Friday 12 May 2023

The Place Beyond the Pines 2012 by AverageMansReviews

The Place Beyond the Pines 2012 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/racism/drugs/bodily functions/medical

15 years later: yes I have began roughly in the middle of this film;  Luke Glanton [Bradley Cooper:] that is now running for New York Attorney General, has based his entire career on not one but two turning points in his life/career, okay the first one was an accident, but the second one is not. Whilst this is happening Romina Gutierrez [Eva Mendes:] is still struggling/working hard in her life with her partner [it is either didn't mention it or I have missed something, but I don't know the status of this relationship.] But she is still with Kofi Kancam [Mahershala Ali:] likewise at this point I don't know his job status, but more importantly he is a Dad to Jason but not a biological one they also have a daughter in a scene. Dane DeHaan [Younger: Anthony Angelo Pizza Jr./Order: Dane DeHaan:] wants to know about his real dad, but they tell him Kofi is your real dad, but in reality it is Luke Glanton [Ryan Gosling:] in a nutshell without giving too much away was the best of the best as it relates to motorcycle riding in fact he worked mobile circus/fairground as a motorcycle rider in the Globe of Death [basic description: you have three motorcycle riders in this case going around at high speeds in this metal/metal grid] and I need to stress this he was not aware of the fact he had a child, in fact Romina Gutierrez was hiding something from him be in previous so at least on this side of things he is innocent, if everything else he does after this isn't so innocent. Finally we have AJ Cross [Younger: Travis Jackson Campbell/Older: Emory Cohen:] he wants to live with his father after his mother Jennifer Cross: Rose Byrne; a generally speaking good one informs her ex-husband that if he doesn't in a nutshell he is going off the rails, this seemed like a good time to point out both of these off-spring are substance abusers.

The framework and pacing of this 140 minutes film, I may as well add a character developments and performances in here as well; so let's get down to business; well it has a structure to it as in it knows the plan and sticks to it, but it has to be said I am not a fan of this massive gap of 15 years. As I have already just indicated it is a massive gap and sure if you want to have this massive gap to help with your story or in this case is more it couldn't be helped. My problem is; surely you could have used a montage or some kind of structure, I mean what is an extra few minutes on to a film which is 140 minutes anyway, I just don't like number words on screen 15 years later, it is just a lazy they could have done three small sequences at 5 years gaps.

This film may be a crime film, but it is also a heavily based drama film, so how am I or anyone going to reattached to these characters, when we don't know them as teenagers or adults any more.

But as the character developments and performances go they are solidly good versions of what they are meant to be.

Action/Art: we have for an example Luke Glanton running away from the police on his motorbike on both counts this action is quick pace and looks highly engaging and smooth running sequences.

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed; even though this content is up to this point a bit thin on the grounds. That is because I have a fair bit say here, I really did struggle with this film, because there wasn't any major consequences for the adults, besides Glanton and the rest of them got off incredibly lightly or faced no consequences, even though at some point in Avery Cross he tries to do the right thing by Romina Gutierrez.

I mean after reflecting I had to take a mark away from this project, because regardless if I am in the UK or the USA everyone knows this very, very uncomfortable yet let's just call it a fact that if any of these characters were not Caucasian they wouldn't be able to get away with any of this for a clear example these protect and serve personal go and intimidate Romina Gutierrez and her family at her mother's house/their home with an off duty Glanton. So as you can clearly see and should be able to feel I don't particularly like this film, but yet it has some awards accredited to its name. 5 Winners that includes Awards Circuit Community Awards 2013 Honorable Mentions. 22 Nominees that includes all from the same award ceremony/event International Online Cinema Awards (INOCA) 2013 Halfway Award Best Supporting Actress Eva Mendes, Best Actor Bradley Cooper, Best Supporting Actor Dane DeHaan, Best Supporting Actor Ryan Gosling and Best Ensemble Cast.


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