: The Legend of Orin in 3-D] by AverageMansReviews

Starchaser: The Legend of Orin1985 [alternative name  Starchaser: The Legend of Orin in 3-D] by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/robotic/shooting/stabbing/breaking/slavery/homophobic reference/animal feeding/beheading/torture/environmental/disfigurement/decapitation/chopping/cutting/bodily functions/medical. Because of the dark nature of this film I would suggest an average age of at minimum 13, I would really reconsider showing this film to anyone younger and if you're wondering how I came up with that number; 12 feels a bit young and 15 is too overprotective.

The people of Trinia needs a saviour: so after finding this golden hilt sword Orin/"Water Snake" [voiced by Joe Collian:] this mining slave, amongst other slaves gets to hear and see this mystical being come out of this sword foretelling basically if you are seeing this then it is not too late there is a world above you and those that have courage can find it; all you have to do is find a blade and then this mystical being disappears just leaving this golden hilt. Orin is the only one to make it out from the world underneath. Lord Zygon/other characters [voiced by Anthony De Longis:] I am just going to go with the first impressions, he is this high priest that speaks on behalf of the gods, he really is a things of nightmares; he wants the golden hilt and Orin alive or dead. But Orin makes some friends on his adventure for an example Dagg Dibrimi [Carmen Argenziano:] a looter were/pilot of the spaceship Starchaser which also has Arthur/Man-Droid #1, and Smuggler #1 [Les Tremayne:] as it relates to Arthur, he is the Starchaser; he does complain a lot about this and that, he is something comedy that can be found in this film, there are other little bits and pieces of comedy.

The framework, art and pacing of this 107 minutes film is generally speaking first of all is good; it knows what it is doing and sticks to the plan. The art itself is very much of a dark tone and nature from Lord Zygon looking like this high priest on our first meeting him, to him not being what you think he is later on. Slavery, death and other mature content.

They really did have a strong and clear idea what they wanted this project to be as it relates to its artistic visions and tone, because the more years rolled past the more it is sad to say they don't many projects like this anymore and don't get me wrong I can understand why, because it is so expensive to produce projects like this even back in the 1980's cell by cell work [where in a nutshell you basically had many people drawing many upon many cells to do just a little bit of film.] But the reason why people like myself look back fondly as it, it isn't just because that was our childhood, but with this kind of animation/art you really do get what you pay for. Meaning yes it may have been really expensive, but what you get in return is; something that is ageless, over with solely computer animation film titles it is easy to see that the ageing process hasn't been kind and yes I am aware that at minimum some of this film uses 3-D as well.

Action/Character developments and voice performances: the action is of a science fiction background including Orin wielding this golden hilt and that start with only becomes dangerous when evil is in its presence, so you won't see the blade because it doesn't have one [it is literally this golden hilt] but it is nonetheless dangerous as on its own or in Orin's hands, as to illustrate the power comes from within him. There is comfortably enough in this project for me to make this statement; this project should/could/can be deemed as an honorary member of the Star Wars franchise, just based if you know enough about the Star Wars franchise in particular the golden era the first trilogy there can be comparisons between this film and their interpretations of certain things. The character developments and the voice performances are excellent versions of what they are meant to be and likewise the voice performances; I can say all of this because the on-screen chemistry is fluent and in-depth.

This film receives: 8/10, this film is excellent: this is one of those animated film projects that you need to see at least once in your lifetime and yes I have just put both names of this project at the top so that at any point, if someone doesn’t like the title I have just used both to keep everybody happy.


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