Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 2023 [alternative name Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3] by AverageMansReviews
Review Time
Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful
One more ride on a rocket with our friends the Guardians
of the Galaxy: in a nutshell; to save Rocket
Raccoon's life/other names [Baby voiced by: Noa Raskin/Younger/physical
appearance as Kraglin Sean Gunn/Older voiced by Bradley Cooper:] a genetically
modified raccoon and hard-nosed, but beloved member of the Guardians; they will
have to track down his creator The High Evolutionary [Chukwudi Iwuji:] a highly
powerful being which is solely interested in building his own utopia by the
name of Counter-Earth, that wants his property back in the form of Rocket.
The framework, pacing, art, comedy
and action of this 150 minutes film is good, I mean it has a good identity
about it and on top of that it has so much to cover, so the framework and the
pacing just has to smoothly just keep going. What with all of these other
components working on top and yes they are of the quality you expect them to
be. With things either not going according to plan or getting out of hand or
just the usual Guardians doing their thing. The art is very clear it could be
in outer space or the science fiction component or the landscapes or the
make-up, wardrobe or/and the accessories, these many photos approach of memories within the first section of ending credits, throughout this film trilogy from beginning to end or anything else I have missed off.
They really went to town to explore and create visions and textures everywhere,
like for example I am sure at least some of you must have seen these in a basic
description spacesuits that the Guardians and how eye-catching they are, this
is just a little taste of what this film has to offer.
A little while later Peter Quill/Star-Lord [Chris Pike:] half human and half celestial from Earth, who used to be a Scavenger is trying to have a quiet word with his ex-girlfriend Gamora [Zoe Saldana:] is Zen-Whoberi mutate and is an adopted sister to Nebula, but in short she is a completely different person now and has very little to no memory of Quill and is now a Scavenger. Quill tries to talk to her through this communicating system, but unknowingly to him he has pressed the wrong button, so basically everyone can hear, so eventually they all talk about firstly how uncomfortable this whole conversation is and the colour system of these buttons and later on I will make a brief reference to another comedy moment. Action for an example of this briefly we have Quill/Star-Lord jumping out of this ship which is already going down after this information they need so he is freefalling a moment later we have Groot [voiced by Vin Diesel/on-set work by Austin Freeman:] is an Flora colossus and predominantly throughout this series of projects we have seen him being brought up by the rest of the Guardians; as he quickly grows some gliding wings on his back whilst freefalling to catch up to Quill/Star-Lord which has caught up to this information, Groot gets there in time and we see this really majestic moment in his chaotic situation of them gliding down
Character developments, performances and voice
performances: well there is so much as it
relates to character developments, I will not put all in here; but the obvious
one I should start off with is Rocket Raccoon and/or The High Evolutionary:
this without giving too much away is the focal point of this volume, we get to
experience and witness what it was like for Rocket and his friends let's just
go with growing up, how and why Rocket originally and still partially is
emotionally hard as nails. Nebula [Karen Gillan:] she is a cyborg, is the
adopted sister of Gamora [I know, I know I made reference to this earlier as
well, but I was thinking I would just put this here, just in case someone gets
funny and says I didn't make reference to it again, so basically I have just
kept the peace here] and a member of the Guardians, this time around she takes
on the role of stern mother figure to the rest of the Guardians, don't worry
she still puts a foot to posterior and finally for this little selection we
have Drax the Destroyer [Dave Batista:] he is Kylosian, also still likes to put
foot to posterior, still isn't the most brightest of characters but he has
really has mellowed out compare to when we first met him and prefers to be
comical and playful even though as you will see in one occasion, he means well
but completely screws up with this ball, but I am happy that they were able to
keep this dysfunctional family atmosphere within the Guardians and there
surrounding allies.
Generally speaking now the
character developments and the performances are very much gone back to the old
style of what the MCU [Marvel Cinematic Universe] used to do of grounding them
to begin with and essentially allowing them to evolve naturally. I really love
Marvel, but even I have to say I have no idea why they went away from this
flexible format, because if done correctly it should give you as I have already
indicated the flexibility to do anything; like for an example; this character
could be from the rainbow community, which that is absolutely fine. But they
could be so much more; they could be easy to gel with and a valid member of a
group, yes she could still not get on with everyone, the individual could be a
loose cannon in a comical sense. Before I receive any backlash for anything I
have said here let me make this crystal clear; I would like my three-dimensional's
Marvel characters back that is it, regardless of the difference of background
in any sense.
But back to this film; I mean this
in the positive sense obviously, but because of everything I have said about
the character developments it is no surprise that the performances and the
voice performances; they are all round chemistry is free-flowing and natural.
This film receives: 8/10, this film is excellent; straight off the bat I
have tried to mention as many of the main characters as I could as possible, I
was thinking before I dug my self a hole I would look how I rated the other two
film titles in this trilogy and yes this is the lowest one out of the three.
But it does what the old phrases used to do where you couldn't wait regardless
of the title to see what the MCU have lined up next, yes there are two ending
credits scenes, one at each end of the credits and finally when this was first
dictated; this film had 1 accredited award Guild of Music Supervisors Award GMS
Award 2023 Best Music Supervision for a Trailer (Film) Cynthia
Daft-BlondelleHeather Kreamer "Official Trailer"
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