Sunday 4 June 2023

Average Extra of: Schofield, Willoughby, Morning & ITV by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Schofield, Willoughby, Morning & ITV by AverageMansReviews

Warning: I will be covering some things that may be triggering or uncomfortable for some people.

I have to be honest: I find this all comical minus the innocent parties including Schofield's family and his ex-lover which out of respect for these innocent parties, I refuse to put in their names, yes you could easily go and look up these names but my point being is as this is my content I want to protect the innocent parties.

Schofield: this was 100% honestly true I wasn't going to actually put in my 2P worth on this situation, but then Schofield had to bring up one thing that completely changed my mind. He made reference to mental health and Caroline Flack and after that it wasn't going to be a case of if but when I did this content.

I don't care that Schofield is now getting support from other people now he is mentioned his mental health. I can say this with comfort and knowledge; the knowledge being I am very streetsmart and not forgetting the small ever so small detail I have mental health and I have suffered with it for coming up to 15 years, not trying to make people feel bad for me, but I know deep down I will suffer with it for the rest of my life. So with that background information on me and as I have already said I am very streetsmart; this is a tactic that Schofield used in my opinion is to garnish sympathy and not forgetting he has been lying to us for most of his life; when he decided to get married even knowing he was gay which just to cover my back I have no problem with, I just on this particular point have a problem with him getting married and forging this false life.

Personally; he doesn't get to use the get out of jail free card for mentioning his mental health and Flack, no seriously he doesn't get to use that card in the slightest based on this whole entire situation is solely of his doing and consequently he should deal with the consequences [if you want to save or rescue Schofield allow me to make a suggestion, but I will do it later in a different section.] But for now as far as I'm concerned Schofield is just one lower bracket below Mr Fixit, this is why I find it comical with these people defending Schofield, because we couldn't do anything towards Mr Fixit because he died before facing consequences for his despicable actions, but now we have Schofield that please remember I have just said they are not the same, but they can be loose similarities of behaviour and actions where this child had known Schofield for many years, even when he was of an older age this individual at minimum in a grey area of consent so by my moral compass that goes for 15, 16, 17 and 18 [I know 18 is fine but on an individual basis you don't know how 18-year-olds are going to react to a situation. Additional Update: Tuesday  12/07/2023; as everyone knows or should know, I like to be honest to the best of my ability, so over more present times it has come to light that this individual was indeed 18, whilst being in this situation. The reason why it has taken me so long to acknowledge this, is because I wanted to see the outcome of this investigation of ITV and This Morning, before commenting, but it has gone quiet on this side of things as things begin to heat up again for the BBC. I am not saying that Schofield is clear, but what I am saying is at worst there may be some shady behaviour throughout this ordeal at minimum, anything before this would be purely based on speculation, just to cover my back or unless there is new evidence that come to light in resolving this situation; back to original timeline.] So I do believe that Schofield was the one in control and before I get some form of backlash for this content I will keep this in mind; if it was a considerable relationship as Schofield keeps implying, why does he keep saying something to the effect of leave this individual out of it; it is me? I mean if it was indeed consensual he has nothing to worry about? In a nutshell I do believe that Schofield promised or gave false hope to this individual and when things went south in some fashion there were steps taken to take this individual off This Morning or/and then placed on Loose Women and possibly it has been alleged he took a payoff to leave quietly after that.

I mean I will highlight this again because I feel it is important; these people that are defending Schofield from taking this backlash, you should be defending the innocent parties in all of this. It was just one man that had the control over this entire situation and if Schofield thinks there is an element of homophobicness to this [just to cover my back I am not putting words in his mouth, he actually referenced this in an interview.] He is clutching at straws, because he would be so wrong. I will tell you what it has to do with. Schofield has lied for the majority of his life about mostly everything and the British public don't like to be made fools of and on top of that Schofield has made masses and masses of money, guess what I don't care if he is now broke, if it is true once again it comes from his mouth.

Willoughby: I mean agree with me or not but when this partnership began she was in her late 20s, so to begin with based on this she is relatively innocent. I am not defending her I'm just putting out a balanced perspective. Over more recent times I suspect and this is just speculation on my part without getting myself into too much trouble, at minimum she possibly had an inclination of what kind of person that Schofield was, now allow me to clarify I am not saying she knew and just saying at minimum this situation meaning their relationship was becoming untenable and people have noticed that their relationship had became strained on TV. We could say at the age of 42 she can stand on her own two feet where maybe in her younger years Schofield was the domineering one. But and I mean this respectfully I hope the people around her have kindly sat her down and said you know you're career is going to have to take a hit, because of what he knew or didn't know, you are going to be caught in the collateral damage. I do understand on Monday 05/06/2023 when she returns to This Morning she is going to give a statement or something like that. But I don't see her giving too much away or being allowed to give too much way from the perspective of what This Morning will allow her to say and I have just realised I'm not the only one that thinks like this as well.

Morning: I don't see how it is TV program could not know something was going on between Schofield and this individual, furthermore I don't know how this TV program can continue the now or future; this scandal is just too colossal for everything just to go back to apparently it's wholesome image when it is clearly not.

ITV: now does anyone remember when I said earlier "If you want to save or rescue Schofield allow me to make a suggestion, but I will do it later in a different section." Well we have come to that point; here is my suggestion if you really, truly wanted support or protect Schofield? This is what you do you campaign for ITV to cancel This Morning. Did anyone wonder why Schofield gave those two interviews late last week? Yes it may be a coincidence that the cynic in me knows if you want to deal with any bad news you release it later on in the week potentially Thursday or Friday so everyone has the weekend to talk about it and come Monday it is essentially old news so in theory this may have worked, but there is one problem the British public cannot forget about the Schofield saga and no it isn't solely down to the news, that in this case comes in second place, what comes in first place is the fact that from Monday to Friday we have this long-running daytime TV program This Morning on; which is a constant reminder of this saga.

So if you want Schofield to find a moment of peace cancel This Morning so that people can forget and Schofield can become a old news. But ITV are a joke if they don't cancel this TV program, but this is coming from the TV station that is still running Love Island after its traumatic history in fact the new season starts tomorrow, but for some reason cancelled The Jeremy Kyle Show in 2019 for its traumatic history. My point being is; all three of these programs should have been cancelled by now and not just one, but money and TV viewerships are the only things that matter isn't that right ITV?



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