Monday 5 June 2023

Average Extra of: Holly Willoughby TV address on This Morning about the Schofield Scandal 05/06/2023 by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Holly Willoughby TV address on This Morning about the Schofield Scandal 05/06/2023 by AverageMansReviews

Well this just gets worse: I have seen this address just a couple of minutes ago, it was just garbage I mean I didn't expect her to drop Schofield in it; in the slightest but at minimum I did expect her to not make this situation worse, granted I'm old enough and wise enough to know anything she may have said would have probably made the situation worse anyway, but she could have been or This Morning could have been a little bit more selective on between them what they said. [I need to do is cover my back and say I am speculating on who came up with what was said here.]

In chronological order of points said roughly:

* Are you okay? I hope so. Well  Willoughby no, how can we be when we have been subjected to this con artist for many years and on top of that ITV/This Morning are trying to sweep it under the nearest carpet as quickly as possible and not taking the decisive action that is required.

* It's very strange to be sitting here without Phil. Well it shouldn't feel that strange considering the both of you struggled to work together only three weeks ago.

* I imagine you feel a lot like I have, shaken, troubled, let down worried about the well-being for people on all sides of what has been going on. Nope; no empathy here Willoughby, Schofield got caught yet it is unclear what people actually knew but what is clear some people knew something and turned a blind eye either to this highly inappropriate situation or/and this alleged toxic environment.

* Full of questions; you, me and all of us at This Morning gave our love and support to someone who was not telling the truth. How dare you Willoughby or/and This Morning attempt to emotionally manipulate us; implying a family atmosphere which I hope whomever came up with this stupid notion in turn makes us all culpable for allowing this to happen, you see like I have already said in other content I am very streetsmart, yes I may be dyslexic but my level of understanding of English is high so they really do hammer this emotional manipulation home. As I have said here Average Extra Special of: Schofield, Willoughby, Morning & ITV Link I would like this TV program to be cancelled, but it looks increasingly at this moment in time that; that is not going to happen so at minimum I find it annoying that not one of the hierarchy has come onto the TV show and addressed this situation properly by saying in a nutshell or something to the effect of; we deeply apologise and This Morning and ITV would like to say here and now regardless of what we knew or didn't know, we have clearly screwed up in how this situation developed and how we have dealt with it. We are now putting in place better stringent policies and rules to ensure that something like this never, ever happens again. So all we can do is once again deeply apologise and hopefully you will stand by us whilst we revamp the show to move on from this heinous situation with some old faces, new faces some old things, with some new things and finally it is times like this that we should now take time to give thanks to you the audience for spending many decades watching us, because without you we would have nothing. You see I have an average education, but even I know when to put your hands up and deal with an elephant in the room, I mean if they are going to continue the show they will have to revamp it to remove any element of Schofield and it would be foolish not to present the TV show in every way possible as fresh, but I digress.

*Who acted in a way, that they themselves felt they had to resign from ITV and stepped down from a career that they loved, that is a lot to process; ones again mental manipulation with the words felt and loved. It is an unacceptable to guilt your audience to feel empathy for somebody that was knowing and willing to deceive everybody and let's not forget he got caught, so if he didn't get caught no one would be any wiser.

The toll it is taking on their own mental health I mean I have already spoken about this in the previous content and the link I have already put in with this content. So I will highlight this again no, no, just no does Schofield or in this case  Willoughby/This Morning get to use this reference as a scapegoat [for those that haven't looked/read the Link I will just remind you I have mental health myself and I have done for coming up to 15 years.] Schofield knew what he was doing was wrong hence why he has tried to change the narrative from controlling this situation to a victim of this situation including doubling down on the homophobic implication. Newsflash I don't care if he is gay, all I care about is; the innocent party or/and parties and the fact is he is a fraud and once again he got caught.

* I think what unites us all now is a desire to heal for the mental well-being of everyone. I hope as we start this new chapter and get back to a place of warmth and magic that this show holds for all of us, we can find strength in each other; wow more emotional manipulation of the highest order here. By pushing on about healing mental well-being, a new chapter everyone now wants to draw a line in the sand and move on, things don't work that way. There needs to be some kind of this time proper investigation into this entire situation, actually I am getting fed up with ITV or This Morning attempting to fob us off. But I digress. Warmth and magic, hold on we are not children here so don't speak to us like children, all of us once again do not make us feel that we are part of this absolute manure of this saga when, it has nothing to do with us the viewers, but I continue we can find the strength in each other. I mean come on, grow up and stop with the mental manipulation.

* From my heart, can I just say thank you for all of your kind messages and thank you for being here this morning; myself, Josie, Dermot, Alison, Craig and every single person that works on this show will continue to work hard every single day to bring you the show we love, so on that note Josie. More, more and more mental manipulation; for one I am not buying it I mean from the beginning Willoughby saying and taking a deep breath, to at some point almost crying to the end of this speech trying to move on and getting sympathy from Josie. With Josie at the end saying all we can do now is being the family we are. With Willoughby saying exactly, exactly. Wow this is completely the wrong attitude from Josie Gibson; I mean what the hell is wrong with this TV program and these people? Okay I get it they have to move on, but seriously you don't have to keep reinforcing the family garbage I mean it would have been better if somebody or anybody had came out and said okay all we can do is learn from this experience to make sure it never happens again [I know I have already made this reference in this content.] But to continue this family narrative including being flippantly trying to indicate enough is enough and now we move on. This entire attitude is gobsmacking

My general thoughts: to be brutally honest yet I think some of you may agree; after this performance I don't care where the script came from, Willoughby can go now with all this mental manipulation to evoke emotions makes me sick they can try as much they want to, they can't just sweep this under the carpet, because I am quite happy to go on the record by saying if they do this they are enabling this situation to occur and not only that they are enabling the future incidents of this nature to happen again and again. Like I said at the beginning  well this just gets worse; Willoughby and This Morning just look so bad for this  damage control situation attempt. I don’t be how they can continue this TV program now?  I mean how, by being completely ignoring this situation toxic topic from now on until  everyone else does the same which in itself I have to ask how deluded are these people? As far as I’m concerned everyone working on the programme is just on borrowed time, if ITV have any sense This Morning should be cancelled now or in the summer of 2024, so that they now have a timescale to work on filling the TV schedule.



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